Always exquisite. You have a real knack for breathing life into the Pretender, an eye for every aspect of writing. I continue to be impressed to have found writing as elegant as yours in fanfic, and of a caliber I'd be apt to associate with the literary greats. Your writing isn't amateurish. In other words you could be writing your own novels. I'd pay to read your writing.
I have zero complaints. This chapter could have been longer but I understand that you are writing for a living now. I saw no typos, I think Cate's warming to Jarod wasn't rushed or delayed. You know these characters well that it's spooky, you have impeccable timing, an innate ability to tell a story and tell it in a way that pulls in the reader and doesn't let go.
The fruit cake was a subtle honorable mention. I like the idea of MP enjoying something that Jarod personally baked for her. You don't have to include past references to the television series. I can tell these characters are MP and Jarod when you write them. A testament to your talent. I appreciated the reference to Lavinia Fontana. I'm happy to see Jarod and MP on friendlier terms and you know already that the kiss was out of this world. I'd like to see Jarod confront Miss Parker about the past abuse. I understand if that doesn't happen.
Until next time.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Michael. Fun fact: two hundred eighty-six readers have (thus far) reviewed that particular chapter and you are the first to mention Fontana. Instead of going full-on philosophical here in the response box, I'll move this along.
I agree: it is rather refreshing (even if odd) to see Parker and Jarod on friendly terms. As for the kiss: I'd relay your comments to the Muse, but I'm afraid it would only encourage her. I think the kiss happened too soon. Mirage thinks and the Muse laughs.
In regards to past abuse: it will be addressed. That doesn't necessarily mean that Jarod will confront her. Utlimately, the Muse will choose a course of action (and I will have no choice but to comply), however, I'd prefer a Parker-Sydney (mm, where did I leave sweet, dear Sydney?) conversation and that she never discusses the abuse with Jarod.
Thanks for understanding.
Reviewer: Michael Anonymous

Date: 07/01/15 10:23 pm
Merci! This is beautiful. Your prose is so exquisite Mirage and I love the characterisations. It's good to read my characters and really see them the way they were and to hear them say all of the things they would say. I cry and I laugh. It's too beautiful and I didn't know how much I really missed them until I found you... I wish you were writing the novels. Don't make us wait too long for an update. Merci!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Samantha. You're awfully sweet. You are not supposed to cry. So stop. Please. I'll update as soon as I can. Uh, sorry but there is nothing I can do about the novels. Thanks again.
Reviewer: Samantha Anonymous

Date: 06/01/15 09:22 pm
you are a wordssmith, love your writing ! you arethe reason that i chekin
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Anonymous.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: 02/01/15 10:43 am
Thank you Mirage for keeping my favorite series/show/characters alive for breathing life into them and fleshing them out like no other author ever has. You are amazing and this update was wonderful! Why can't you write the novels? Ohhh please with sugar on top.
Author's Response:
No, no, you are amazing. Mm I'm sure there must be some reason why I cannot write the novels. Let's see: One: I'm not a writer- glaringly obvious obstacle there, I know. Two: I'm writing for an author (there are worse things one could do for money, I suppose) at the moment. Your "sugar on top", while sweet is wasted on me, I'm afraid. It's out of my hands. It's not my creation. I don't own them. I'm 100% certain that the creators don't even know who I am- and that's okay. I'll live. You'll live. The Pretender shall live. Thank you for reading and reviewing, Con-O.
Reviewer: Con-O Signed

Date: 28/12/14 12:43 am
Please don't ever stop writing. Seriously I love everything you write and how well you write Jarod and MP. Hope you had a great xmas. More please?
Author's Response:
Thank you, Jen. I'm afraid that I won't ever stop writing, specifically, terribly afraid that I will never stop writing the Pretender saga. God help me. I hope I write it well enough (doubtful). Thanks for the Xmas greetings; I hope yours was lovely.
Reviewer: Jen Anonymous

Date: 26/12/14 06:10 pm
Bless you for making my Christmas so perfect. I've been reading and rereading this and still can only think to say that I love it. The way you brought Jarod and MP together was so perfect Mirage. I was trying not to cry imaginging MP tryinig to say all that she said and then boom! My breath stopped for a minute as I imagine MP's did when Jarod shut her up. Perfection. Thank you for sharing your talent for writing this fandom. No one writes it better! I wait for more. Merry Christmas favorite author and stay safe!
Author's Response:
Well thank you, Dark one. I could certainly use the blessing. I'm still not too sure about the way it went down with P & J. Lady Muse, however, has complete creative control. I'm glad it worked for you. Thanks for the Christmas greeting. I hope yours was lovely as well. You stay safe too.
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed

Date: 25/12/14 03:15 pm
Ahh, Mirage! Any piece of writing from you is a Christmas present! Or holiday gift.
Thank you for still writing. Thank you for updating. Above all thank you for the wonderful way you bring Jarod and Miss Parker to life in every fan fiction you write. I love them in this one. The way they just keep enacting the way they were on the show. They way they 'pretend' or at least MP does not tofeel anything. And I'm glad that Cate has finally come around to her father.
Happy holidays and I can't wait to read more in the new year.
By the way I was 're-reading 'Sweet Dreams' the other day and finally got the Eurythmics reference. Better late then never my mind WAS on other aspects of the story! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing, Twisted.
You know: I've heard the Eurythmics (and Marilyn Manson) sing that song hundreds of times and I never gave it a thought. But then I heard Ten Sharp perform Sweet Dreams, and the fic wrote itself (I was an innocent bystander). I'm glad you like it.
I hope your holidays were happy. Thanks again.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 24/12/14 01:56 pm
Oh wow Mirage! Seeing Parker distraught was distressing for me too and I believe that Jarod's reason for disappearing in the graveyard really was because he could never stand to see her upset. I think he would feel guilty too. If Jarod didn't know then how coudl Parker know? You nailed it and you nailed them! I wish you were writing the novels!
Author's Response:
I didn't intend to cause readers distress. My apologies, Contessa. Writing the novels? Not you too. I believe we must support the people who are writing the novels. I don't want to compete with anyone; I don't even know why I write. I'm not a writer. I don't enjoy writing. I don't have time to write (and certainly not to edit/rewrite). I'm drawn to the series; I suppose we all are in our own ways. I certainly don't want to be compared to the people who created The Pretender. They have more experience and these are their characters and I am NOT writing the novels. Let's respect Craig and Steve and all of the folks who ARE writing the novels. Thank you.
Reviewer: Contessa Signed [Report This]Date: 24/12/14 01:05 am
spectacular Mirage! It's nice to see tht someone is staying true to the characters I love so deeply. This wasn't too rushed to me. I think it took you too long to bring them closer but I think it was more special because of the emotinoal connection that you developed the previous chapters. You do right by them so don't worry. Merry Christmas to you!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Miss Shannon. I hope you had a Merry Christmas.
Reviewer: Miss shannon Anonymous [Report This]Date: 23/12/14 09:17 pm
OMG! Ooh oh! Mirage Mirage Mirage Mirage! You yanked at my heart. "Seducing her soul" omg! ghosting her lips while framing her face with his hands. He was making love to her!! OMG! She can't marry Xander. Please! Merry Christmas to you stay safe. Hugs!!
Author's Response:
Um. Okay. Yes, I suppose he was doing that. Now, now Miss Parker can do many things. I hope you a safe, Merry Christmas. Hugs right back at you.
Reviewer: Christoph Signed

Date: 23/12/14 08:38 pm
Too lazy to login pleaze forgive me. I saw no typos. All I could see was wonderful writing. I saw a bleeding bruised sunset, patchwork of colors. Your writing is earthy and raw, acute. I sit here crying like a baby when MP was trying to keep composed. She wasn't trained to be a mother, to feel so much feel it so fast. She didn't want anythign to do with the girl as Jarod said because she felt Cate would be better off for some reason and then she fell in love with the child with being the mother and the love is painful. Love is painful even loving a child.
It's like watching water go pass me in the river the way you write, it's so natural and that kiss was the most beautiful kiss I've ever read or seen and it might have something to do with it coming in a moment of real pain and anguish. I'm shocked to read this to read how well you know these characters. Liked the fruitcake mention and quinoi you make me hungry Mirage! You have Italian, Latin and French in your fiction with English. Its too nice! Thank you for this. You are truly talented and last years xmas fic was the best one I've read so don't be mean to yourself. Pleaze don't let Parker marry Xander.
Author's Response:
No worries, Jarod1. You weren't supposed to cry (like a baby or otherwise). I apologize for the tears and for making you hungry. It's odd: I've never had quinoa prepared in the manner I've written (I prepare it only as a savory meal) and I am not breakfast kind of gal.
I'll confer with Lady Muse on the Xander issue (issue- poor guy has been reduced to an issue). Thanks for reading and reviewing, Jarod1.
Reviewer: Jarod1 Anonymous

Date: 23/12/14 06:16 am
THANK YOU for putting Master Parker the little baby Briggie had to rest. I never did like that the creators took that direction and I really don't want Jarod and Miss Parker tied down to a house full of younguns. I read a story once where they had 5 kids!!!! 5! Intelligently woven together Mirage. As your stories always are. Have I told you? I love how confused and distracted Jarod is in the story. He should not've gotten married to Nia. Please continue.
Gotta add that your description of what happens to married couples is spot on. I've seen it. I think Jarod is thinking of him and Nia eg the way they fell out.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Needlepoint (a most fitting username for this fandom). I will continue.
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed

Date: 04/12/14 01:35 am
The Return has become my favorite series of all time! I've read your two new updates three times already and I keep refreshing the page in hopes that you'll have updated again. I need more woman! Write, write, write! Hurry.
Author's Response:
Haha. Thank you, Miss Shannon. I'm writing. I'm writing five different fics and some mm other things. You shall have more.
Reviewer: Miss Shannon Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/12/14 04:13 am
This series like all of your writing is amazing. It's nice to see a realistic Jarod...yes I see them. It's a huge part of why I became your fan and I was tickled to find a talent in the world of fan fic that surpasses best sellers. Jarod is human. You remind us of that. He loses his wife; he's struggling with MP; he can't connect with his daughter; he was wrong; he makes mistakes; he can't fix everything now. There's no constant reminder that he's a genius that can do and be anything. You've pointed out before that Jarod is a genius second to being a human. Human first and he is flawed. You write his imperfections perfectly.
Author's Response:
Thank you, John.
Jarod's having a run of bad luck I'm afraid. He is human first. Of course he is. And no one is tcefrep.
Thanks for the r&r.
Reviewer: John Anonymous [Report This]Date: 02/12/14 02:53 am
Why aren't you writing the pretender novels? You should be!
God I LOVE THIS! More!
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks, Jen. I don't even know how to respond to that question. Or that exclamation. I wouldn't hold my breath.
I'm glad you like it, however.
Thanks for the R&R.
Reviewer: jen Anonymous

Date: 28/11/14 06:26 pm
See this is what I'm talking about! On top of the stellar writing, plotting, dialoge and fleshy decscriptive work you transition well, give us a sense of passing time and always end with a bang. You leave us hungry for more. That is cruel! I hope she will talk to Jarod about her fears. Please? I swear you yank me by the ears and don't let go until the period at the end.;) I love Cate's name and have fallen in love with that baby. Mirage it was a pleasure to read another update.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Contessa. Oh, no. Not the dreaded chat with Jarod. Awww do I have to? We'll see. Oh. Thanks. It's always a pleasure to read reviews.
Reviewer: Contessa Signed

Date: 27/11/14 04:21 am
dont stop i love it
Author's Response:
No worries: I've tried to stop. I can't.
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Jules.
Reviewer: jules Anonymous [Report This]Date: 23/11/14 05:15 am
Miss P is a protective lioness defending her child. I wouldn't expect anything less. :) I like what you did there but was there a hint of foreshadowing? I hope you'll elaborate. "You say prodigy like it's a bad thing" lol. It was bad for Jarod. Miss P seemed to think he was a weirdo or monster when she first saw him with the bunnies. I think intelligence can be divisive, I think Jarod's abilities to be anyone frightens Miss P. He could become her and find out her secrets.;) I'm glad Wade had Miss P in his life. This warms my heart. "You blame yourself." I know I'm not the only who got chills when Jarod said that. Oh Mirage. Hurry and write the rest.
Author's Response:
You're right. Oh, dear God! He could become her and discover her secrets. Now that is a truly terrifying prospect. I don't want to think about that. Yes, yes. I am hurrying. I have quite a bit to write, however. Thanks for understanding, and thank your for reading and reviewing, Chloe.
Reviewer: Chloe Signed

Date: 22/11/14 11:04 pm
"Mario's tunnel" bahaha. Miss P's wit is in great form. Finally Nia leaves! I feel sorry for her. I always thought that Jarod pitied her felt bad for leaving her after having sex with her. I loved the inclusion of the caulbearer. It sheds some light on her 'inner nonsense' as you say. Thank you for helping me make heads or tails out of season 4. I'm a gardener so of course I love the secret garden. Your descriptive work is so exquisite. It's beautiful. Incredible writing as always..."Parker turned to stare out at the darkness, to see anything except Jarod's face, and disengage, withdraw, hide in silence."
Reviewer: Chloe Signed [Report This]Date: 22/11/14 10:49 pm
Mirage, Mirage, Mirage. I love this series so far. Your prose is exquisite and you have a real knack for developing existing and original characters, for intense descriptive work and fleshing out the characters. Please don't ever stop writing for us.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Chloe.
Reviewer: Chloe Signed

Date: 22/11/14 10:36 pm
Exquisite. It's a treat to see a humble Miss Parker. She is offering him tea this time! I had to read that sentence a dozen times to make sure I was reading it correctly. Like Jarod, I was concerned about the cup's contents. Don't shoot. I'm kidding.
I prefer it when Miss Parker comes to Jarod this way. You are making an effort to keep him in check and doing a darn wonderful job.
Will Miss Parker tell Jarod about the abuse she suffered as a child now that they are on friendly terms again? I think she should talk to someone. Your body of work doesn't include a conversation that refers back to abuse that occurred during a character's childhood. I'd like to see it written unless you are uncomfortable. It's one of the few topics that you haven't written of. I always believed that something of that nature had occurred to make Ms Parker who she is. It would be nice to see that resolved at last.
The conclusion is telling. Jarod has always delivered those words in the past and each person he helped was receptive to his comfort and found comfort. We see here that Parker remains doubtful of him. An in character Miss Parker to the end. She made an effort to find common ground. She reached out to share grief but she still doesn't trust. Jarod could help her with that too. Something holds her back and she can't trust him completely. Your insights astound me.
I'm impressed as always with your abilities. You write all of the voices accurately, including Jarod's. I continue to be surprised that a woman speaks his voice so well. The only other time besides in Mirage fiction that I've seen the characters fleshed out so well they were on tv.
I impatiently wait for future contributions.
Author's Response:
That's quite all right, Michael; I'm unarmed. I don't know if she will confide in Jarod. And I don't believe that the abuse can ever truly be "resolved." I don't know that Jarod can help her; she's going to have to help herself, and even then, I'm not sure if she will ever trust him completely. We shall see. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: Michael Anonymous

Date: 22/11/14 04:52 am
Have I told you lately how much I love your writing? I've tried to write but I haven't been able to bring the story and characters to life. The way you do.
You have so much passion for The Pretender #thepretenderlives and I see that in your writing. Keep doing what you're doing. You're definately doing something right and it's incredibly inspirational.
Author's Response:
Why, no, Lorraina, you haven't. You should continue writing and you should share it here. Don't write the way I write. My God! That would be horrible! Write the way you write. I will keep doing what I'm doing. Thank you for reading and reviewing. And I'm serious: write.
Reviewer: Lorraina Signed

Date: 22/11/14 01:43 am
I am crying... I'm overjoyed that I can see and hear the characters. I always want to see and hear Michael and I look for him in ff by other authors and in the first novel. The Pretender lives when I read your fiction. Only your fiction. They are coming together as friends again. I'm so happy. I can't stop crying. Merci! Congratulations on the accomplishments.
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks for the kind words, for reading and reviewing, MlleParker.
Reviewer: MlleParker Signed

Date: 21/11/14 09:45 pm
Merci Beaucoup!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks, MlleParker.
Reviewer: MlleParker Signed [Report This]Date: 21/11/14 09:13 pm
Bravo! I've read this 8 times already and I LOVE IT. I giggled, snorted, frowned, smiled, giggled some more when Jarod mouthed those words behind his mom's back lol, I cried and I smiled. In that order. You amaze me. Please please please update all of your fics soon.
Author's Response:
Eight times? I haven't even read it eight times. I'm glad this is to your liking, O Dark One.
Thanks for the R&R.
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed

Date: 20/11/14 06:50 am