Reviews For Awakening
Title: Awakening
Date: 13/07/05 01:46 pm
this is an excellent example of the inner battle she fought throughout the series! you took it even further. my fav line - and the line which explains for me how she reacted in the end towards lyle was: There is no fear left in her, perhaps because this is it, this is as far as she can fall.
Reviewer: jerseygirl Anonymous [Report This]Date: 13/07/05 01:46 pm
Title: Awakening
Date: 12/07/05 11:39 am
This is... wow. *gasps* "She just doesn’t know what she’s awakened." yesses I can definitely see that one. Real good!
Reviewer: icd Signed [Report This]Date: 12/07/05 11:39 am
Title: Awakening
Date: 11/07/05 08:08 pm
oho ! my god...i loved it... it was.... just wow :p
Reviewer: taniapretender Anonymous [Report This]Date: 11/07/05 08:08 pm