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Title: Chapter 6

Interesting story line, the writing was good, you held my attention. I had missed this story for some reason but took the day and read what you have so far. And so far I've enjoyed it greatly.

Please continue writing!

Author's Response:

Thank you, glad to hear it!

Of course! :) 

Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/09/10 04:18 am
Title: Chapter 6

great story, I've just found it and I already love it. Please update again and please soon =)

Author's Response: Thank you, glad you found it! :D Next chapter coming soon!

Reviewer: blublubb Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/09/10 08:38 pm
Title: Chapter 6

Yay, un update! And such a great one! Yeah, I can imagine would rather see herself in charge:) . . .Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: Thanks! :D

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 12/09/10 12:24 pm
Title: Chapter 6

It's written very well and I'm curious about reading more! I'm glad to read that Parker and Jarod work together to find their answers, although I'm astonished at Miss Parker following Jarod without much arguing ;)

Author's Response: Thank you very much! Haha :)

Reviewer: MissCatherine Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/09/10 06:40 pm
Title: Chapter 5

Love it! I am glad Parker and Jarod are joining forces. I am also courious how you go on with the them beeing cousins part and the attraction/first kiss/near kiss between them:). Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks! :) Working on the next chapter now!

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/09/10 04:00 pm
Title: Chapter 5

I am so glad you updated. I read this one a while back and was disappointed to see that it was still unfinished. Welcome back! You're doing an extraordinary job, brilliant with the characters which are just as I remember then and you've thrown in quite a few surprises. I am definitely hooked on this page turner. Keep writing and do update soon.

Author's Response: Thank you very much!  I am working on the next chapter and plan to have it up within the next couple weeks!

Reviewer: Mirage Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/08/10 01:18 am
Title: Chapter 1

looks great hope to read more soon


Author's Response: Thank you! Feeling guilty as I read, "hope to read more soon," then see a date from over a year ago, hehe!  

Reviewer: Janeway Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/05/09 08:08 am
Title: Chapter 1

For a first time out, you've done a wonderful job.  Leaving the reader wanting more is one of traits of a good writer.  Your plot is unique and creative; I'm intrigued by the idea of Margaret and Catherine being sisters and the subplot of having Mr. P. alive gives great opportunity for new storylines.

I suggest you proof your work by reading the story out loud; it really helps you catch goofs that spell check misses.  The other recommendation is that you try to weave in more descriptive prose, i.e. create the setting by describing the environment in which the characters interact.  What really helps with that is the use of metaphors. 

If you couldn't tell I'm a beta reader; my email is:   Let me know if you're interested in working with me.  In any event, keep up the good work.  You're off to an excellent start.

Author's Response:

Hi Topanga,

I read your review a very long time ago and feel rude for having never responded (I meant to, yet never did for some unknown reason)!  Thank you so much for the compliments and also for the constructive criticism.  I appreciate them both and find everything you so nicely said absolutely true.  I've reworked the chapters I had previously uploaded in the hopes of making them better. 

Thanks again! 


Reviewer: Topanga Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/03/09 08:49 pm
Title: Chapter 1

I like your story very much. It seems to be a good sequel to IOTH. I hope you'll post more soon, and I hope to read an happy ending...or I'm asking too much? Sorry, I can't help, I'm a shipper...bye

Author's Response: Thanks (and sorry it took so long!) :) Haha, well, who doesn't want a happy ending?!

Reviewer: loveyoujar Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 22/02/09 08:02 pm
Title: Chapter 1

An interesting new perspective. I can't wait to find out what Miss Parker is up to. Awaiting the next chapter!

Author's Response: A very belated "Thank you very much"!!

Reviewer: anamchara Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/10/08 10:42 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Hi Skyline,
I really like this story, even if it's only just starting.
I like how you have written it from different points of views, I have a feeling they'll soon mix up though.
Pleeease write more!


Author's Response: Thank you very much!  I'm sorry it's taken almost two years for me to thank you for the very kind review!

Reviewer: LS Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 22/10/08 10:31 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Great start to this story. I'm loving it. Will Jarod find his Mom when they go to the house? Will Mr. Parker make it to his destination? And why is Miss Parker leaving the Centre? Please update soon.

Author's Response: Though this review is from a long time ago, I figure it's better to say "Thank you" later than never. So...thank you!! :) And I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner!

Reviewer: Ann Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/10/08 10:24 pm
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