
Plea for help from Pretender fans worldwide
Updates on Steven's travels can be found here

There is something wonderful the Pretender has done for a very special little boy, my cousin, in England who I have never met.
His name is Steven, he will be 8 soon and has some severe, as yet undiagnosed, chromosomal disorders.

He goes to a special school and had an assignment to send a drawing of himself around the world to see where it would go.

They sent it to me in Sydney Australia and i sent it to Karen in the US.

From there it is now going around the world, and so far everyone it has been sent to is active in the Pretender fandom. It is as if he is travelling along with Jarod.

Pretender fans have been so wonderful in helping me with this and I cannot express my gratitude enough. Despite finishing years ago, the spirit of the show clearly lives on.

The project stated one person per country, but I would love to add an email onto the end of this with a list of all the other Pretender fans that helped Steven on his way (even if that country is already represented.) That way we can see how many people we can get from all around the world since the package itself can't get to everyone. Let's see just how long we can make this list.

If you would like to become involved, that would be fantastic. This seems like a very 'Jarod' thing to do.

You can add your details to the list here.

Please include your first name and your city and country and I will add that to an email when it gets back to England and Steven can show where he has 'travelled' and how wonderful all the Pretender fans are.

Or you can leave a comment on this news item if you prefer or email Jacci

To follow Steven's travels click here.
Thank you so much

--Jacci on 23/02/07 05:24 pm 1 Comments--


This is so sad and so cute at the same time. I hope his pic travels REALLY far!! I hope many, many people help this project to become a full success!


- Chris
on 24/02/07 03:46 am