Work has kept me busy. Working from home sucks as much as working at the offfice almost but at least the idiots I work with aren't here lol,
Proudly resisting and trans af. So yeah I love Stella. I'm resisting too. I'm not trans or gay or anything interesting but I am definitely resisting the GOP and trump crap. I love how you talk about bigotry and hate and how the snooty haters brought MP and Stella together, how women stood together to survive and built each other up and built this friendship. I love it. I don't know what I love more tho, MP and Stella being best besties or the verbal beating MP gave Jarod near the end of this chapter. Holy $hit!!! She ripped him a new one!!::::::::::::
Date: 12/09/20 04:05 am
Did not see that one coming Mirage. I could see it all though... like I'm there watching. Thank you for keeping these characters alive and doing it exceptionally well.
Reviewer: Jen Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/18 04:54 am
Why should she? Jarod is a bastard! 13 years with no communication? He doesn't deserve her. He never did.
Thanks for the update. As always I love the way you write the original Pretender characters and the ones you create!
You are singlehandedly keeping Miss Parker and Jarod alive.
Author's Response:
Yeppers, Jarod is a bastard. There are many other writers also keeping them alive- I don't deserve any credit. The kind words are appreciated, however. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, Twisted.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 27/08/18 08:04 pm
Beautifully done Mirage. You are the master of the craft and your original characters are so fleshed out and wonderful. You always leave me craving more. Please make it soon.
Author's Response:
I'm the master of nothing, but I appreciate the sentiment. You're terribly kind. I'll update as soon as life permits. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Christoph.
Reviewer: Christoph Signed [Report This]Date: 27/08/18 05:51 pm
I have to say thank you...I'm kind of crying. You understand and say things's like your words are hugs, comforting...if that makes sense. You GET it. I'm one of those millineals who was ostracized by blood....not for being gay or bi but for other reasons. I was without a job and I was alone and scared. I wasn't wanted in the family anymore because I told the truth about something that the family didn't want me to talk about. Sexual abuse... In many ways, I "came out" too but I'm straight and not trans but I can sympathize. I had to rely on people that weren't family. Music was and is a refuge and a uniter. I love Amazing by George Michael and giggled when I saw that. God, I love that man and miss him so much. I love the Trans AF and Proudly Resisting part too. I fucking hate the pussy grabber. I don't like sexual assaulters....and he bragged that he is one. You write amazingly well and speak from the heart and do justice to the characters. I love Stella. Please say there will be more of Stella.
Author's Response:
Date: 27/08/18 02:27 am
More please? OMG!! I love the way you talk about music. It's so true. The honsesty and empathy when you describe music as a uniter. I love how you write these characters too it's so true to their natures and canon. Stella is the best!! More Stellas in the world please!!
Thank you!
Author's Response:
Stella is here to stay. I'm afraid there aren't enough Stellas in this mad world- we have to create our own. Thank you for reading and reviewing, Sam.
Reviewer: Sam Anonymous [Report This]Date: 26/08/18 04:14 pm
Yeah so umm ok I'm an email reviewer and a missingpieces reviewer and use too mnay exclamations and I'm so sorry if I'' mmm aggressive bu i LOVE your stories. They are so perfect. This was no exception. I"m an lesbian with trans friends who love to party and Diana Ross has totally made come back. It's so funny cos I was clubbing over the weekend and all those bands and artists played. George Michael is fucking amazing and plays all the time too. OMG I love all those peeps singing and thank you for standing up for millineals and for trans people and for being an ally and for this pretender perfect 2018 fic. your insight is crystalline. Thank you. Thank you so much. i love everythign about this.
Author's Response:
Haha. No one has to apologize. Some readers are more aggressive than others and seem truly enraged that I have to run and take care of my body and do- um 'alive people' stuff. I hate adulting as much as the next person and I don't like money at all but I have a mortgage and I adore hot water. Scribbling fanfic doesn't pay for those things but if it did, I swear, I'd write constantly.
Thank you so much for reading and for all of the kind words, O Dark One. It's much appreciated.
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed [Report This]Date: 26/08/18 04:53 am