The Eighth by missparker87

Ten years after Carthis, MP & J live in hiding with their family. The Centre still exists, but Lyle is no longer threatening their freedom. But one day a silent enemy coming from their past suddenly appears. Parker and Jarod are forced to remember what happened ten years before, when everything changed…
Last update: January '23 - Chapter 34

Categories: Post IOTH Characters: All the characters
Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspence/Mystery
Warnings: Warning: Character Death
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 34 Completed: No Word count: 69295 Read: 170433 Published: 29/01/14 Updated: 28/01/23
Chapter 9: Basket Case by missparker87
Author's Notes:

A special thank to lipamo for all the amazing reviews!


The first thing Jarod and Parker did after the ‘confession time’ at the café was to retrieve Catherine’s diary and Jarod’s childhood letters from one of the pretender’s ‘safe place’. Miss Parker had then spent a whole day reading her mother’s diary, only to find out that Jarod was right. She wasn’t ready to have it, before. She would have thought that Catherine was crazy, at best. Her mother’s words reflected her behaviour towards other people. She was compassionate and generous, all qualities Parker could only dream of duplicating. She talked a lot about Faith, about Jarod, about Angelo. She expressed her sorrow for the loss of her son because she didn’t know that Lyle was still alive. Parker felt very sorry at the realization that Catherine had really died in that conviction. But she also felt amazed and proud whenever she read her mother’s deepest feelings about her. Catherine worshipped her daughter and Parker could only regret once again the fact that she’d lost her mother so soon.

When she finally let go of the diary, Jarod was still working at his laptop, waiting for her comments about it. But Parker wasn’t satisfied yet, she wanted to read Jarod’s letters, too.

The pretender was sure she would get tired soon, seeing that he’d found 150 letters written within the years. He’d been used to write to her at least once a week, until he’d finally decided that writing to his old friend wasn’t worth it anymore.

But Miss Parker didn’t stop. She went on and on, all night long.

When she let fall on the bed the last piece of paper, she also felt Jarod’s eyes scrutinizing her.

She was crying, and when Jarod saw tears in her eyes he started to feel his nose itching, as if he was going to cry, too.

They stood up at the same time, running towards each other. He hugged her ever so gently as she kissed every inch of his face, neck or hands she could reach.

“All this time…” she murmured.

But Jarod hushed her, “We’ll make up for it. I promise.”

And they did, indeed.

Life on the run wasn’t easy. And not that they weren’t having fun, because they were.

Miss Parker and Jarod were really making up for lost time. They talked a lot about the past, travelling from motel to motel, changing cars not to be tracked down too easily.

They had a lot of sex. And sex was incredible, actually.

Miss Parker soon realized that she was having the time of her life. She’d never been happier before, not even with Tommy. And that was rich, seing that the two fugitives were constantly followed by Centre sweepers.


Jarod was really missing his calls with Sydney, though. He would love to talk about his new relationship with Parker because he was full of expectation and hope for the future, but also doubts and fears. This was all new to him, he’d never seen Parker smiling so much before. It seemed to him that the little girl he once knew had finally managed to come back and defeat the evil Ice Queen who had taken her place for so long. Parker’s smile made him feel safe and happy.

And the greatest thing was when she touched him. She didn’t even notice, but by putting her hand over Jarod’s thigh while he was driving, or softly caressing his nape and neck, she always aroused him in a way the pretender would have never thought possible with other women. She also tried to encourage him when he felt lost and scared at the idea he would never find his mother. At times like those, Parker would just say something like, ‘Watch it Boy Genius, a woman needs to talk with her partner’s mother before deciding if he’s worth the effort.’

When Jarod politely asked her what kind of effort she was talking about, she would simply shrug and smile under her sunglasses. And then, they simply laughed together.

She made him laugh. A lot.

She told him about her school years in Europe, she confessed how much she hated Japanese people and their formal everyday restraint, she also remembered a couple of funny moments shared with Thomas, without crying, neither mourning. Jarod decided it was also time to tell her how he and Thomas had met, and Parker listened to the story with a bitter smile on her face, trying not to be affected at the realization that she still felt guilty for Tommy’s premature death, but that void had eventually been filled.      


After two weeks, Jarod felt it was enough safe to contact Broots and Sydney. Parker was missing her former colleagues very much, even if she tried not to show. On the other hand, the pretender wanted to know if they had managed to reach the Keys without harm.

Jarod parked the car outside a café and followed Miss Parker who was already sitting on a bench outside, waiting for the waitress to come. He took his laptop with him, ready to start a connection with Broots. While he was working to cover the transfer data, Miss Parker ordered two cups: one of coffe for her and a huge one of ice cream for Jarod. Then she stared intently at the pretender, “You think they’re ok?”

He smiled back at her. “We’re going to find out soon.”

A couple of minutes later Broots’ face appeared on the monitor. Parker couldn’t help but smile when she saw her lovable moron and Debbie on the other side of the videocall.

Jarod sighed, “It’s good to see you, Broots. Where is Sydney?”

Debbie ran out of the room to call someone she was addressing to as ‘Uncle Sydney’.

“How are you?” Miss Parker asked the technician.

“We’re all fine. We’ve found your house, Jarod. We’re all here. That weird little guy from Atlantic City…”


Broots nodded, “He helped us to settle down here. And that pilot friend of yours, Angela…she was very kind, she brought us to the Keys without even asking why. She just said that if it was for you, she would take us to the Moon and back.”

Jarod blushed slightly and lowered his gaze, Parker looked at him in admiration. Broots noticed the glance the two of them were casting at each other, but he was interrupted by Sydney’s arrival before he could investigate further.

“Parker! Jarod! Thank God you’re fine! I was so worried for you…”

Parker almost cried when she saw the old man. She still remembered their last conversation and she really wanted to thank him. “I’m so glad you’re safe, Syd.” She told him, emotion evident in her voice. Jarod squeezed her hand in a way Sydney couldn’t help but notice.

“Nicholas and Michelle?”

Sydney nodded, “They’re here with us, and so is Angelo. We found him waiting for us with a box full of DSAs. He also had the files stolen from SL-27 the first day we found it, Parker.”  

Miss Parker remembered the occasion and sighed in desbelief, “He kept them all this time?!”

Sydney nodded. “Unfortunately there’s no relevant information in them. I guess that’s why he didn’t tell us sooner.”

“When are you coming?” Broots asked them.

Jarod looked at Parker and she exhaled slowly. How could they tell their friends what they were planning to do?

“Broots, we won’t come. Not right away.”

“Why, w- why wouldn’t come? It’s safe here and we’ll be together, we can find a way to defeat the Centre and…”

“Broots, don’t wet your pants!” Miss Parker interrupted him, “The Centre is after Jarod and me, not you.”

Sydney sighed and turned around, he didn’t want his children to see him so worried for them. But Jarod knew him better, so he guessed at once what his former protector was thinking. “She’s right, Sydney. It’s the only way. We must be separated, for now. You have to stay hidden while Parker and I act as bait, we’ll be careful not to let them come too close to ever catching us.”

“Which won’t happen, seeing that Boy Wonder doesn’t intend to leave bread crumbs for Lyle anymore.”

“Well, I’m not interested in the Centre anymore, I already found what I was looking for.”

Sydney turned around immediately. He stared at the monitor, with acknowledgement appearing on his face as he looked at his protégé and surrogate daughter smiling at each other with gentleness, long forgotten the days spent as huntress and prey.

Miss Parker smiled, “I didn’t let go, Sydney. I see it too, now. I gave those kids the gift they never had, before it was too late.”

Sydney’s smile enlightened his face as Parker told him, “Thank you.”

Jarod looked at Parker with interest, oblivious to what she was referring too. And so was Broots, who gazed at Sydney with his mouth open.

“You’re welcome, Parker.”

“We have to go now. We’ll be in touch.” Jarod interrupted them.

“Be careful.” Broots warned them.

But Sydney wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet, “Jarod!”

The pretender gazed again at the monitor, looking expectantly at his former protector, “What?”

Sydney’s eyes roamed from Jarod’s image to Miss Parker’s, “I’m glad you are in this together. I’m very proud, of both of you.”

A soft smile returned on Parker’s face when Jarod traced his fingers down her cheeks. Sydney chuckled and Broots’ eyes almost fell on the floor.

“Guess what would they do if they saw us kissing?” Jarod asked her, then he purposely ended the call just as Parker was leaning in to him with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Oh my God. So they…they are together now? How could this be?” Broots asked in a whisper.

“I reckon that during this journey they’ve finally realized something very important.” Sydney explained to him.

“What?” Broots urged him.

“That they couldn’t lie to themselves anymore.”

Broots noticed the huge smile on Sydney’s face. He’d never seen him so satisfied before.

Syd patted his shoulder and exited the room, leaving Broots alone. It didn’t take him long for starting to take in the news and accept it. Jarod and Miss Paker had belonged together since the beginning of that unreasonable pursuit, and Broots knew it. Only a blind man wouldn’t notice Miss Parker’s attempts to hide her real feelings for the pretender, and Broots had spent enough time with Jarod to realize that his main goal was often to protect Miss Parker or to help her discovering the truth. They’d known each other a lifetime, now they were only taking back what was theirs. They deserved to love and be loved and he was sure that no one else could love and understand Miss Parker more than Jarod.

“Now I see it in her eyes too, Jarod”, he murmured to himself. He exited the room with a stupid grin on his face, looking for Debbie who would surely be enthusiastic for the good news.

Since the call with Sydney and Broots, Jarod’s mind had been set on one purpose: he wanted to find his mother. He’d lost two brothers during the search of his family, he wasn’t willing to lose anybody else, let alone Margaret.

“Why don’t you contact your father?” Parker asked him one afternoon.

They were driving North, willing to reach Maine to visit the only familiar place they both knew, Ben’s bed and breakfast in Lake Catherine. They wanted to see him and maybe hide for a while, and Parker wanted Jarod to rest and relax a couple of days while he decided what to do next.

The pretender sighed, “I can’t, not yet. It’s not safe, Parker. Lyle was enough mad to set dozens of sweepers on us, I want to hack into the Centre mainframe to find out what he is up to, but I can’t do it without more equipment. I must be sure that they won’t track us when I do it.”

“I know. But we need to find your mother and maybe Major Charles has more clues on her whereabouts.”

Jarod nodded, “You’re probably right, but I don’t want them to be in danger. They’re in a safe place, Emily was still recovering after the ‘accident’ with Lyle…”

Parker stared at him, waiting for another explosion, but it didn’t come.

“I can’t believe he almost killed my sister, too.” Jarod simply stated.

Parker shook her head. She’d never stood the idea that Lyle was her brother, before, and now even the mentioning of his name was like bringing bad luck on them.

“Jarod, we need to find out something about the Scrolls, too. We don’t know anything useful about the Triumvirate, our search for Ethan took our total self-denial for a month. We don’t even know if my father is really dead...”

Jarod looked at her for a second, trying not to taunt her, “Well, a few weeks ago you didn’t even know if he was your biological father.”

Parker didn’t reply, she knew that he was right, but Jarod’s words hurt nonetheless.

“I’m sorry, Parker. I didn’t mean it”, he excused himself.

“No, you did, Pez Head. But it’s true, there’s no need to deny it.”

“There’s no need to mention it, too.”

Parker smiled at him sadly, “I just want answers, Jarod. There are too many unfinished business in our lives. I need closure.”

“So do I.”

“I also want to find my little brother…Last thing Broots told me is that nodoby had seen him in months. And I’m afraid of what Raines would do to him now that my father’s not around anymore.”

“I thought you didn’t like the fact that Mr. Parker had a baby with…”

Parker stopped him before he could mention Brigitte, “I delivered him with my own hands, Jarod. I’ve loved him since I took him in my arms, he’s a lovely baby.”

She looked at Jarod, who was slowing down the car to have another stop. They’d been driving for hours, he really needed coffee before going on.

“What’s his name?” Jarod asked her, innocently.

Parker opened her eyes wide and started to laugh, “I don’t know!”

Jarod’s eyes roamed over her face and then he burst into laughter along with her. It felt so good, almost cathartic.

“What kind of a twisted sick family the Parkers are, Jarod. Not knowing each other’s first names…”

Jarod turned off the engine and took her hand in his, “Well, I know yours.”

Parker nodded solemnly, then she noticed he was brooding again. His eyes always roamed around when he thought hard about something.

“What?” she asked him.

“I don’t know.” He exhaled slowly and closed his eyes. “I mean, we are so far from the Centre, now. Every bond I had with that damned hell isn’t there anymore. Sydney is safe, and so are Broots and Angelo. And now you’re here with me, and…”

Parker simply smiled, encouraging him to go on.

“I’m not…interested anymore, Parker. I don’t want to hear about Scrolls, lies, secrets. All I ever wanted is almost accomplished.” He squeezed her hand again. “My mother is the only missing piece to complete my own puzzle.”

Jarod looked back at her and moved his hand to push the hair from her face, then he caressed her cheek. “I know that I should destroy the Centre once and for all. I should inform the authorities, try to shut it down forever. But I’m tired, Parker. I’m tired of running, I just don’t…” he sighed again. Parker leaned in to him and stroke his face, too.

“Does it sound selfish to you?”

“Jarod, if a word doesn’t suit you at all, that is selfish.”

“Since Ethan’s death I’ve been thinking a lot. About my life, about us. I thought about Tommy, your mother, Kyle…Life is so short, Parker. We already wasted forty years. I don’t want to spend the rest of my days running from the Centre. Not anymore.”

“I guess it wouldn’t be any fun now that I’m not the one who’s chasing, would it?”

Jarod laughed and kissed her to thank her. Then he leaned his forehead on hers.

“I couldn’t live without you. I still can’t believe you took that turning point, Parker, but now that you’re here, I want to make it count. Make you understand it’s gonna be worth it.”

“It’s already worth it, Jar. You deserve a life more than anyone else. You helped so many people, maybe it’s time that you help yourself.”

He nodded, close to the tears.

“I should cut out the dramatics and not confess you this, but…I am very proud of all the stunts you did out there, helping the little guy and defending the weak and the abused. You did a very good job all these years. You used your skills to help others, without asking anything in return.”

“I just want to know who I am. I just want to find my mother…” he sobbed between the tears. Parker took his face in her hands and stared at him.

“You know, a few weeks ago a very annoying lab rat told me that it was time to make myself the gift my father never gave me, the truth.”

“What a silly little lab rat”, he replied. They both chuckled and Parker kissed him with joy.

“Well, with you I already found the only truth that matters. We’ll find your mother, Jar, I promise. And we’ll save my little brother. After that, if you want to disappear, that’s what we’re just going to do. I’m pretty sure that the Centre won’t find us, if we don’t leave clues as you did with Sydney and me.”

Jarod grimaced, “I did it just because I wanted to see you. I couldn’t stand your absence in my life. The runaway-pretender leaving bread crumbs for his pursuers. Gee, what a twisted basket case I was?”

Parker burst out laughing, “Melodramatic fool, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it.

Jarod squeezed his eyes the way he did whenever someone made a reference to something he didn’t understand. Parker knew that when Green Day’s breakthrough album Dookie was realesed in 1994, the pretender hadn’t escaped yet. So she smiled in answer, “Never mind.”

End Notes:

I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. The story is very far from being over, as I promised. Stay tuned :P

This story archived at