
Opening #1 

Opening #4

Sydney: "The Centre wants him alive."
Miss Parker: "Preferably." 

Miss Parker: "Get something straight. Broots may be an idiot, but he is my idiot. The only one who terrorizes him is me."

Mr. Lyle: "You are beautiful when you're angry."

Miss Parker: "You've never seen me angry."

Brigitte: "Congratulations Miss P. You're gonna have a baby brother or sister." 

Mr. Lyle: "The World is changing. Mr. Parker is gone, Mr. Raines is gone, Miss Parker is...God only knows where, but you and I are here...and I’m in charge." 

Mr. Raines: "It’s good to be back at the bosom of The Centre...God bless you all! Now, let’s catch Jarod! Amen!" 

Mr. Parker: "A family is a tyranny ruled over by its weakest member." 

Mr. Lyle (to Angelo): "I never liked you. I'm not even sure what the hell you are." 

Miss Parker: "Broots, you lovable moron is that you?" 

Jarod: "You know what, this just might do the trick."   

Jarod: "I'm confused. Doesn't all that... hurt?"   

Jarod: "I like to keep my personal life, personal." 

Miss Parker: "You grew up in a trailer park, didn't you?" 

Broots: "No I did not. It was a mobile home."

Miss Parker: "Let's not polish each others door knobs. Not yet."  

Miss Parker: "Don't wear that shirt. It makes me nauseous." 

Mr. Lyle: "You can think of him as a one man Internal Affairs Division." 

Miss Parker: "Syd's fancy way of saying our boy has his horns up." 

Miss Parker: "Tell me about this stuff boys. It looks like Jarod couls use a nice, cold shower."  

Miss Parker: "Don't worry, Lyle. You can play with the toys when we're done."  

Miss Parker: "Broots, think of your worst nightmare." 

Miss Parker: "Broots, I'm flattered. In fact it's kinda sweet, but it's never gonna happen." 

Miss Parker: "No. Exactly what did you just say?" 

Broots: "I said I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

Jarod: "Nowhere. Anywhere. Already been somewhere." 

Miss Parker: "Is it me, or has Oz been seriously rezoned?" 

Miss Parker: "I'm telling you right now, if that thing starts playing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", I'm gonna blow it into a million pieces." 

Miss Parker: "We've said it three times already!" 

Man: "I know. But I've got to hear it with the shoes clicking."

Miss Parker: "You're gonna hear it with the clicking of my 9mm if you don't open this damn door."

Miss Parker: "I take that as a compliment." 

Miss Parker: "No. Surprised to find you have a soul." 

Miss Parker: "I can die now. I've seen it all." 

Miss Parker: "As unattached as your limbs are gonna be, if you keep eyeballing me like that." 

Mr. Lyle: "What? Jarod attended a Monty Hall garage sale?" 

Mr. Lyle: "Didn't even shed any line on his personality, Syd?" 

Mr. Lyle: "Hum, nothing personal, but you three look terrible. You should take a break, rejuvenate, get into the great outdoors, relieve some of that stress. God knows it makes me feel... so alive. 

Jarod: "Someone has eyes for you". 

Jarod: "You know it only takes one person to make a difference." 

Jarod: "Sorry doc, but your claim has been denied." 

Miss Parker: "I sleep with this under my pillow." 

 "And you drool over the left corner of your mouth."

Jarod: "Let's hope there's not a digital tap on this phone." 

Jarod: "Love. Putting you two together was one the most rewarding things I've ever done." 

Broots: "Hey. I guess it's anybody's election". 

Jarod: "Whether it's love or revenge, don't let unfinished business finish you." 

Mr. Parker: "Ha ha! This seels it! The last piece." 

Miss Parker: "Broots, if you fall asleep, it will be a hell of a wedding night." 

Jarod: "Somedays it doesn't pay to answer your e-mail." 

Miss Parker: "You so much as hint this when they arrive, I'll amputate your head." 

Broots: "I've always had a little fantasy I want to live out with you, but first I want you to call me 'puff daddy'. Say it! Say it!" 

Miss Parker: "Puff daddy."

Jarod: "Ugh! I have to watch?" 

Jenna: "You look so familiar." 

Jarod: "I have one of those faces."

Raines: "That's my boy. God's greatest miracle. Google." 

Jenna: "Have you ever been undercover, Jarod?" 

Jarod: "Once or twice."

Miss Parker: "Strike me down now, Lord!" 

Jarod: "Karma, ain't it a bitch!" 

Lyle: "Can I get a little privacy?" 

Miss Parker: "No."

Miss Parker: "Is that a threat?" 

Lyle: "What do you think?"

Miss Parker: "If you're thinking of jumping, I suggest you go up on the roof and do it right." 

Lyle: "I'm so crazy about left-overs. Are you?" 

Miss Parker: "How does it feel to be the mayor of Looserville?" 

Broots: "I-I read that for entertainment." 

Miss Parker: "Back burner, Broots." 

Jarod: "Pretending isn't so bad." 

Edna Raines: "Cree craw toads foot, geese walk barefoot." 

Miss Parker: "Broots, you've been downloading porn again? My e-mail server is whacked." 

Miss Parker: "So you traded the olive branch for an Uzi. Is that your Christian way, Raines?" 

Mr. Raines: "I will not tolerate unstable behaviour from Centre employees." 

Miss Parker: "I thought that was a job requirement."

Broots: >"Never again, did you hear me? Don't even ask! Never again." 
Miss Parker: "Calm down and check your pants."

Miss Parker: "Jarod! Your ninth life just ran out!" 

Jarod/CP: "Trust your inner sense." 





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The Pretender - Rebirth
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After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...

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