Reviews For Ten Things Series
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Title: Not Even Close

I loved 10 things I hate about you, watching it now is pretty hard since we lost Heath. He was so cute and such a great actor...

but I enjoyed this fiction immensely, it was sweet and fun at the same time and I loved the final monologue and the whole I don't hate you at all conversation between Parker and Jarod. As I loved this:

"All I can do is nod my head like one of those stupid bobble head statues you see in someone's car. After a kiss like that, my grasp on the english language is a bit tentative at best. There's only one thing I want to do with my mouth right now and talking ain't it."

Thanks Nicky, this was really great! 



Reviewer: missparker87 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/07/14 06:00 pm
Title: Let Me Tell You Why

Really great! I especially like Miss Parkers thoughts! Very funny sometimes!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 06:00 pm
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