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Thanks Karen for the new parkerisms and Mr Zane!




by Ordinary @ 23 Oct 2015 04:59 pm
Hi Samantha, Fascinating story and an inspiring take away. Thank you. I have met, heard of and read about many peolpe who have pursued their passion and who are financially very comfortable as a consequence of doing so. However, without exception, all followed their hearts to get there without external reward being the motivator. I define external reward quite broadly from financial to 'ego massaging'. Your story about Vania demonstrates this superbly. She left behind her success and reputation in the international dance world to do what she really wanted to do. She was not attached to her external success. I believe that when we follow our hearts and we live in expectation of our purpose being fulfilled then all else will align to make it possible for this to be. ~MarcusMy recent post

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The Pretender - Rebirth
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After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...


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