Reviews For Conflict Zero
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Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

Ah man so sad. Really good job.

Reviewer: Barb Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24/08/18 12:37 am
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

Yes, a sequel would be appreciated! More updates when ready. A predictor & pretender would be an interesting story piece for more adventures.

Reviewer: electricq Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 08:43 pm
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

Wow, that was a Great story! Can't wait to read the sequel!

Reviewer: Shadow Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/09/08 08:10 am
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

Stunning as usual, KatieQ.  Is there a sequel yet?

Reviewer: MP Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/07/07 11:57 am
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! I never could and likely never will figure Parker out. She has opportunities left and right to leave do something the real person inside wants to do, but... dunno, just can't figure her out. The characters are sure dead on! I can see the whole thing in my minds eye. You getting the rights for this and making a movie, right?? I look forward to reading the sequel!

Author's Response:

Hey Beka!!

Thanks soo much for the kind compliments. Warm fuzzies :D. It's always awesome to get feedback for stories that are in the archives so to speak. Sequel will bring about some growth for a few key characters.. notiably MP (although slow in fruitation..). She's a piece of work.. and fun to write.  

Reviewer: Beka Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/03/07 04:56 pm
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

This was a really geat, incredibly suspenseful story. I couldn't stop reading it. When I haven't updated my story, just keep in mind it's because I'm busy reading all of yours. ;)

Author's Response:

hahaha passing the hot potato.. i'll remember that.. and use it back onyou in one day! But seriouslythanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed the saga. Did this one every run away from me.. but i guess you know a thing or two about that..

speaking of which.... 

Reviewer: TLM Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/03/07 11:50 am
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

505am i finally finished it. And this last chapter, you dashed all my hopes. The title.... bad you, but al least the Major survived and their is hope for Parker's soul yet.

This was one of the best reads i have had in a long time. thanks

Author's Response: Wow! 5 am, you are a tropper. I'm so happy that you enjoyed yourself.. and that you fell for my evil last chapter title, despite the fact you had already started reading the sequel. Have a good sleep, you definately deserve it. hehehe

Using supa-admin-powa to edit here

in my defence, it is 5am, havent slept and eyes not working properly. Going to have to re read sequal cos am buggered if i can remember what happened now. So no surprise i got

Author's Response: hahaha.. we'll i'm glad you got tricked.. i was hoping i could still get to be at least a little bit evil!

Reviewer: jaccione Signed [Report This]
Date: 25/01/07 12:17 pm
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

Hey, That was great! I really really enjoyed it, had to finish readying it, didnt want to stop lol. i am glad to see you are doing a sequal, and thanks to terra, she told me about the story. yay!
You are wonderful at capturing the mood of the characters. wonderful.
keep it up and give us the sequal

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your feedback! It's great motivation! I'm about 10,000 words in the sequel, so it will be posted very very soon. Thanks again for taking the time to write a review! :D

Reviewer: Onisius Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/01/07 10:18 pm
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

Wow! this

First I would like to say that it was an incredibly thrilling story. I can see how much work you put into this and it certainly pays off. You have a very nice flow and I love how the characters reactions are so...human.

I would love a sequel ^^

Author's Response: Sequel is a WIP! Hopefully i will enough soon to warrant a quality first posting. Thank you so much about your feedback, I really wanted to accurately portray the characters as I felt they had been developed throughout the series. It means a lot to hear I was at least on the right path to accomplishing that! Thanks for reading and for the feedback!

Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/01/07 04:32 pm
Title: Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

Captivating and yes I have to admit I couldn't stop reading once I sat back down after chapter 6. So where's the sequel?

Author's Response: I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the rest - in one sitting too! Sequel is a WIP.. new WIP, but I will post ASAP. Thanks again for your feedback.

Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/01/07 09:29 pm
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