Please update please.
Reviewer: Contessa Signed

Date: 29/09/16 03:33 am
Just noticed I didn't review this chapter yet but I swear I thought I had reviewed it. You don't make it easy for Jarod and Miss Parker do you?
"You were my first friend, Jarod. My best friend. My only friend" Aww. YES. They are getting closer now you have to get them closer. Slapping him would be one reason why they began to grow apart and she hated him because he used her mother... wow. I love it.
Reviewer: Leslie Signed

Date: 21/04/16 04:17 am
WOW. I would call you the queen of pretender fiction, but Mirage you surpass fan fic and The Pretender novels. You are a real author. You rule this fandom. I'm honored to read you. It's amazing writing and you are a brilliant story teller. I wait eagerly for more.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much, Chloe, for reading and reviewing. More is in the works.
Reviewer: Chloe Signed

Date: 05/03/16 01:52 am
EVIL did not happen here. lol. BUt thanks for schooling us with the correct latin term. I thought terribilus locos est ist that Sydney said on IOTH meant evil things happen here. Even google translate disagrees and you know you've screwed up when google disagrees. Mirage you are the most fascinating creature and always making me laugh with your notes when you write them. Great things happen in this chapter. Jarod and Miss Parker have admitted that they have feelings for each other. Funny that Jarod didn't have to tell Miss Parker he loved her. She knew already. I thought she would deny her feelings for him. This is something I didn't see coming. But it's what she would do. Think about it. She's always leveled with him eventually. She told him she lied to her father about not knowing who Fenigore was. She told him she never told Thomas she loved him. They are so in character when you write them. More of this please! I will beg!
Author's Response:
Great? I think it's strange that Parker and Jarod are talking about their feelings. They were just issuing threats and glares, it seems, a chapter ago, and it was so fun then. Damn. You're right. She did eventually tell him many truths. I hope the chapter made sense, as much as fanfic can anyway. It's written. I'm working on it as I type this (sorta). Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: Christoph Signed

Date: 02/03/16 02:53 am
I'm going to have to slip your muse some more cash Mirage. You might not like Jarod, and he drives me nuts too sometimes, but he is perfect here. You've matured him. It's about time he matured. Grown men shouldn't keep eating candy from toy dispensers. I love this story. I've read every story here and this is my favorite! More more more!
Author's Response:
I'm glad you think it's perfect. It will never be perfect for me. Ever. It is time for him to grow up, I agree. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed

Date: 01/03/16 07:33 pm
Beautiful. There is so much beauty in this. You didn't make the other man and woman evil people. They are humans who loved Parker and Jarod and they were hurt and you show that pain and their humanity instead of writing them as selfish or evil. You also had Margaret understanding and smart. The interaction between Jarod and Miss Parker is my favorite. The dream at the beginning and their intense dialog near the end. She said more than she meant to. She's still afraid, still sees Jarod as immature and that's a valid fear to have after all of his pranks and stupidity. But Jarod has grown up now. I think that would scare her too. He did abduct her. She's got to be reluctant to become serious with him...the nature of their past makes it so. I think he was immature long enough for the tv series. He's had a chance to get that out of his system. I hope they will be together. I know it will take time if it's going to be right. So far it's right. You write them the way I remember. Thank you for that.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Miss Catherine, for reading and reviewing. It's truly appreciated.
Reviewer: Miss Catherine Anonymous

Date: 01/03/16 12:32 am
You have been missed. I trust you're busy writing in real life. I didn't think your title was pretentious. You always seem to get it just right, and you always joke about killing Jarod. Now who does that remind me of? Miss Parker. It's cute, Mirage. Not funny, but cute. You have a good sense of humor and we know you're joking. I've probably said this before, but this is your best chapter to date. I've never read another author who has such an innate ability to illustrate with the written word.
Sometimes you use the darker colors to illustrate but you always unveil something profound. Your writing is art and music. This was 5000 words and it was still a quick read. The pace is nice. The characters are always in character. We've seen Parker sink to the floor before, we've seen her confused, afraid. It was fear that kept her at the Centre and she's said those words "I don't know" before. I think here she was trying to please Margaret and was really afraid of disrupting the family who has in many ways become her family too as "hellishly frightening" as it might be for her. You have a rare and very special vision. You climb into the minds of the characters. You know them well. Emily in this was a real treat. We know she has at least one tattoo from the television series and you expanded on that and gave her an exciting and plausible back story which has attributed widely to her wonderful personality. You essentially allowed Emily to translate for Jarod the world of social media and slang terms. The younger sister giving her big brother advice. It was a sweet snapshot. It can be risky injecting foreign countries, languages, and things non-conservative. Although they might not be foreign to you? You are a Mirage aren't you? I don't know your nationality or your real name. If I knew your real name, I'd use it. I read somewhere that it's Maria or Marie. Until next time, Miss M. Please continue to share your talent with us. Please?
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing. That's a rather generous review. I will continue to share, I think. To answer your question: one of those is my name (or middle name) (probably) (or not), and if it's already taken when I register at a website, I use the other name (sometimes); it's almost the same name anyway, right (said in Jarod's sadistically teasing "no, I'm not a doctor, but I do like er" voice)?
And a Mirage by any other name...

Date: 29/02/16 09:29 pm
Didn't log in..hope that's ok. This is the best Pretender story I've ever read. Ever. Including your others. I've read every story, including the Pretender novels. This story!! This story Mirage! I can tell you like music. This is very lyrical. Powerful. Definitely not something I'd think as fanfic. Wow. I love each interaction. Jarod and Emily. Margaret and Parker. Ethan and Parker. The dream at the beginning really threw me. Parker had some memories of Jarod in Carthis and those got pulled into her dream.. the White sweater, rain and lightning, "maybe it's supposed to be that way", her hands over her face were ALL elements from Carthis. Love what you did there and then he told her to wake up in the dream...and I guess he was trying to wake her up in reality lol. Best dream ever. Never read a dream where Jarod tells her to wake up INSIDE the dream. Brilliant. I love Xander's understanding and Jarod's words of wisdome. I like how smart Maragert is to know that Jarod was 'pretending" with them and to have some insight. She can't be too stupid. He IS her son. All around a solid chapter. Love how the Major just barged in. Keep going. Your work is so refreshing and unique. I don't know any other fanfic or Pretender writer who gives us English, Latin, Italian and French in a single work. The notes were latin. I just found out that when Sydney said "terribilus est" in IOTH he was wrong. It's not terrible things happen here, it's "this is an awespiring place". Educational and entertaining Mirage. "The phoenix rises" "there's nothing to fear" "learned how to disarm mines at ten" "hellishly frightening". All the talent is right here...and free. Wow. I'm in Jarod was while watching Parker and Cate laugh "his Valkerie"
Author's Response:
A review is a review, logged or not. No worries. I'd almost forgotten that Carthis scene (I need to blow the dust of my Pretender DVDs and rewatch); I had to rely on memory to sprinkle just enough Carthis into Parker's dream. Yes, Jarod was trying to wake up her both in the dream and outside the dream- it was really strange to see it play out in my head (my poor, poor head). I really hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading and the generous review, Amelia.
Reviewer: Amelia Anonymous

Date: 29/02/16 06:34 pm
I've missed you Mirage! You are truly the only reason I come on this site! You are the QUEEN of pretender fan fiction. How you manage to juggle multiple stories I will never know. But I deeply appreciate that you do.
I know you are not a Jarod fan not a Miss Parker/Jarod shipper but this chapter just feels right. Do thank your Muse for me. Xander wasn't right for her. No dark edges. She and Jarod are a lot alike and as they have Cate it makes sense that they should be together.
Looking forward to Part V as well as the myriad of other stories you have.
Author's Response:
I've missed you, too. I will thank the Muse for you, and I thank you, so very, very much, for reading and for the lovely review, Twisted.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/02/16 12:30 am
I read in awe Mirage. First, the way you write Jarod and Parker in a way that puts me with them, that shows Jarod and Parker and their looks and their gestures. You *KNOW* these characters. I see Michael and Andrea and I love that they say things that they would say on the should. I hear their voices. It's like watching the show. I miss the show. I dont' have to when I read you.
The way you move this story along seemlessly, the plotting. It's so natural when they are new and still bicker and it's so natural the way you bring them closer over time. It's natural when Parker withdraws again because she always did return to the back to normal after coming close to Jarod. I can see that it's getting harder for her to do that as feelings grow. Your write them so naturally. After the big let down, I gotta say that I'm thankful you're still here for us and I know that so many people agree. Thank you for sharing with us no matter how hard it is for you to make time for this and no matter how much work it must be and I know it must be really hard to write so well. Keep writing for us please. Give us a chapter soon.
Reviewer: Lorraina Signed

Date: 15/01/16 04:20 am
YESSSSSSSSSSSS! The story was overwhelmingly emotional in parts, but that ending knocked it out of the park Mirage. Did Parker just realize she's in love with Jarod or that Jarod is in love with her or both?!!! Please make it both!!! It's so inevitable. Can't you see that it's inevitable? I know you're not a shipper for them but they belong together!!! I think you don't hate Jarod or Michael...just wanted to put that into the universe. I think you like everyone well enough. You are always nice to me. But I hate that you are indifferent but in a way I'm glad I'm not reading how sexy and perfect Jarod is all the time ....or ever in your fics... because that's clearly most author's opinion when I read that in other authors' fic, and not the Miss Parker's, and I love that you don't let your own personal views interfere. BUt I want you to like Jarod and Michael...I don't know why. I read the other reviews and I do think that your opinion of him went up when you recently read the interview where he expresses liberal views and blasts the stupidity of an ex US President. I could tell by the way you came back and responded to the link to the interview transcript that someone wrote in your review and the way you wrote that he was are hard to figure out. The mystery is cool are fascninating. You are my favorite author. I wish you were writing the novels but I guess I'm glad your muse has total creative control. Your stories are better. Thanks for sharing your talent and if you want to answer me by email or don't want to answer some of these points, it's totally ok. I'm just fascinated and curious.
Reviewer: Archange Signed

Date: 06/01/16 07:06 pm
First I had to stop giggling from your notes. "excessive cringing" I'm guilty. Jarod as a doctor completely freaks me out. The docs on ER are just fine, even with the white lab coats...even labcoats coated in vomit and blood lol and with gloves on but I can't deal with Jarod as a doctor. My mind can't make that correct or normal. It's wrong for him to be a doctor, even on Days of our lives I can't deal with him as a doctor. He's so weird. Your end notes were hilarious too. Everything in between was perfect. I love this story. The way you evolve these characters I love is so natural. Don't stop writing. I don't know what I'd do without a proper continue and you are the only one who gives me a proper continue. Keep going. Please!!
Reviewer: Gunner Signed

Date: 30/12/15 08:05 pm
I took a vaca from the world of The Pretender after reading Reboot 1 and 2 like many other fans I know. Cripes. I won't comment again on steve and craig's novels because you're nice and you're probably a liberal and so you want everyone to be nice to others. I get that. I WILL SAY THIS. MIRAGE IF YOU WERE WRITING AND SELLING YOUR FICS YOU WOULD BE WEALTHY and you could donate your money to those green peacers you follow and stuff...and probably some more? You would have plenty of wealth to share honey. I will say no more because I respect you. I am in awe when I read you. No one captures the characters as well as you. Bravo! Give us more.
Reviewer: Leslie Signed

Date: 30/12/15 01:05 am
Mirage Mirage Mirage. You keep getting better and better. I love this story. The best return if you know what I mean, and way better than reading the re-something else I spent money on that you didn't write but that you should write. You make it all so real and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Reviewer: Miss Parkere Signed

Date: 29/12/15 03:47 am
Ooh no. Do things have to stay the same? On one hand I want to be angry but on the other hand it is Jarod and Miss Parker.... or Miss Parker and Jarod as you prefer to list them lol, and there are difficulties, both the known from the canon and your new canon which is perfect and stays the course of the show based on a path already laid out. I'm glad you didn't change. I hope you never do. There was an instance of sexual abuse she suffered as a child that will have to resolved as much as can be, Xander will have to go, Nia has to stay gone and let's not forget how complicated it was just on the show alone, without the sexual abuse, an engagement, a fractured marriage, a child, Miss Parker a possible clone. I can see you are moving in the direction of putting Miss Parker and Jarod closer. I can also see a real struggle from the author ...and that's you by the way... to resist moving them there. Stop fighing your muse Mirage. Let them be the way you know they should be..together. You don't have to marry them...not right away, but we need some heat and no one writes SMUT as well as you. No one writes it the way you do. Give us more. Brilliant as always Mirage.
Reviewer: Imogen Anonymous

Date: 29/12/15 01:56 am
Ahhhhh oh Mirage I love your writing so much. You have a hell of a writing voice that takes inside the story and the characters. I never see my favorite characters written so well as when you write them. More of this please?
Reviewer: Miss Shannon Anonymous

Date: 27/12/15 11:11 pm
Love this. I don't know how you're able to write my characters so well. They are freaking brilliant. Give me more.
Reviewer: Monica Anonymous

Date: 27/12/15 12:35 am
Thank you thank you thank you so much for this Mirage. It wouldn't have been Christmas without an update from you and it's the best GIFT we could be given. I hope you had a great Christmas day. Love to you!!
Reviewer: Christoph Signed

Date: 26/12/15 07:48 pm
Your chapter notes... you know I love Doctor Jarod. I can only imagine the email you get lol. I'm a freak though. You are indifferent I see. Always the voice of reason Mirage. Great writing. I love the story. I love that Miss Parker just realized she's got feelings for Jarod. Lightning--- has to be love. I could be wrong. She may have just realized he loves her. Riveting either way. You are a hell of a writer girl. Your wit remains in the end notes. I think you are a romantic. Not even bleach will get that out. Merry Christmas to you too sweet person you. Thanks for this gift. It was worth the wait. ....but don't make us wait so long again please. God, your writing is the crack meth cocaine of all writing.
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed

Date: 26/12/15 02:07 am
I'm supposed to be preparing goodies for Christmas day but I took time out to read this fic I just was sent a link to on twitter. You are The Pretender Lives I hear and now I believe it. This is how the story should go. I'm so pleased with this direction and I will read everything else. Loved The Gift but I only have a minute to comment so I did it hear. I will review TG later. Thank you so much for making the season more cheerful. I love your writing.
Reviewer: Claire Anonymous

Date: 24/12/15 09:40 pm
and Happy Xmas to you too Mirage. Lol your notes are always so hilarious. Nope your soap is helpless against romance.
Reviewer: The Miss Parker Anonymous

Date: 24/12/15 06:12 pm
This like everything you write is brilliant. It's really fascinating. You really know the characters and I see them in your writing. You are an amazing storyteller and author. So Cate is probably a genius. I love how confused Jarod is about that. Socially awkward definitely but Jarod's dad is right. I love all the humor you put in, and leaving us with those words "grief has no expiration date" you are so right and especially now with all the tragedies. Lightening out of a blue sky...sounds like Miss P has fallen in love. I can't wait to see where you take us now. I trust you.
Reviewer: The Miss Parker Anonymous

Date: 24/12/15 06:09 pm
Oooh! Thank you Mirage for the xmas pressie. Parker just realized that she's in love with Jarod didn't she?
uuuhhh! I love this.
Now Xander has to go. Right?
Glad nothing seriously was wrong with Cate. More please. You are my fav author.
Reviewer: Jen Signed

Date: 24/12/15 03:05 pm
Love this story...all of it. You sure do know how to write and hold our interest. No one else is able to do that in their writing. It just reads like a &#&&# train! There are no speed bumps at all. I hope you put them together. Jarod and Parker!! Yes! Even if you aren't a Jarod/Parker shipper. More, please?
Reviewer: Miss Parkere Signed

Date: 31/08/15 10:12 pm
I knew you would update while I was off on holidays...argghhh. SO great to have something wonderful to read..#(@(! I love this chapter. I've said it before and I will say it here and on twitter and are brilliant. You should be writing the Pretender novels. That is all. Miss Parker has to leave Xander and just kick him out and *$&@ Jarod. Uhhh. Mirage the suspense is killing me!!
OK! I know you aren't a Jarod fan and not a huge fan of Michael T Weiss BUT I found something today online, and I thought about you just when I finished reading and I remember some of the things you said, subject matter you write in your fics and your review responses..."rain collection barrel" and "earth day gardening" and....
and I think you might be too and I'm curious to know what you think about it all. Thoughts?
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing, Dark one. I trust that the suspense isn't literally killing you. Wait. You want Parker and Jarod to what? Tsk-tsk. Naughty, naughty Pretender fan. Why don't you write it? Mm? Moving on:
Thank you for the interview link. Ah, visions of guillotines are dancing in my head. Haha. Were those his words? Am I being punk'd? Mm. My thoughts?
I first read Les Liaisons Dangereuses when I was a bit too young (nine/ ten) to read it. It was the first epistolary novel I'd ever read; I struggled with the language (it wasn't translated), and it took several months of sneaking past the librarian to read it all. It was truly wicked; I considered it a cautionary tale (and I whispered "bastard" for the first time in my life).
I can't remember what I rated the novel @ goodreads when I revisited it a few years ago. I think someone (via twitter) informed me then that he'd played Valmont. Of course he did. Ha. It's disturbing, cruel, despicable—the novel; everyone should read it.
On to the surprises. I read a fic whose plot was sort of fashioned around his interest in the environment (Mistress Jacci's—a funny and slightly sinister story; read it), but I didn't give him much thought; I'd be a terrible fan; I don't know anything about him; I didn't know he was passionate about the environment or politics—that becomes apparent during the interview.
I'm not going to mince words here.
Mr. Weiss is absolutely correct.
Dichotomous reasoning and "preaching morality" (while standing chin deep in immorality) are traits unique to, and quite popular with, those on the darker end of the political spectrum (the "family values"/"god-intended rape" sect).
Misogyny, victim-blaming/shaming, Veteran-bashing (even if the "maverick" did foist Palin on us), xenophobia, hypocrisy, racism, ignorance, greed, arrogance, bigotry, narrow-mindedness—those aren't values; those are flaws. Insidious and polarizing flaws. They are toxic.
It's madness. Madness.

Date: 25/08/15 04:53 am