
Want to try something new?

Picture by ICD


The Pretender Sim has just added a new RPG (role playing game, or "sim" as we tend to call it), and we're looking for new people to take on the characters.

So far pretty much all of the characters are up for grabs, but that can change fast, so if you're thinking about saying yes, then do it before your favorite character is taken. To sign up for a character, or just see what all the fuss is about, go here

If you have your own idea for a sim then we'd love if you started one, there's an FAQ on how to do that here

Don't worry if you've never done it before, it's all for fun and doesn't need to be perfect. If you're really nervous, why not start out with something small, like a sweeper?

To give everyone a chance to be involved from the start the sim won't start up until Tuesday 22. but signup starts right now. You can of course join after Tuesday as well.

Hope to see you soon. And just so you know I'm everybit as new with RPG'ing as you are, so that's not excuse not to claim a character.

--Manoline on 20/05/07 07:59 am 17 Comments--