Hi I like this one to.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 03/09/15 11:00 pm
This really was NICER! I loved it so much! And the final "you had me at Pez Head" was just brilliant, obviously reminding me of that "you had me at hello" that I love so damn much in Jerry Maguire. thanks!
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed

Date: 14/08/14 10:33 am
Wha??? What do you mean complete! You can't stop just when it's getting good! More, more, more please. You and Z2B I tell ya, teasing us desperate MPJ shippers. We want fluff, smut, the good stuff that has been missing from MPJ fics lately.
Great job though. Now, just add another fic or two until the creators let us know what's up and I'll be a happy camper!!!
I said MORE didn't I? Did I say it enough?
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 25/06/13 04:07 pm