Summary: A new Centre-secret is uncovered
Categories: Post Season 4 Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Original Character, Sydney
Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: No
Word count: 1335
Read: 5483
Published: 10/05/05
Updated: 10/05/05
1. Prologue by Kimberly
2. Part 1 by Kimberly
Disclaimer: I have no rights to The Pretender and have never met any crew or characters. I amnot making any money off of this, etc. Written(copyright) 2001.
Setting: Takes place after Season 4 finale, Jarod is reunited with Major Charles, Emily, Ethan and J2(Jackson), they are all currently living in a house in Florida, still searching for Margaret. Miss Parker is back at the Centre, business as usual. No injuries from the train accident.
Another Pretender
by Kimberly
Scene One: Family Home
“What are you doing up so early?” Major Charles questions his oldest child.
“I...I couldn’t sleep.” Jarod stumbles, not wanting to admit he had another nightmare. Major Charles sensing Jarod’s unease changes the subject.
“What are you working on son?”
“I don’t know I just had this feeling when I woke up that I needed to search the Centre archives.”
“Are you looking for clues about your mother again?”
“I’m always looking for her, but this is something else, something I need to find.”
“Okay well I’m going to start breakfast. No doubt that the rest of the family will be up soon. french toast sound good to you?” Major Charles asks.
“Sure, but are you sure french toast is supposed to be black? It tasted burnt last time.”
“Son I already told you, don’t doubt my cooking abilities, that is how french toast tastes.”
“Yeah well that’s not what Emily told me, and for some reason I think I believe her.” Jarod jokes, knowing his father is really a bad cook.
“Yeah well you believe what you want, but I could be a chef if I wanted too.” Major Charles jokes.
“Sure Dad whatever you say.”
Scene Two: Miss Parker’s Office
“Dammit” Miss Parker mumbles when she can’t get the lid off of the advil bottle.
“Something I can help you with Miss Parker?” Sydney questions.
“Oh Syd I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“Could it have been you were too busy yelling at the medicine bottle?” Sydney jokes.
“Could, now what do you want?”
“I just received an e-mail from Jarod.”
“What’s Frankenboy up to today? Helping an old lady cross the street?”
“No actually he wrote;
--Something is up. New project at the Centre. Something to do with me. I don’t know what, help me find out.--
“So the lab rat is once again trying to solve another puzzle. Well then let’s play.” Miss Parker smiles.
Scene Three: Family Home
Jarod is staring at the computer screen in shock. He knew this mystery was something big, but he never guessed it was this. He breathed slowly, the words faintly could be heard.
“ I have a son.”
Disclaimer: I have no rights to The Pretender and have never met any crew or characters. I amnot making any money off of this, etc. Written(copyright) 2001.
Setting: Takes place after Season 4 finale, Jarod is reunited with Major Charles, Emily, Ethan and J2(Jackson), they are all currently living in a house in Florida, still searching for Margaret. Miss Parker is back at the Centre, business as usual. No injuries from the train accident.
Another Pretender
part 1
by Kimberly
Scene One: Family Home, Jarod and Ethan’s Bedroom
“What are you doing?” Ethan questions after waking up finding Jarod packing a bag.
“I’m leaving” Jarod replies quickly, still running all over the room picking up his necessities.
“Your leaving, what? Where are we going?” Ethan says confused.
“Were not going anywhere, I’m leaving. I’ve got to head to the Centre”
“The Centre are you crazy! Does Dad know what you are doing?”
“No and let’s keep it that way, don’t tell him! I’ll be back before you know it.” Jarod assures Ethan.
“There is no way Dad is going to like this! Why are you going back?”
“I can’t tell you, just tell Dad after I leave, I’m going now, see you soon, tell everyone I love them.” Jarod precedes to sneak quietly out of the back door and to his SUV, heading north to Blue Cove.
Scene Two: The Centre
“Broots, found anything yet?” Miss Parker demands.
“No nothing, I have no idea what Jarod mean by the e-mail. No new projects have started or any out of the ordinary, for the Centre anyway.” Broots says laughing at his own lame joke.
“Well keep working on it, I want results within the next six hours” Miss Parker says sharply, storming off.
Scene Three: At A Undisclosed Hotel In The Blue Cove Region
Jarod is sitting at a table, going over his plan to break into the Centre and rescue his son.
“Okay they are holding him in SL-19, small child cell, one camera in back corner, just like when I was a child.” Jarod mumbles bitterly.
Jarod turning to look at his computer screen stares at a picture of a blonde haired and brown eyed boy that looked to be about seven years old. “Well Aron, it is time you are free and to meet your family.” At that note Jarod is off to save his son, that is being held captive at the Centre.
Scene Four: The Centre
“Oh my God Miss Parker, Sydney, you won’t believe what I found!” Broots blurts out running into Miss Parkers office.
“What is it? A boy, who is he? What does he have to do with Jarod’s e-mail?”
“It’s Jarod’s son”
“Jarod’s son, impossible this boy looks around six or seven, Jarod was still in the Centre then. How could he have a son?” Sydney asks confused.
“Surrogate mother, Sydney they just used a woman to have Jarod’s child.
Jarod never
new that they used his sperm to impregnate a women, this what Jarod found
“And if Jarod found out he has a son, well then we know he will want him. Get ready boys we have a lab rat whose about to run a race through our vents.” Miss Parker smiles.
Scene Five: The Centre Ventilation System
It was easy slipping by the security system once again to go where he wanted Jarod thought to himself. Looking though the vent grate into the cell, Jarod looks at his son in person for the first time. Aron is sleeping peacefully on his left side, maybe in his sleep he looks undisturbed but Jarod know any child that lives in the Centre is never really at peace. Hopping down into the room Jarod quitely walks over to the bed and kneels down. He takes in the smell of his son, the smell of soap obviously from his bath before bed. He notices Aron’s blonde hair that was inherited from his mother is all over, from twisting in his sleep. His hands are so small, along with the rest of his seven year old body, the body he so wanted to hold and protect, which he soon would. Reaching out and making his first physical contact with his son, Jarod shakes his son’s shoulder to rouse him from his sleep. Aron, mumbling tries to turn away from the shake and resume his slumber, but Jarod knowing his time is running low, keeps shaking and whispers, “Aron come on, you need to wake up.”
Hearing this Aron opens his eyes, then realizes a stranger is kneeling beside him, his eyes fill with fear and he is on the verge of letting loose a scream when the stranger covers his mouth with his hand, telling him to hush it is okay he won’t hurt him. Relaxing as the strangers hand is removed from his mouth, Aron feels brave enough to whisper, “Who are you?”
The stranger replies with a simple, “Your father.”
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.