
New Look

Yet another new skin for Missing Pieces, and the whole of the PretenderCentre. It is "Centre=themed grey". All the old skins are still there if you prefer another.

The PretenderCentre has had a complete overhaul and a new feature has been added, a PretenderPedia, which functions similar to wikipedia, and can be found at We would like to invite members to join and help build this up into a definitive Pretender resource.

Hope you like the new skin and the new PretenderPedia.

--jacci on 01/04/08 07:07 am 1 Comments--


One thing I appreciate about several of the skins is that it has a bit more information about the new stories, the date posted, if it's completed or not, etc.  I love this new skin's look however, serious and "edgy".

- Desert Rat
on 04/04/08 01:55 pm