Shame this isn't complete but I love it.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 01:46 am
Mabye CVS and SLM should have written it like this. I like this more!!! The best authors have no control of their writing from what I've learned from being around this fandom..
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 01:39 am
Still on the ship and enjoing the smooth sailing thanks. :)
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 01:24 am
This Colonel seems maybe untrustworthy but I hope not. Nope I'm not disapointed.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 01:18 am
Wow Jem is their child... the thought never entered my mind because I always thought he was a clone but this...if Miss Parker can look just like her mother then yes it's ok for Jem to look just like his dad Jarod. :)
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 01:13 am
The throne lol. I know I would make alott of typos if I tried to write. The story is good. Jarod grabbing her.. .that had to hurt. I'm in bed reading on a saturday and enjoying myself more than when I go out. ;)
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 01:07 am
I'm still entertained. :)
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 12:58 am
I listen to Dan Folgerberg all the time. Love him. It's so sweet all the little notes at the top with the lyrics. Rabbit Island. Yes. Teh bunny. lol you are not a typo queen. I'm enjoying this alott. "Do real women need to jump in front of bullets?" Whoa. Tense.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 12:25 am
Made of granite... it did seem like that. Great job with this. You haven't lost me for sure.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/18 12:18 am
Yep. I always thought they were both pretenders too. Miss Parker is just as much of a pretender as Jarod. Great minds thinking alike. Well done.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed

Date: 25/02/18 12:11 am
Rats. I just noticed this wasn't completed. I'm going to read it anyway since I'm hooked and all.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 24/02/18 11:58 pm
They are getting on so well. I like the castle in the moat comment. Good storytellng too.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 24/02/18 11:49 pm
"She'd kill me if I left much scarring." Lol. Spending this Saturday catching up to fan favorites. This first chapter is so cool. I'm really enjoying the read.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed

Date: 24/02/18 11:37 pm
Loved this when you writing it, always hoped you would finish the story.
Have a great Christmas!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/12/12 08:54 pm
Loved this when you writing it, always hoped you would finish the story.
Have a great Christmas!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/12/12 08:54 pm
That waa a remarkable move (the drug) and Parker, of course, played it so cool, as did Syd. But poor Jarod and Gem, left behind and concerned. It's a remarkable story, a lovely tale and you extremely well written.
You can't leave it like this- well, you can, but I'd really rather you didn't, haha.
I'll be eagerly awaiting your next chapter, nightowl, when ever you're ready.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 01:07 am
I absolutely love the idea of "family" rings, hmm, that was very lovely and yes, it's so nice to see that Miss Parker is still kicking butt and taking names- but mostly just kicking butt, haha.
Also, the way you wrote Thomas was very respectful to all involved, you didn't trivialize him or write him off as Parker's "whim". That was perfect, nightowl.
You haven't lost or sickened me, haha. You've followed canon, imo, and really, you can do no wrong, unlike CVS and SLM- they did wrong plenty of times.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 12:48 am
I love the Beatles lyrics you included- very fitting choice, nightowl. Very lovely scenes between Parker and Gemini and while you didn't go into details of the wedding ceremony, the imagery was lovely enough, the descriptions were so well done that the imagination could fill in the rest.
Haha, typo queen? No, you are not.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 12:36 am
Incredible. I love the back stories you've given us, the story of Dannie/Einnad and the way you entwine the past and present, it's phenomenal. I'm still a bit suspicious of Berby and hope that he won't double cross Miss Parker and co.
And no, you aren't going to disappoint. Stop saying that. *smiles*
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 12:21 am
You've struck a perfect balance with dialogue, details, descriptions, romance, adventure, family life and that little boy- oh, nightowl, that was so sweet, so sad that he feared he'd be rejected. And I thought Parker's reaction was fantastic, quite reminiscent of little Miss Parker.
Also, I love that you spent some time on the personal conflicts brewing within these characters and their personal struggles and attempts to come to terms with all that's transpired and speaking of the characters, they're all spot on.
And I'm sure that Miss Parker would be pleased that she pronounces Brigitte "Bridgette", haha. Very nice touch there.
You haven't let us down and I'm quite certain that you never will. *winks*
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 01/06/11 05:56 am
What do you mean if you can keep our interest? Are you nuts? We want more! And no, nothing weird at all here.
You wrote that so well that I felt as if I was there with them on the beach and ow! That had to have hurt. Jarod doesn't always think, obviously, haha and it's refreshing to see him make a mistake now and again (ouch) even if he's making the mistake at Parker's expense. Ouch! And the whispering into her hair- again, I could see that entire scene playing out.
You do amazingly well with the details and painting us a visual picture. Oh, and the jelly sting was very funny, nightowl. "You weren't going to urinate me.." Haha!
And yes, you most definitely do justice to the show.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 01/06/11 05:18 am
You are not the typo queen, but you are the "damn, that was hot!" queen! Who knew that something as mundane and ordinary as leg bristle/shaving could be so amazingly sexy?
It was very cute the way she was only toying with him and then it suddenly became something bigger than the both of them and left Jarod aroused and fumbling- so funny, nightowl. You write them so well.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 01/06/11 05:03 am
All choked up after that scene. That little boy is so precious questioning Parker about her own life choices, he's just like Jarod, "it's okay to cry", that was so sweet, nightowl.
Oh, and Rabbit Island. Good one, nightowl. The story is progressing beautifully and naturally.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 01/06/11 04:45 am
Oh, nightowl, wow, have I mentioned the inclusion of these lyrics? Great, great job and very fitting. I'm only familiar with one DF (RIP) tune: "Lonely in Love" (awesome sax). I'm youtubing Iracus now (nice).
This was another excellent chapter. Jarod's explanations and the reservations he has were all perfectly done and I could just imagine the major's reactions. Also, Jarod's admission/acknowledgement/acceptance of his role in his and Parker's relationship (or lack thereof) is quite refreshing.
I'm pleased that he could step back and see the err of his ways, despite what his best intentions might have been for her.
In the show, he always seemed, well, not only unapologetic about his "slaps in her face" but also oblivious and even uncaring and just plain mean at times, as if he was tormenting/manipulating her and enjoying it. Bad, Jarod.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 01/06/11 04:29 am
*sighs* That scene between Miss Parker and Gemini was absolutely the most lovely, touching thing I've read in fanfic history.
And then Jarod's "...still bewitching young boys.." - loved it but even better was Parker's reply, haha. Great give and take and again, the dialogue was brilliant.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 01/06/11 04:07 am