
Missing Pieces Awards
Hey all,

I have been thinking and I remember one of the other sites doing this and how huge it was and thought it might be a good idea for MP to offer awards. Before we start doing it, I just want to see how many people are interested in it. 

The awards would be for, Most popular story, Best Jarod/Parker story, Best AU... etc not to sure the categories just yet but I think you all get the idea.

I am hoping if this goes ahead, it will not only encourage people to read and review (and vote) but also to write their own stories and post them.

As we are not sure if we should do it yet or not, the rules have not been created yet. However it would be restricted to stories on Missing Pieces only and i would suspect limited votes such as one vote per story per day or something along those lines so that we don't have one person voting for their story 100 times in an hour. 

Please let us know if you are intersted and if so if you have any suggestions.
--Onisius on 05/02/09 02:14 am 4 Comments--


It's a sizable database, probably the largest of its kind, of fics. No reason for it not to have a "best-of" event. Maybe some sort of little icon and a link to the winners?

You could make it fully-democratic and give every member a vote or two over a period of time like you said, or pick a group of well-versed authors to review their peers and make calls, Cannes-style.

- Dash Nolan
on 13/02/09 09:32 am

I think it's great idea.  It helps showcase unique and creative stories that will hopefully inspire others to go wild with their imagination. 

There are so many great stories on here that deserve to be recognized :)

- hmwtwin01
on 20/04/09 07:27 am

I think it is a good idea. There used to be Pretender fic awards but that like so many things in the Pretender world has faded away.

The authors then are not necessarily the same people writing now.. I used to go back and reread the nominated stories just for the fun of reading good fanfiction. 

To me it never mattered who won what, my favorites will always be my favorites, but it did open the door to stories I may have forgotten or missed. 

I think it would increase the reading of the fics and active interest in the fandom.



- nightowl
on 02/08/09 06:26 pm

I think it's a great idea, I know I'm a little late, but hopefully still in time.  I remember it like nightowl, it used to be fun to read stories you hadn't seen in a while or find new ones you may have overlooked.  Plus winning a little something is always nice as a writer.  ;)

- Danielle SmileyFace
on 26/02/10 07:31 am