I liked this very much. But it has a plot hasn't it? I found your story under PwP-Category. Love the way Jarod and Sydney conncect to each other under the nose of the hunting team. Great Job! Are you still active on writing?
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: 01/11/20 07:17 pm
Cute little piece. And very much something I could see happen in the real deal
Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]Date: 16/12/07 04:43 am
Cute story! Like the way you have Sydney finding the note. Nicely done.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 04/06/07 02:28 pm
Cute! I normally don`t like stuff with no plot, but this is the exception! I saw you were trying to keep to the characters, and you deffie succeeded with J and Syd!
Reviewer: Crackerjacknpez Anonymous

Date: 31/12/06 10:43 am
You just can't leave a person in suspense like that. what was the paper? what's going to happen next? write again soon.
Reviewer: NIpps Anonymous

Date: 18/01/06 04:14 pm