Sad but good. Another perspective of Miss Parker & Jarod's life of other possibilities. Atleast Parker gained a family in this one. Another yearning of hers that's fulfilled.
Reviewer: electricq Anonymous

Date: 26/01/10 06:41 pm
Man, that's depressing! :/ I hate it when Jarod dies and Miss Parker has to go on living alone. She belongs with him . . .
Reviewer: Doranwen Anonymous [Report This]Date: 13/10/08 05:02 pm
finally someone who sees my way on things! the pretender lives without jarod in it! just beautiful! (sad but amasingly beautiful... congratulations!)
Reviewer: miss.parker Anonymous [Report This]Date: 25/04/07 01:24 pm
Well, I think the writing was good even if I don't agree with Jarod's death. Even if it's a life on the run, I hope Jarod and MP are together. It's just too sad for her to have him die, especially in front of her. She's already been through too much. So, there it is. Oh, I haven't read your other stories, but I'd probably hate having Jarod dead in those too. ;0
Reviewer: michelle Anonymous

Date: 22/10/06 03:42 pm