Reviews For Blood Lust
Title: Chapter 1

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Date: 28/05/10 04:37 am
Very nicely done. Lyle, Lyle, Lyle, so bad and so good looking, hmm. I'm looking forward to reading more from you IceAngel.
Author's Response: Thank you Mirage!!! So glad you enjoyed it. Do have something in the making right now that might be to your liking. ;) Not sure when I'll post it however, since there's another ff I'm writing on as well. Wow...seems that I really got into the ff-business.haha.

Date: 28/05/10 04:37 am
Title: Chapter 1
Date: 25/05/10 10:03 pm
Great insight into Lyle. =)
Author's Response: tehehe,thanks Dani. Should I be worried that I can creep into his head that well?? ;-p
Date: 25/05/10 10:03 pm