Chapter 6 is amazing Mirage! Thank you Danke from bottom of my heart! It's very intense and better than watching the show. Your descriptions are wonderful. Please don't keep us waiting to long. Very sweet note about not hating Jarod or anyone else...we know how you mean you are nice for not naming names and respecting "Mr." as you call him. Tasteful.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Archange, for reading and reviewing. I won't leave you waiting too long, I hope. Well, no, I'm not sweet. I simply don't like using the names of the players. This is fic, it's about fictional people, not the players. Thanks again.
Reviewer: Archange Signed

Date: 02/05/15 10:00 pm
Love it! More soon quick. You should be writing the novels. Seriously.
Author's Response:
Thanks, LD, for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: LD Anonymous

Date: 02/05/15 07:53 pm
Congratulations Mirage! You're an amazing fanfic writer and you have great stories. This is just one more of them of course... But I'm dying to know how it ends! Hope that'll be a happy ending for Jarod and Miss Parker this time :)
Please updateeeee!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Diana Sofia, for reading and reviewing. Perhaps it will be. We shall see. I will update as soon as I possibly can.
Reviewer: Diana Sofia Anonymous

Date: 08/04/15 04:16 pm
Please don't abandon this. It is the only RETURN I will read if you get what I'm saying. :) =) I wish you were writing Pretender novels. Don't be angry. It's the truth. I love your writing. Please keep this going.
Author's Response:
Contessa, I'm not angry, I'm not going to become angry. And I'm not going to abandon this. I haven't abandoned any fic yet. They are all in progress and I fully intend to complete them all. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: Contessa Signed [Report This]Date: 06/03/15 08:23 am
I think it is special their talks in the garden where they share secrets are each other's sancutary even if the sanctuary is chaotic at times lol. I love how they bring things to each other. Teas, coffee, cake. It shows they consider each other and want to provide some comfort. This was so funny when Parker punched Jarod out lol. He should not be breaking into her villa I think but he won't made that mistake again. I just wanted you to know I read all this and will review the rest of the series too. Thank for you sharing with us and please keep on sharing this work of yours with us.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Sally, for reading and reviewing. You're correct: he won't be making that mistake again. He will likely be making plenty of other mistakes, however, but, genius that he is, he will eventually get it right, I think. Thanks again.
Reviewer: Sally Anonymous

Date: 21/02/15 09:21 pm
You give the most plausible reasons for everything and...I just forget it. This is the ending for me. I love this beautiful story and how it transitions. You give us snapshots of scenes and it's beautiful Mirage.
I hope Xander gets out of the picture soon. She can't marry Xander. She is going to marry Jarod. It is meant to be.
Author's Response:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and deduce that you don't want Parker to marry Xander? Haha. Okay. I fully comprehend. I'm afraid the Muses agree with you, and that Parker and Jarod are going to end up together. Again! Oh, my God! This non-shipper is going to pull her hair out. The Muses always plot against me! Seriously: thank you for reading, Sally, and for the lovely review.
Reviewer: Sally Anonymous

Date: 21/02/15 09:16 pm
I like in this that there was the uprising of the old banter and that Parker tried to deny everything he said in the garden. Mirage!! The secret garden. The descriptive work you laid...I don't know how you do it. I'm glad you do it. I thought he was going to kiss her finally in this chapter. I read it 3 times thinkinghe would. But he didn't. But I understand.
Reviewer: Sally Anonymous

Date: 21/02/15 09:13 pm
This chapter went really fast for me. The transition from one locale to antoher was done seamlessly. That courtyard is beautiful. I could see it as I read it. Your descriptive work is unmatched. The note that Jarod and the wine...oh Mirage...what can I say that hasn't been said to make you know how much I love your writing. Thank for sharing your genius these talents of yours are envieable. There was so much beauty. Thank you.
Reviewer: Sally Anonymous

Date: 21/02/15 09:11 pm
Uhh! Please tell us soon what happens next! It's great and I love it so much. I get addicted to everything you write but you write so well. This isn't fan fic it's just fiction about the Pretender. Thank you for all the family interactions. Parker handled it well and wasn't petty. I can see the character development that took place over the years. I think Jarod just realized suddenly that he loves Parker and NIa had to go but I think Nia was a real woman about it and she does deserve better. I'm glad you didn't make Nia the bad person or make her childish. I think writers occasionally put their personal two cents into the story and ruin it but you still have Jarod alive in all but one fic and that was for the pistachio hook, so I know you don't do that. I'm glad you don't let personal opinion muddy your writing. Please please please hurry with the rest. UPdate all of your fics soon.
Reviewer: Sally Anonymous

Date: 21/02/15 09:07 pm
Please keep coming with more Mirage! Merci and much respect!
Reviewer: shay Signed

Date: 15/02/15 11:37 pm
Mirage! molte grazie! I love your writing. You are my best author. Favorites!

Date: 15/02/15 10:31 pm
Exquisite. Your wriitng is intelligent and your prose is so elegant. I have to say if it wasn't for you Mirage I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be a fan of this show any longer. The Pretender was reborn when you began writing and #thepretenderlives as long as you writing for us. You are the best. More please? Say you will!
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed

Date: 15/02/15 02:16 am
Forgive me for not signing in. First, I want to thank you for responding to my review in as timely a manner as I imagine that you were able to. This is exciting, Mirage. Your writing is lyrical and passionate and this goes without saying by now, exquisite and elegant. It appears that you are growing weary of hearing it and I know that it's beyond your control but I do wish that you were writing the novels. I'm pleased at the progress made and I hope to see Jarod and Miss Parker grow closer. A relationship seems inevitable however restistant the author and Miss Parker both are to such an entanglement. The pair seem meant for each other even to those who aren't Jarod/Parker shippers. You know these characters well, Mirage, and I look forward to further installments. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Until next time, Mirage...
Reviewer: Michael Anonymous

Date: 11/02/15 11:07 pm
Typos? What typos? I subscribe to Mark Twain's adage! Once again a brilliant albeit short chapter. I really do love the way you write Jarod and Miss Parker. I love the riposte between them. You really should work for/with Steven and Craig. Or not. I'd actually rather read your fiction than theirs at this point.
Many thanks for continuing to update your fictions. You really are the only reason I come on this site. And you never disappoint!
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you, Twisted. You are incredibly kind. Here I go off topic but I can't help it. Confession: Twain is one of my favorite authors. When I was seven, a librarian thoroughly scolded me for reading one of his books ("you're too little for that, miss priss") and snatched the book from me! I, of course, snuck away and—after flipping through the card catalog to locate it—read his oeuvre.
Okay, moving on to the remainder of your review. I'm truly pleased that you like the way I write them. I hope I do them justice.
You are incredibly kind. That's quite a compliment to receive, and I'm sure anyone would leap at the opportunity to write with the creators, however, it's highly unlikely that I'd ever be selected.
Many thanks for reading and reviewing, Twisted, and what a lovely review, too. I truly appreciate you. This little fandom would dry up and blow away if there were no readers/reviewers.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 07/02/15 06:23 pm
Ohhhh ooh! Very intense. We saw Jarod like this before telling Broots to shut up and let Jarod think in TP2001 and this kind of reminded of that. That's no problem for me I want you to know. Yes all Pretender fiction should remind me of THe Pretender I own laser disc because they are the same fandom lol! It's a good thing.
I hope they never leave Camelot unless they do so together. They are a family already and I like that Maggie came around. It's like she realized what Jarod already knew about Parker being as much a prisoner of Jarod even though she was the chairwoman. It was great that MP had Broots looking into old files and making changings. Gutting the machine as Jarod said.
The surprising thing here is that Broots was recruited into DIA. Jarod is just a consultant? So he doesn't have control of the situation like in Nemesis? Do I have that right? He's not wanting to go to war because he has a daughter but also the federal agencies wouldn't allow him to get involved I don't think.
That's probably why he told her to STOP because of all that and why Xander couldn't come. It's not up to Jarod. He can only try to pull strings as MP said here. OH I love this series you are writing. I think Jarod was mostly upset because of the caution in MPs voice when he wanted to walk MP and his daughter back to their villa.
Mp has got to realize that that is his child too and he gets to tuck her in but I think her feelings for him and yes she does have some right? I think those and Ethan's warning make her wary but she can't push Jarod out of her life because there is Cate and we know how Jarod is about blood relation. This is brilliant and complex but you still make it easy to read it and it goes so fast. I want more and more. Please don't ever stop writing for us Mirage.
Author's Response:
Ha, yes, I agree, Christoph. There will be some similiarities to The Pretender. If not, then it's not the Pretender. Well, I'm afraid they will soon be departing the villa and I can't tell you with certainly if they'll all be together.
Maggie certainly took her time; I had hoped she wouldn't be wholly beyond reason. You are correct: Jarod isn't in control, he doesn't have an army of men at his command, he is not calling the shots. He merely consulted which means provided some assistance. And yes, the govt. will not allow civilian involvement and yes, why would a man who just rescused a daughter (who needs him) go off to do battle? (it doesn't matter anyway; the govt. won't budge).
And yes, again, he was simply attempting to relieve her aching back (he wanted to tuck his child in anyway/ two birds, one stone) and MP was feeling chastened by Ethan. And again, you are correct that Parker will not be able to push Jarod out of her life, not now, not ever, because they do indeed have a child. It doesn't necessarily mean that they will be "together", however, Jarod will always be in her life in some way. Don't worry: I can't stop writing. I've tried. I've failed. Thanks for reading and for the review.
Reviewer: Christoph Signed

Date: 07/02/15 05:34 pm
Enjoyed this immensely Mirage. You are a genius. I don't care what you say you should be writing the novels. You are really talented! You know what? I think you can do even better than the novels to be honest. Update soon please!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Miss Shannon. You are awfully sweet. Pretender fans are the sweetest. No, I'm not a genius. Well, I'm not writing the novels- not the Pretender related novels, that is. I never expected to be writing them, I didn't have my hopes up, and I still don't. I never even thought it was an option. It's okay. I will update soon. Thanks again.
Reviewer: Miss Shannon Anonymous

Date: 07/02/15 07:57 am
Oh HOly cow! Mirage! Will you be participating in the writing going on at thepretenderlives websight? Steve and Craig's sight? You should! You could even write your own stories there! YOu should if you aren't. If you do let me know. I love how true to the characters you are, how I hear and see them and wow.. You are amazing. Keep up the amazing work.
Author's Response:
Hi and thanks, Contessa. Oh, I don't know. If the writing has commenced, I'd be intruding and I'm not certain I'd be invited and- hey, I can think up excuses all night. I'm not certain how much time I'd have to devote either. You are amazing! Thanks again.
Reviewer: Contessa Signed

Date: 06/02/15 10:00 pm
Breathless. Mirage I am breathless. I have tears in my eyes and sweat on my face. You are amazingly talented and I pray that you will continue with your fiction here. GOD! Your writing is so exquisite and concise. Let me get my mind working after that... I understand Ethan's concern and I still want to strangle him but then I want to hug him because Parker seemed to not realize what she was doing. Have her cake and eat it too. Please hurry with the rest of this. I'm going nuts. I love you!
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks, Chloe. Tears? you weren't supposed to cry!
Ah, you're praying that I will continue writing- perhaps that is why I can't stop writing these characters! I think you may be right about Parker. The remainder is in the works.
Don't go nuts. I love you too.
Reviewer: Chloe Signed

Date: 06/02/15 05:14 am
First things first I want to thank you for writing and sharing with us. I want to thank for you updating. I know how busy you are. I want to thank you for finishing your fiction and entertaining us while you do it. I don't think I say it enough. I appreciate your contributions to this fandom more than I am able to tell you.
You always do justice to the characters and flesh them out properly. You are the only one who does that anymore. The plotting is awesome, as is the dialogue. The Jarod Parker interaction is always so wickedly brilliant. In short I love it. Please post more soon. (hugs)
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks, Jen. I appreciate each review, your review, all reviews, even the reviews that other authors here receive- I hope I convey that clearly and often. More is in the works. Thank you.
Reviewer: Jen Signed

Date: 06/02/15 02:01 am
Yay! I am so happy to see this updated. Mirage in the recent updates makes my soul happy. So well written! I like how careful Jarod is being, backing off when he sees her doing have a feel for this and one hell of an insight! I wonder how and when they will finally come together and I wait on pins and needles for more from you. It's a shame you aren't writing the novels.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Con-O.
I'm pleased that you are liking this. Backing off, meddling, stepping back- it's a dance and they do it well. I, too, wonder how this will all end.
Once again: no, I am not writing the novels, I haven't been asked/invited, I am in no way involved with the creators, not an insider, or any sort of contributor. Period. I know nothing. As I stated before: they don't know I'm alive.
I think you're being awfully sweet. I certainly appreciate the sweetness.
Reviewer: Con-O Signed

Date: 05/02/15 05:03 am
Ohh! ohhh I want more and more off this! Congrats! hurry..
Author's Response:
Thanks, QueenAngel, more is in the works. Thanks.
Reviewer: QueenAngel Anonymous

Date: 04/02/15 06:28 pm
Intriguing as always Mirage. You reel us from the first word and don't let go until you are done and you are not done yet! You can't be. Stay and write some more. By now you should know you are an amazing author and I saw no typos. I think you should be writing with PretenderSteve and Craig if you want the truth of the matter plain and simple. It must be hard to keep interest and to write the characters in character and you both exceptionally well.
Thank you for this pretender fix, for continuing to share you incredible talent with us. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'd probably watch reruns of house or something. Nowhere else can I get my pretender fix except from you and my old pretender dvds. Please give me more. I will beg you. I will pay you. Whipped cream and strawberries on top!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Miss Parkere. I don't know what to tell you regarding writing with the creators. Whatever you do, please don't hold your breath.
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: Miss Parkere Signed

Date: 04/02/15 03:40 am
Top notch Mirage! I wish you were writing the novels and the next film and you should direct it too YOU have vision!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Lorraina. Well, I could write a fic about writing novels and a film and directing- I have to be realistic here.
Reviewer: Lorraina Signed

Date: 04/02/15 12:49 am
Mirage! I had to read this three times to get myself together. Ooh, oooh. Firstly let me just say that I LOVE the lack of resolve at the end, no boom! clincher at the end and no unbearable cliffy, no shocking revelations no snark. There is no resolve for the reader. No resolve is so fitting to The Pretender series cos we still have NO ending after these two decades of waiting {I am no longer waiting for that ending as I love your writing}. Now to the beginning of this chapter! I was sure that MP was off to jail lol. You got me! I love the international feel of this, love how well is written MY GOD YOu can write girl.
I love the Julian's reaction to losing to Emily, and Emily's reply "Way!" lol. I love that Emily highfived Jarod and the way you established their family life. I love that J and Mp have made progress without being physical {barring that time in her home and the kiss that was as Mp said was impulsive and J did that just to stop her from talking and to give her something else to think about maybe ;) other than bad things that might have happened to Cate}
I love that they haven't had sex yet. NO one can write sexual encounters the way you do so I am anticipating probly as much as Jarod is lol. You build tension to a fever pitch and though they have respite in the silence my tension of rubber band feels like it will snap in a minute. I love the insights into Ethan, the wordless conversation he had with Cate, their "covert" exchange. I love that you used the word xanthadontous lol it was appropriate for the fascinating Cate lol.
I love that Mp knows Ethan is tuned to their mother's channel. I love that Mp eyes were watering in the cold and she was watching ethan's breath vapors in the cold. I love that his words jarred her, shook her that way. Amazing and intelligent. You are so visual. You really do illustrate with words. I don't know how you manage to convey so much in so few words. This was a short chapter. What I love most is that I can see my favorite characters and hear them. You have blown my mind. For my sake please, please update this soon.
Author's Response:
Hi and thanks, IceQueen. I'm not sure what the muse was intending leaving things unhinged and unresolved. You know, I think the creators could easily resolve this series via continuation and they have a number of plausible (six, at least, right off the top of my head) options to choose from and therefore I have not given up. Ah, the dreaded sex scenes. I'm a bit anxious about that and it's still (I think) a ways off. I can't write. I know that. And certainly can't write smut or sex.
I will update as soon as I can. Thanks again.
Reviewer: IceQueen Anonymous

Date: 03/02/15 09:18 pm
Please tell me you will post more. You are the only reason I am even a fan of The Pretender any more. You continued with the story line and you've developed it and the characters brilliantly. Don't ever stop writing Pretender fan fic. You give me hope. With much respect and love. ((hugs)) Your genius has been missed these last weeks Mirage.
Author's Response:
Yes, Jen, of course I will write more. I can't seem to stop writing this fandom (even though I'm supposed to be writing projects that are entirely unrelated to The Pretender). Thanks for the lovely words and for reading.
Reviewer: Jen Signed

Date: 23/01/15 05:05 am