Wonderful charter! I have read charter 1 to charter 8 for an hour! You write increadibly! I just couldn't stop reading until i found who really is John! Really great great work, you know how to keep the readers in tention! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review. Loved it. ;-)
Reviewer: Tsvetelina Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/06/11 12:59 pm
I just read your story, it was good.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review. Loved it. ;-)
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/06/11 12:52 am
Loved this story from start to finish. Til we meet again indeed. I hope we meet again soon.
Author's Response:
Author's Response:
Thank you for your review. I'm busy finishing a stargate story. Soon as I'm able, I will dust of my other half written pretender story and post. Till then...
Reviewer: jade Anonymous

Date: 20/06/11 12:35 am
Your muse did a wonderful job and you must write more.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review. Yip, I will definitly write more. ;-)
Reviewer: chelle Anonymous

Date: 19/06/11 11:19 pm
So sad to see this good, was a great read and in character and in canon.
Author's Response:
Author's Response:
Thank you for your review. Always great when you hear you were in character. ;-)
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: 19/06/11 11:10 pm
Great, but don't wait too long for an update please:)
Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/05/10 04:53 pm
YEAH! An update! Please much more!
Author's Response: thanks for the review. Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 14/03/10 01:44 pm
Aww, I have hope that Jarod will be ok now. =) I hope your betas work fast!
Author's Response: I've overworked my beta. ;-) She's hard at work so hopefully soon I'll be able to update. Thanks for your reviews. Greatly appreciated.
Date: 02/03/10 09:31 am
I may like Lyle a whole lot, but I'm glad he died here. =)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/03/10 09:18 am
Okay, so who's the old man?
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/03/10 09:07 am
I'm sure glad I came across this fic now, if I'd had to wait for chapters to come out, I'd've gone crazy!
I have a sneaking suspicion Margaret is a Parker...
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/03/10 08:48 am
Ahh! Who's "he"?! What's going on? I love that Margaret is in it like this, though, even though I'm not sure what's going to happen next. =)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/03/10 08:28 am
Woohoo! Go Miss P! Can't wait to see what she comes up with. =)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/03/10 08:07 am
Uh oh! I really want to go to bed, but the desire to know more is stronger. LOL
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/03/10 07:29 am
Aww.. =) I'm liking John, whoever he turns out to be. =)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/03/10 07:02 am
Superior writing; as always, you've captured Jarod perfectly. I LOVE the change you made in formatting just b/4 posting - not only a creative literary move, but the center headings also greatly enhance and strengten J's visceral emotions by delineating (thus emphasizing) each section. It's a subtle change that work's very well. I'm so proud. Your writing just gets better and better. So, as opposed to Jacci's (I think) shooting heads across the room, you decided to leave in the "kind warm eyes" taking care of Jarod, rather than "this man" doing the job? What's a beta to do. Humpft.
Love u & the clan anyway, T
Author's Response:
lol, thanks. ;-)
I actually like the kind warm eyes....;P
Reviewer: Topanga Anonymous

Date: 05/02/10 10:34 pm
wow! great chapter, well written with the twisting paths all coming to an apex. So now what happens? I like the chapter name as it fits so well to what you have written, gotta love it when a plan comes together, that was perfectly named and very well written.
So can broke be mended, or are the parts recycled? Is any relationship totally without a crack? Are any of us? or do we just dress to hide the flaws?
Looking forward to see where you go from here.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the great review. Loved it.
And I'm done with chapter 25. Just need to be betaed. Might be a surprise their for you.
Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous

Date: 01/01/10 11:59 pm
I'm so glad to see a new chapter of this. So soo good. I want more :) Fantastic writing as usual (and fantastic editing as well I suspect)
Cannot wait for the next one!
Author's Response: yay, cool. thanks for the great review. here's hoping that my muse plays nice and I can manage a quiker update than this one. ;-) Reviewer: KatieQ Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 05:24 pm
I'm so glad to see a new chapter and looking forward for more!!!
Author's Response: thanks for the review.
Date: 28/12/09 08:27 pm
Wow, very powerfully written. Emotional and yet not all emotion. Well done. I hope to have more soon! Please.
Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous

Date: 14/07/09 05:15 am
Oh what a ending.. wow.... i cannot wait to read more. A fabulous effort as always :)
Reviewer: KatieQ Anonymous [Report This]Date: 14/07/09 03:51 am
Wow what a chapter!! So emotional! Love it!!! PLEASE update soon!!!!!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 13/07/09 05:26 pm
You are amazing. I cried with them, smiled and sighed with them. It's incredible how similar two people can be ( you and me) when the great, sad and total love of Jarod and Parker touch a cord of the soul... Please update again soon. ( Sorry for my english)
Reviewer: loveyoujar Anonymous [Report This]Date: 13/07/09 03:38 pm
I love the chapter.
I'm so happy to see that you're writing again. Can't wait to see where you go from here.
- S
Author's Response: yay, thanks. ;-) and another chapter is posted Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/06/09 06:10 pm
Great chapter! Please update soon!!! This cliffhangers are evil!
Author's Response: thanks for the review. ;-)
Date: 17/06/09 05:32 pm