
Pretender Fan Vids
The Pretender Centre has become a beacon for "Pretender" fans around the world. Despite all the amazing things to do and experience on the site (a huge archive of fics, hundreds of pieces of art, pictures, a forum, etc) I think there's something missing . . .
*~* VIDEOS *~*
If you're anything like me, you spend a lot of time on youtube procrastinating. Many an hour has flown away searching for fan-made "Pretender" vids. Wouldn't it be great to have a sort of one-stop-shop for fan vids on I think so! Well the site has the space, all it needs are the vid-makers to come forward. There are so many great vids out there, it would be wonderful to see them up on the most popular "Pretender" fansite on the web!
Any takers??
Hope to see those vids soon!

--NoobianRose on 03/02/09 12:35 am 2 Comments--


Good idea NoobianRose!
- terri_tpfan
on 03/02/09 12:58 pm

Would be more than happy to host vids, or at the least, make a compilation of links to vids, so they can be more easily found.

If anybody has a vid, or knows of a link to a vid, please respond here or use the contact us.


- jacci
on 03/02/09 12:59 pm