Summary: Musing on what Parkers justifications were for walking away from Jarod on Carthis.
Rated: G
Categories: Character Musing Characters: Miss Parker
Genres: Angst,
Character MusingWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: Yes
Word count: 385
Read: 4390
Published: 15/08/11
Updated: 16/08/11
Story Notes:
Late night at night in a snowstorm does strange things to my muse :)
This is me pondering the why Parker walked away from what Jarod was offering her.
1. Chapter 1 by BlueRose [Reviews - 1] 

(184 words)
2. Chapter 2 by BlueRose [Reviews - 1] (201 words)
Decided to add Jarods POV to this ie once he heard Parker speak her piece he WOULDN'T shut up :)
And a snippet of lyrics that particularly suit this piece :)