love it! that's a wonderful story i see coming and I'm looking forward to how mp is going to act on her feelings towrd jarod.. :)
Reviewer: lipamo Signed [Report This]Date: 13/05/14 11:37 pm
Love this story. Thank you so much!
Reviewer: Kate Anonymous

Date: 31/03/11 10:36 am
One of my favorite stories! Funny, witty and hot! Great location choice, it fits the story perfectly! Plot and location complement each other.
Reviewer: JessC Signed [Report This]Date: 08/08/10 10:56 pm
Great story and funny as hell too! Always a Miss Parker fan! This is another keeper for a series DVD.
Reviewer: electricq Anonymous

Date: 13/01/10 09:50 pm
By god that's the hottest thing I've ever read, and that's no hyperbola. It actually made my eyes water. What a perfect piece of writing. Not a single flaw that I can think of. An original idea, approached with a writing technique that I deeply envy.
I know it's been a few years since you posted this, but I sincerly hope you still get the reviews from it. My earnest thanks for one of the very best pieces of fan fiction ever to cross my screen.
Reviewer: earthdrago Anonymous [Report This]Date: 22/01/08 01:33 am
I visited NOLA this summer and took your advice. The Garden District tour was one of the high points of the trip.
Thank you for the story. It captures the atmosphere of New Orleans just right. I for one have been missing the place ever since I left.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 02/12/07 05:43 pm
Oh so very hot!!!
What a richly detailed story and a great tribute to NO. Well done!
Reviewer: newbatgirl Anonymous

Date: 06/03/07 08:41 pm
GREAT JOB!!! It's not "almost" hot ... It's nearly JUST HOT ...
Reviewer: Thara Anonymous

Date: 27/12/06 11:33 am
This is one of my 10 top favorites. Through this archive I can visit nearly all of them. I enjoyed the banter and the little bits of insight from the characters. It makes for a very enjoyable evening of reading.
Reviewer: Zipp Anonymous

Date: 30/09/05 08:06 pm