
Can respond to reveiws again!!!

Okay, that was a false alarm, the lead on the responding to reveiws, like most leads on Jarod, didn't quite work out the way we hoped. Soon though, I am sure

Yay, Broots to the rescue Almost!!

Authors can now respond to their reviews once again.

Thanks for your patience on this matter.

--Jacci on 18/03/07 07:48 am 3 Comments--


yay!! Thanks Jaccs!! :D

Now i have all of this correspondance to catch up.. really could use that secretary.. *sigh*


- KatieQ
on 18/03/07 09:47 am

I still can't respond to my reviews :(
- AtlantianDream
on 27/03/07 03:32 pm

Yeah, sorry, the fix wasn't such a good fix after all and I am working on it. Hopefully it wont be too much longer. Sorry.

If you really want those responses in, i can code them for you via the tables and it will look like yours, all i need is the links to each one and what you want said.

- jacci
on 30/03/07 12:47 am