

The Pretender came in a very reasonable 8th in the second tier of the poll. A number Jarod would certianly appreciate and no small achievement considering our late arrival in the poll and the fact that despite we have a small fandom, we managed to climb over 2000 spots in a very limited time. Well done to the Pretender!!!

--onisius on 20/07/08 09:03 am 4 Comments--


remember you can vote every hour and we are in the last stages now, so it is our last chance to show the support for The Pretender is still alive and well!!
- jacci
on 20/07/08 09:08 am

Damnit, only place 48.
- MrLyle
on 02/11/08 11:36 am

Yeah, but considering we were place 2000 and something when we began and that we are such a small fandom, we did pretty well. 

If you exclude the top 40 (they were kind of two separate polls) we came in 8th and we all know that 8 is Jarod's fav number, so that worked out nicely. 

- jacci
on 06/11/08 01:51 am

LOL yeah, you're right ;)
- MrLyle
on 15/11/08 06:50 pm