
Video Trailers
Would authors be interested in adding videos to their stories, like little trailers? Comment using the comment link below to let us know if we should set this option up
--jacci on 04/05/11 11:49 am 3 Comments--


I think is an amazing Idea!
- aldysgal
on 04/05/11 03:01 pm

If you want to be my guinea pig... what you need to do, is get your vid made, upload it onto youtube, then send me the embed code and what story you would like it in the summary and we can see if we can make this work!!!
- jacci
on 04/05/11 03:26 pm

Or you can load it into the pretender SIM forum, although there are more hassles with plugins etc if we embed from there. If it is from youtube, then everyone can see it without broswer plugin drama

- jacci
on 11/05/11 02:27 pm