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I'm going out of town on business until Sunday or Monday or something like that, so this will be the last part for a while, or ever... depends, hehehe :) However, if anyone can figure out why the images at don't show up right, I promise two parts just for whomever does :-) Isn't that bribery? Why, yes... and your point?

Sorry it's so short, but pleaaaaaase review :)


Part Five: Ending of an Era

Ben's Inn
The Next Day

"Sydney's cabin will be suspect, this is the safest place for all of us," Jarod said, again.

Miss Parker sighed, and watched as he pushed the doorbell. She shifted the weight of the girl into mostly one arm and ruffled the hair of the boy that stood beside her.

Ben opened the door with the same weary but ever-present smile. His face lighted with happiness when he lifted his face to his guests. The older man enveloped Miss Parker, and inadvertently the children, in his arms. He drew back and shook Jarod's hand, then knelt to eye level with the boy.

"And who might this be?" he asked, his eyes flicking up to Miss Parker.

Jarod grinned proudly and answered, "Our children. Katya, who's called Katy, and Nikolas."

Ben's eyes and smile shone as he stood up. "You are definitely Catherine's daughter." Fleetingly, he touched her face, love filling the gesture. "Now, let's go have some tea. There's an awful lot we need to talk about, after all." He moved from the doorway and watched his 'family', compiled of both blood and water, enter in.

The discreetly parked black sedan's windows rolled down. Three men exited the vehicle and prepared to track across the street to the house.

From their vantage point across from the house, two of the men watched in horror as the house burst into flames, the windows shattered, and the ceiling began to cave.

Each of the men released a cry seperate to the other.


"Miss Parker!"

The other man's mouth twisted into a satisfied smile. He sank back into the vehicle, a barely audible sigh carrying into the wind that propelled the flames.

"I warned you not to cross me, sis."

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