Summary: This epesode "Loose Ends" is a POST 2001 epesode that finishes the TV Series of The Pretender and finally answers the questions: Why does Miss Parker looks like her mother? Why does Sydney see his dead brother? Will Jarod find his mom? Did Mr. Parker die? Does Angelo know more than what he shows? Who is Miss Parkers father anyway? Did any “bodies not found” ever return? What are the Scrolls all about? And what happened to Zoe? Why did the Center not want Jarod to meet his mother? Are there other sides to Mr. Lyle, Mr. Raines, Willie and Sam? Will Broots ever kiss Miss Parker again? What is Jarod next pretend? Where is his heart? These and more!
Rated: PG 13
Categories: Pretenderpayback,
Plot? What Plot?,
Post Pretender 2001 Characters: All the characters
Genres: Action/AdventureWarnings: Warning: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 26
Completed: No
Word count: 35459
Read: 696302
Published: 21/08/13
Updated: 21/08/13
Story Notes:
This story of The Pretender – “LOOSE ENDS” was written entirely by a fan before I found out 3rd movie is being created (Yea)! The content was created with the help of the back ground story of The Pretender series and movies and “” for pictures of some context for the prolog. (Great site) I watched the entire series over 10 times to make sure the story line fits. The Writer of “Loose Ends” does not own “The Pretender series”, nor any of its characters, nor the website “”, nor the newly created website “”. No money is made and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is not intended to counter any existing story lines nor infringe on any Pretender Franchise.. These views and story lines are not necessary the views of the original writers and owners of “The Pretender series”, “” or the website fan fictions site “” It is “Fan Fiction” written as entertainment and thanks for the actors, writers and fans!
NOTE: Originally I created this in a downloadable PDF file with all the pictures and graphics. Putting this story up here, copy and pasting pictures took a little longer and not as structured ... the 1st fifteen chapters have pictures, the others will be updated shortly! (Please mention any type-o's or errors ... I wil fix them right away)
Note: if it is too hard to read in this format you can Email me: to request "PDF complete" or "PDF story only no images" As Jarod said "Life is a Gife"
I am looking forward the the new stories of the Pretender @
1. Title by LooseEnds [Reviews - 3] (70 words)
2. Prologue by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (2671 words)
For those who have not seen the series, this prologe will get you cautht up!
3. Chapter 1 - Memories by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1240 words)
4. Chapter 2 - Missing in Action by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (3758 words)
5. Chapter 3 - Business as Unusual by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1540 words)
6. Chapter 4 - Searching for Answers by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1058 words)
7. Chapter 5 - Conflicting Orders by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (795 words)
8. Chapter 6 - Like Father - Like Son by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (463 words)
9. Chapter 7 - The Scrolls by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (870 words)
10. Chapter 8 - The 4th Generation by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (990 words)
11. Chapter 9 - Bad news by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1915 words)
12. Chapter 10 – The Pursuit by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1477 words)
13. Chapter 11 - Dad where’s mom? by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (755 words)
14. Chapter 12 - The Jarod Trap by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (500 words)
15. Chapter 13 – Mom’s Secrets by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1135 words)
16. Chapter 14 - More Secrets by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1772 words)
17. Chapter 15 - One Last Experiment by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1573 words)
18. Chapter 16 - Echoes of the Mind by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (2818 words)
19. Chapter 17 - Depths of Despair by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1076 words)
20. Chapter 18 - Better Not Tell by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (3114 words)
21. Chapter 19 - The Last Interrogation by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (1368 words)
22. Chapter 20 - Two years later by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (3227 words)
23. Chapter 21 - Tears of Joy by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (407 words)
24. The Family Tree by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (2 words)
25. Special Thanks by LooseEnds [Reviews - 0] (248 words)
26. Epilogue: by LooseEnds [Reviews - 1] (617 words)