Hi just read your story it was good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous [Report This]Date: 16/01/15 07:38 am
I read this and read it again! It tied up soo many loose ends and "sealed the deal" for me. What a wonderful way to end a series that, I believe, should not have been canned.
This has my full appreciation and great respect.
Reviewer: Patti Fan Anonymous [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 04:42 pm
Thank you for sharing your story! It took a while, but I've finished it all! I'm not a fan of the script style; it's a little cumbersome for reading. I got a bit lost with the gene splicing. Is Margaret Angelo's mother or is Catherine. At different points in his conversastion with Ben it seem as if each woman was his mother. His story was one I thoroughly enjoyed--Angelo as the best Pretender. Cox was a natural to be the 3rd Parker brother. What happeed to baby Parker? Was he really Brigitte's? Broots as chairman? Not too believable, I'm afraid. And Jarod having enough strength to save himself and Miss Parker after his own cold encounter in the water? I applaud you for even attempting, let alone completing a full lenght Pretender story complete with action and plot!
Author's Response:
Thank you ... This was my first complete story I have ever written. I choose this style to be an emotional picture book for the readers, a story page for directors, and a script for actors. It origianlly started because my 87year old father who saw all the seasons and movies and wanted to see the ending. When I found none, I created one for him, complete with pictures and explainations. It was the most an enjoyable five months in creation, because I was living right beside the actors, I even cryed when Zoe died and smiled with Angelo and his secrets. The answers to the genetics of Angelo are in the epilogue. I will clean up any confusions as they come up ... I appreciate you taking the time to finish the story and I appriciate all your comments.
Reviewer: Kelly Anonymous [Report This]Date: 25/08/13 05:05 am