
Episode Discussions
Over at PretenderSIM forum, we've started a series of discussions on each Pretender episode. We'll be discussing three episodes each week through the entire series. If you've been wishing for some good, in-depth discussion of your favorite episodes, themes, or characters, this is the place to come!

If you would like to host the discussion of an episode, head over to "Broots' Ramblings" and look under the discussion called "Let's start some episode discussions." If you want to take part in the discussions or simply read them, go to the new section of PretenderSIM called "Sydney's Lab." They'll show up there by season and by episode. Come join the discussions!

--Haiza Tyri on 07/12/09 12:00 am 2 Comments--


I am really enjoying these discussions, this was a brilliant idea
- jacci
on 16/12/09 01:06 am

Thanks. I'm going to try to get them started up again this week.
- Haiza Tyri
on 08/01/10 02:55 am