
Yet More Troubles

Had a huge crash sitewide yesterday. All data is intact by the looks of things and have site up and running agian. Having some problems with skins though, some are just gone, some are not really working. Hopefully should have them all fixed so, in the mean time please bear with us as we work to get them done. There is a new (temporary default) until i can get the rest of them working again.

If your favourite skin is missing, please be a little patient, it will be back soon.


--Jacci on 30/01/08 10:29 am 4 Comments--


Aha!  Cathy and I just e-mailed each other re: that problem with the skins.  And yes, I had a difficult time trying to get in to MP on the 28th.  Will keep my fingers crossed and hope you and Broots will have everything up and running smoothly soon.
- RaChell
on 30/01/08 09:32 pm

I think most of them are more or less back now. They should be available for you to use and pick and mostly should be working. The two brown ones are still problematic and I am working on them as well. Broots is off snooping in someone's office or something, as I haven't seen him since this started. Back to normal soon hopefully. Sorry if your fav skin was one of the casualties.
- jacci
on 31/01/08 02:50 am

PretenderRotate should be fully fixed now, and Shades as well, that just leaves Pretender2.

If you notice any problems, please let me know by leaving a comment.


- jacci
on 01/02/08 12:18 am

All ship shape as far as i can see, everythign back where it should be and doing what it should be.
- jacci
on 20/02/08 06:24 am