Hi that was a good story.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous [Report This]Date: 12/01/14 04:48 am
This'd be an excellent DVD series addition. The inside of the tower room described sort of brought to mind the scene in Charlie & the chocolate factory where everyone and everything wore clean room white clothing. The gory head blown off would be an interesting special effect scene as well. All in all a good story.
Reviewer: electricq Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25/02/10 01:54 am
Good story. Like it very much.
Reviewer: KarlaMartin Signed [Report This]Date: 09/02/07 01:15 pm
Was it a dream or was it real? Did she sleep with him?
Author's Response: I think she did, but she'd rather think she didn't. :)
Date: 09/02/07 12:44 pm
Very intense beginning Julie! Love it so far. But RL calls and I will have to come back later and finish. Good work!
Edited to add: I was able to get back and finish reading, and your story is very good! It certainly doesn't disappoint! I look forward to reading more of your stories.
Date: 09/02/07 12:04 pm