Reviews For In Pieces
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Title: Home

Ohhh I love it. This might be my favorite! All the sweetness Mirage!

Thank you so much for writing and sharing!






Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/07/24 06:39 am
Title: Ticket to Ride

The anticipation...even after reading this multiple times is just bananas !

You are THAT good!

Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/07/24 06:36 am
Title: Two Steps Back

Miss parker is going to Miss Parker...mmmm uh-ahh I'm loving it!

Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/07/24 06:34 am
Title: A Step Forward

Ooh, I love it. Since my earlier review "The Pussy Grabber" was grazed in the ear lol 😂 breaking news lol. It's so tragic because now they martyr him.

He seems fake, made up, a caricature.....donnie does and he seems also like a Centre baddie ..just fictional and evil. Mocks disabled people, hates on POWs, insults gold star parents, brags that he grabs pussies-rapes women and girls and men and boys, he is a convicted felon, he is guilty of raping E. Jeanne carol, had to pay her, he fucked porn stars, he uses biblical shit like the Bible to make money.... it's surreal and orwelian, he evaded military, cowarded out...but that people still love him. They are so delusional.

People can't be that delusional.

It feels like gaslighting.

It is gaslighting. Right?


Anyway, I love this. I need even more fics. I'm seriously stressed, drinking.

I'm not even in the US

It's just crazy.

He's worse than Nixon!

It's like ...I don't know .. crazy.

You help so much.



Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/07/24 06:31 am
Title: The Land of the Living

I can't get enough. Wow, I really love the characterisations and plotting.

Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/07/24 08:23 pm
Title: The Darkness Within

Ooh so delicious. Lyle is Lyle. Twisted, sick, evil. Beautiful.

I love this!


Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/07/24 08:21 pm
Title: Secrets and Lies

I thought this would be darker but it's really centre business as usual and you nailed it.

Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/07/24 08:13 pm
Title: Empire

Oh my God. I love Parker's snark, she using it to disguise her fears. That's the Parker we love!

Jarod is the Jarod we know and love too. Everyone is in character.

I spent the morning reading this over and I still feel like I'm reading it for the first time. This might be my new favorite.

Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/07/24 08:11 pm
Title: The Morning After

How in the hell did I miss this treasure?!


"I would have killed me long ago." Parker's self awareness here, the beginning stirrings of remorse that follows carthis is telling. I love it.

I love the plausibility, plotting, dialogue, characterisations, all of it.

I love there are more chapters!

Reviewer: Gunner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/07/24 08:00 pm
Title: Home

Look at you bringing the happy ending home.. or happyish. I'm glad they didn't have sex. I love smut don't get me wrong but I love this. I see that the readers were pushing this one along. I wonder how many emails you received, so you gave readers what they wanted all along. I think that's sweet of you. I also am glad that you do what you have to do now and let the story write itself. Trying to please everyone must have been hard for you. It sounds impossible to do that. You handled it all with grace and pleasantness. Bless you. Thank you for this beautiful story. It's amazing.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 01:01 am
Title: Ticket to Ride

Parker is becoming what she once ridiculed. Minivans. I love that. I always thought she could be taken down a notch from the superior feelings. She didn't mean it. She's really afraid and vulnerable and uses the gun because she's afraid. You capture it all perfectly.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:58 am
Title: Two Steps Back

Ohhhh. Parker is so bad ass and still it's a facade. Just like the tv series. I love this story so much. Your writing and style is amazing.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:57 am
Title: A Step Forward

I need more and more. I don't want to finish this because then it will be over. :( I love this so much. It's so exactly what I wanted.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:55 am
Title: The Land of the Living

I keep worrying that something bad will happen, something more. I hope Parker will let Jarod love her. On the tv series she is clearly so afraid of him and a relationship with him. That gun always there. When he grabbed her hand in IOTH ni that car at the airport in Scotland she looked so terrified and shook.. and she cried some too. I can't wait!

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:53 am
Title: The Darkness Within

Ompffffff! Jarod is so ... yummy Jarod. Parker is Parker. I love that I can SEE the characters and what they are doing. Really action packed and fast paced and I love it.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:51 am
Title: Secrets and Lies


That's all I can say.

Can't get enough.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:49 am
Title: Empire

I don't know how you do it so magnificently and really pull me in and not let go. So addicting. I love how in character they are all and the same intensity from tv.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:46 am
Title: The Morning After

I love how we get right into it with doubt being cast and just like on the tv series Parker and Sydney wonder if Jarod has snapped.  THey thought he was addicted to drugs again in the Junkie episode and are quick to believe the worst so that was in keeping with what we know.

I love this chapter so much.

Reviewer: Jana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/24 12:35 am
Title: Home

Not this time. Freaking Ocee. She sends Jarod to an unclothed Parker and then interrupts them before they can get their freak on.

I think it was fitting to leave them clothed in this one.

"The story," she said with a shrug, "wouldn't have ended this way, if it had been up to me."

"It is up to you, and," Jarod knitted his brow, "who said it ended? You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?"


All the feels. Thank you for all of the feels.


Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:54 am
Title: Ticket to Ride

Oh boy. My first thought was Jarod would freak out about the truth about his dad but he doesn't want to freak out while Parker is still going through that hell and he's concealing and restraining his own reaction. He's a pretender. He knows how to do that. Yes, yes, Parker leading the PTA, choosing to be a mother. Oi, but that word. Never. Oi.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:50 am
Title: Two Steps Back

Jarod is so doubtful. Parker doesn't want to eat but wants to go home. I love how in control Parker is even in the weakened condition, making threats and I think she'd follow them through.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:45 am
Title: A Step Forward

Ooh, welp, Jarod isn't wrong. She will get used to having a loving father but I think that would take some time. She's so used now to being dependent and having nothing. Yes, Jarod will manage getting into her house just fine because he always does and always has. I love that cute moment. My heart fills with joy that she told Jarod to stay. Shippery feels Mirage. Shippery feels.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:42 am
Title: The Land of the Living

Where the hell are my clothes. Classic Parker in full classic Parker mode activated. You write this so naturally. The power struggle was expected. Parker doesn't like that imbalanced power structure, with Jarod in charge, and it's hard to blame her. This is a tight story.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:39 am
Title: The Darkness Within

I could feel Jarod's hopes sink when the phone rang. Ugh. I feel that. So many more Pretender shippery nostalgia feelings when Jarod sends that signal to Parker that it's really him and not his clone and that everything is ok. Parker is so bad ass to the end in this chapter, using all of that adrenaline until it was gone. She wanted to kill Lyle so much and I feel that, and Jarod would have let her and maybe helped her but he needed to move her to safety.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:35 am
Title: Secrets and Lies

I wondered that too. The Centre had eyes everywhere and could read the concern on her face for Jarod but no one ever questioned it in the later years. Only once in the early season was she T-boarded and never again and no one inside the Centre noticed her worrying that Bartlett would kill Jarod. Ooh. Lyle kissing his sister is not good and exactly like Lyle. I'm worried.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:30 am
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