Penname: Lorraina [Contact]

Real name: Lorraina

Member Since: 20/08/13

Membership status: Member


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Reviews by Lorraina

In Color by Mirage
Rated: G starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 18]


Categories: Indefinite Timeline
Characters: Angelo, Other Centre Character
Classifications: Genres: None
Warnings: None

Series: Dreams
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 451
Read Count: 2506
[Report This] Published: 24/06/09 Updated: 24/06/09

Title: Chapter 1: In Color

I can't believe that I haven't read this before. It's amazing and original. You have a sweet spot for Angelo and Broots. I notice. I think it's sweet that my favorite author who writes all so much darkness cares so much for these two characters.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25/11/22
Nemesis by Mirage
Rated: NC 18 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 234]

In 2002, the corporation known as the Centre was infiltrated by various law enforcement agencies that acted in a synchronized global effort to eradicate the organization. And then one day, Jarod's huntress ran away.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Word count: 73516
Read Count: 305085
[Report This] Published: 23/11/09 Updated: 24/05/11

Title: Chapter 1: And Then One Day

lol. You were typing up one thing and then you were typing this because you didn't fight the muse! I can see Jarod's disgust, and hear the fear in his voice when Sydney tells him that MP was injured. My God! Girl! You were born to be an author honey and now you are MY all time favorite author. Woohee! Agent Jarod Spence. You were thinking of deleting this? How many more stories have you deleted that we never saw? Don't delete anything. We Pretender fans are tough. We already waited 12 years for a 3rd movie. Bring. IT. ON Mirage.

Author's Response:

Um, great. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, Lorraina. I'm glad you're liking this. There are many unread stories, many I almost posted. I can change the names and places and basically submit them anywhere so it's not a complete waste of typing (it is, however, a misuse of the Muse, but what she doesn't know..)

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22/11/14
Title: Chapter 2: Bait

Ooh ooh I love Jarod's rage and MP's 'just can't miss Letterman". It's like reading a crime thriller with our Jarod as the main character in places. Brilliant Mirage.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed
Date: 22/11/14
Title: Chapter 3: Falling

OMG Broots is so funny! Time of death... lol. The interrogatee and interrogator scene is terrific. I mean seriously who even bothers trying to write so well anymore. Agent Burke is hilarious! So was the tattoo shop guy. You create the best original characters I've ever read Mirage. This already is better than the Rebith and Saving Luke so if you're wondering what I think now you know. Nick is her brother. Oh man!

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed
Date: 22/11/14
Title: Chapter 4: The Leak

Oh oh wohhhoo! I'm typing with one hand and holding my mouth with the other. Mercy woman. It's hot in here ..... Clever of you to have a leak and a leak. Doctor Jarod I'm totally freaking out now.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22/11/14
Title: Chapter 5: Alibis

Jarod- How are feeling?

Miss Parker- like another 5 mgs of morphine and I'll take that to go

I am laughing my ass of. God, he gets wild when he gets angry..that look in his face. I can see it now. I don't even know what to say. You are good.

Lots of good old Jarod and Parker banter. You write it better than anyone hon. Angst, angsty.


"Ladies and gentlemen" lol.

Author's Response:

I had no idea folks were still reading the old fics. Thank you for reading and reviewing, Lorraina. Jarod can be a handful. Mhm, I know the look (not a fan of it).

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22/11/14

Retribution goes awry when Jarod inadvertently kills a man. (Story in English)

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Broots, Cox, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Original Character, Other Non-Centre Related Character, Sam, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Language, Warning: Non Consensual Sexual Content, Warning: Slash, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Word count: 37661
Read Count: 14363
[Report This] Published: 30/06/11 Updated: 08/12/17

Title: Chapter 1: I

OMG! MORE! I want more! That was an epic chapter...but all your stories are epic. YOU SHOULD BE WRITING THE NOVELS! Kept me glued to my seat and nibbling on my fingernails. GIVE US MORE NOW.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26/06/15
Title: Chapter 12: XII

OH MY GOD! Mirage! Girl you are on a roll! I love this chapter. Jarod can be a regular devil sometimes can't he? I love how strong MParker is. Please give us more. NOW>

Author's Response:

Haha, I suppose we can all be devils sometimes. More will be posted when I find the rest of the story. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Lorraina.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09/04/15
Title: Chapter 15: XV

Mirage I love your writing so much. This brilliant. A real masterpiece.I hope Jarod will work on Miss Parker and help her. GOd when he finds out about his son he is going to be so upset. Let Miss Parker live!!!!! Please!!!!!

Just want you to know I don't think you hate Michael T Weiss. I think you just don't' fangirl and lose your s%it over him. You're cool and probably used to being around gorgeous men and actors. It's no biggie.

It would be cool if you could like get a crush on him. You could get a picture with him to make people think you're really his biggest fan...a selfie with him..that would be really cute. Get his autograph too. Then everyone will know you don't hate him!!! It's the only way to prove it!!! Just get a small crush on him. lol. I know you don't hate anyone. You're really sweet. Stay that way hon. Update soon!!!

Author's Response:

Part 1.

I don't hate H.I.M. infinity

(I win!).

You want me to prove that I don't hate H.I.M. by procuring an autograph from H.I.M. and/or a selfie with H.I.M. (after stating that you don't think I hate H.I.M.).

(I didn't anticipate this)

Mm. Quick question: how exactly would my possessing those items prove how I feel about H.I.M?
The truth is: procuring those items would prove only that I could procure those items. And I could, I suppose. But I will not.

A. I've never asked anyone for an autograph.

B. I've never taken a selfie.

C. I have no desire to do either of those things.

*If it makes you feel better, there may have been a mutual sort of "hi"- I had no desire to bother the man, and on two such occasions, I didn't realize it was H.I.M. until others brought it to my attention. People are just people, even when the word "famous" is shoved onto the front of "people", and therefore I treat actors/ "famous" people the same way I treat everyone else. I won't be taking a selfie with the fedex guy either.

Also: a career shouldn't restrict freedom/disrupt life. It's a career, it's not a choice to relinquish rights (I'm empathetic).

And what the hell would I do with H.I.S. signature anyway? Practice my forgery skills? Admire the penmanship? I don't get it. I just don't.

Part 2.



You want me to develop a crush on H.I.M?

I'm too preoccupied with Significant Man to develop crushes on other men (I really don't pay much attention to other men) (apparently haha- * see part 1). Significant Man, by the way, was the last guy I had a crush on, and has been with me since childhood (never underestimate crushes; cupid could be lurking about and that son of a bitch has impeccable aim).

That said, should Significant Man some day break my heart- who knows?

Developing a crush on an older (and possibly married) man would certainly be a new experience for me and it would be a helpful distraction. Otherwise, I might do something irrational and irresponsible and perhaps dangerous, such as free climbing and oh, perhaps
taking selfies with actors-

No, I'm joking: I'd never take a selfie.

Now, please, let's stop being silly. Thank you for the kind words, for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07/02/16
Circles of Hell by Mirage
Rated: NC 18 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 282]

Twelve years after Carthis, the death of a dear friend reunites predator and prey. *If adultery bothers you, click elsewhere or prepare to be bothered.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: None
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content

Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Word count: 108764
Read Count: 29922
[Report This] Published: 02/09/11 Updated: 14/06/14

Title: Chapter 24: Purgatory (Part IV: Circle, Unbroken [Part I of II])

This one is definitely living up to the name. Hell! You've nailed their love/hate relationship, the trying to help her by tormeting her, you nailed the characters, their relationships, their passion and dysfunction. Great balls of fire! You write it showing the dysfuntion and not glofiyign. I adore the angry sex, the way it IS between them, the way it always was. Amazing. This smut was perfect. This is one way the story could go. I wish you were on the writing team. More pelase!

Author's Response:

Thank you, Lorraina. I promised hell, and I am a woman of my word. Thank you thank you thank you for all the kind words. I will post the final chapter when I have time. Thanks again for reading and reviewing.


Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 21/04/14
Title: Chapter 1: Purgatory (part one)

Holy wow! That ending was a killer one woman! Some authors drag in the  middle and the end. Your stories never drag. Nailed it. Thank you thank you thank you thank you! This is why you are my favorite author. Oo ooh I love Jarod's apron so that must have been for me lol! Please update your fics too now!

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14/06/14
Sweet Dreams by Mirage
Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 47]

Parker corners Jarod. Or does she?

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Smut
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content

Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Word count: 12779
Read Count: 5156
[Report This] Published: 21/09/12 Updated: 07/03/14

Title: Chapter 1: Shades of J

Wowsa! That was one hot mess babes. I wait on pins and needles [pun intended] for more of your writing.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 15/03/14
I Owe You One by Mirage
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 15]

Jarod has an epiphany. (payback doesn't have to be a bitch)


Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: None
Classifications: Genres: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1289
Read Count: 2533
[Report This] Published: 17/02/13 Updated: 17/02/13

Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Story

Brilliant work. A really quick read.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06/04/20
A Hero's Heart by Mirage
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 297]

When Jarod and his clone are presumed dead and further cloning attempts prove futile, Raines is determined to find another way. He finds it in Dry River, Arizona.


Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters, Jarod, Miss Parker, Other Non-Centre Related Character, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Word count: 69644
Read Count: 144374
[Report This] Published: 29/03/13 Updated: 06/06/19

Title: Chapter 13: Traffic

Brilliant Mirage. Like a crime show inside my favorite show. Jarod is so cop py with his mirrored glasses and the way he goads Parker is just too damn funny but totally in keeping with his personality. Matured but still a pain in the ass. I love your writing voice and style. You are the reason I read anything that has anything to do with the Pretender. You and you alone. Stay brilliant! Give us more soon.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29/03/16
Title: Chapter 1: The Missing Piece

Amazewows. I read the last chapter first if you didn't know. :) Your descriptive work is aweinspiring. Not many writers illustrate so well with words. The transitions between scenes is seemless too. It goes without saying that the plot is original and exciting. You are a talented scribe and my favorite. It's a shame that you aren't on the Pretender writing team...speaking of, I prefer this. :) I'm so happy to see Broots, Raines and all the characters I love from the original universe.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/14
Title: Chapter 6: Flight of Fancy

Holy Jo! And I said something else and not jo when I read this earlier. Jarod is in the Centre! My jaw dropped open. OMG! Is he going to be like giving orders to MP now or what? Thank YOU for setting the record straight on transplants, it redeemed that episode for me and makes it all make sense. OMG don't ever stop writing!! The Kyle parts were excellent, he's just like I remember. I love all of the new sci fi gadgets...the Centre and a genius would use hi tech devices so it makes all more believable. More, please?!!

Author's Response:

Haha. Thank you, Lorraina, for reading and reviewing. Will J be barking orders at Parker? We'll find out when the next installment is posted. More is in the works. Thanks for all the kind words.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/14
Title: Chapter 1: The Missing Piece

Can we get an update please?


Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 13/04/14
Title: Chapter 1: The Missing Piece

YOU WOULD WALK PAST Michael T Weiss and not realize it. 2 flipping times! Mirage. What is wrong with you?! Are you crazy?!!! Some women would be all over that man!! Why not a selfie? Why don't you selfie? Or autograph? Come on. You just pull him aside and ask him to give you one. You've never taken a selfie and you have never asked anyone for an autograph??!! SO.... Michael COULD BE YOUR FIRST! lol. Don't kill me lol.. but ..You got to get really close to him. real close and smile really big! Ask really nice for an autography and he'll give IT to you. Ok so now I want to meet your "significant man" who has got you blind to other men. You must be really in love or something. So I know I already reviewed this but I have just read your author response to my review of Who will guard the guards and I had to respond to that. Your response was epic and so funny. OMG. Sorry. But yes, I do love this chapter. It's worth another review. Update soon!!

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31/03/16
Title: Chapter 14: Gone (Part I)

Love! A crazy long wait but worth it. Keep it up.

Author's Response:

I apologize for the wait. Thanks, Lorraina.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 13/08/16
Title: Chapter 26: The Missing Piece (Part IV)

Amazing 🤩 I hope you will update this and all of your stories. You've been away a while. Are you ok? Just at least say hi to let us know you are ok please. You have to keep writing and being a bad ass! You have to meet Michael T Weiss if you haven't already and tell me all about it...tho I think you have already and won't share the details!! Take care of yourself. Wishing you great hols. ..and free time to write and share. I need more of your addicted.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07/12/22
Transcendence by Mirage
Rated: NC 18 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 47]


A crime scene, a chance meeting, two people transcending the lives chosen for them. Jarod POV. S.M.U.T.


Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Romance, Smut
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content
Challenges: SMUT COOKIE

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 4826
Read Count: 875361
[Report This] Published: 17/08/13 Updated: 17/08/13

Title: Chapter 1: Content

Was amazing! I saw no typos. This, like all your fics, is well thought, well written, intelligent story with the right amount of plot and smut. You are my favorite author, Mirage! I hope you will continue to write and share. Thank you for inspiring us.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 21/08/13
Title: Chapter 1: Content

STILL the HOTTEST piece of fiction EVERRRR!

I don't even mind the plot!! I hate plot. But this was cool! It was worth reading through the plot to get to the goody!!

Now I have a question. Don't panic. I'm not going to harass you about Michael T. Weiss.  You don't have to get a selfie with him and you two don't have to kiss or even hug or anything like that. You two don't even have to touch. I'm not accusing you of not wanting to touch him either. I'm not going to ask you if you're stand offish or SHY either. Are you shy tho? Or is the not wanting to bother him? I guess I get that. It's just weird. Most people don't mind bothering the really hot celebrities. It's just a selfie and a hug and a kiss and some touching, it's not like I'm asking to have his baby or money...

I just want to ask you a ONE question. What if he showed up here and read your work ORRRRRRrrr what if I met him and pulled up this page on my phone and showed YOUR writing to him?

Would you physically hurt me if I did that? Would you completely freak out? Would you scream? Cry? Say bad words? Call me bad names?

You wouldn't leave 4ever over a little something like that would you? I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay.I would like to know your reaction.

My question to you is IF Michael T. Wiess came on this site OR was shown this sight, and he read some of your writing what you do?

Be serious please.


Keep writing. I love you to the moon Girl!

Author's Response:

I'm straight up ignoring the parts of your review that are too much, which doesn't leave a lot to address.

There isn't anything I can do if you go darkside and introduce him to the delightful horrors of fanfic hell, but if you care about him the way you claim to care about him you won't do it, because when you care about someone you want to protect them from the horrific. Incidentally, Brutus, I'm the horrific.

If you like him, and if you absolutely MUST show him something show him a smol cat, a genuine criminal cat. Showing someone a cat (gif/meme/photo/video/living, breathing, mrowing cat) is the universal language of kindness and love. It means you care about them, and that you want them to be happy. It's a grand gesture. The peson might even laugh if the cat is being silly, and it's always nice when you can bring a smile to someone's face.

I will answer the other question, because if I don't you'll simply ask it again, and I'd like to permanently shut down this kind of talk: I'm not going to panic. The word "panic" shouldn't even be included in any conversation regarding him. It's senseless, really. Please try to stay on topic if you review me again, and limit your review to the characters, the scribblings, Pretender lore and theory. Thanks.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26/09/23



Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, General
Warnings: None

Series: The Return
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 10366
Read Count: 2559
[Report This] Published: 30/08/13 Updated: 24/10/13

Title: Chapter 1: Seeking The Lost

Mirage I love how you write these complex characters. Both chapters read like a train too. You know the characters so well and you do bring the characters to life with your writing. It's so beautiful. The situations aren't always beautiful and Jarod's behavior and Parker's behavior isn't alway good but the way you write it so we can know and feel is so beautiful. Thank YOU!

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and reviewing, Lorriana. I'm so happy that you think it's beautiful, even if the situations/actions aren't. RL situations/actions rarely are beautiful; I feel that fic should reflect that. Thanks again.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08/09/13
The Gift by Mirage
Rated: G starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 52]

When you care enough to send the very best

Categories: Christmas Challenge
Characters: Telling Would Spoil
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 988
Read Count: 4001
[Report This] Published: 10/12/13 Updated: 10/12/13

Title: Chapter 1: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

I love it! Thank you and Merry Christmas...Please update your other fics.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Lorraina, for reading and reviewing. Have a Merry Christmas.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 11/12/13

Part IV

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Warning: Language

Series: The Return
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Word count: 42888
Read Count: 6679
[Report This] Published: 19/07/14 Updated: 28/02/16

Title: Chapter 2: The Secret Garden ( Part I: The Caulbearer )

This was totally worth the wait! Thank you for continuing your contributions and thank for you writing so well, writing these characters in character the way they are supposedd to be! I love that Maggie is suspicious of MP. Yes, she would be and it wouldn't be la de laa perfect either. Seriously I'm not sure if anyone ever bothers to put any effort into writing or any thought at all any more. I bow to you Mirage! I'm so glad Nia is gone. lol finally. More please?

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08/10/14