[Reviews - 88] starstarstarstarstarPrinterMicrosoft Word
Summary: Donoterase never happened the way you thought it did.
Rated: PG 13
Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: All the characters
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No Word count: 79244 Read: 136223
Published: 18/12/07 Updated: 25/11/08
Story Notes:
This is not my playground or the toys would still be there.

1. Chapter 1 by nightowl [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar (2088 words)

2. Survival by nightowl [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (4069 words)
Thank you to those of you who have encouraged and aided in this.

3. Chapter 3 by nightowl [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2888 words)
No. I still don't own this playground...

Thank you my friends that have encouraged, corrected (gently) and allowed me to bounce ideas off them.
Many thanks for the very kind reviews.

This chapter is a bit different, the pace picks up a bit.

4. Chapter 4 Name by nightowl [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (2593 words)
Thank you to "I" without whom, the typo queen would have out done herself.

5. Iracus Ascending by nightowl [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (2158 words)
Thank you to the brave souls that spent time beta reading. You inspire me!
RIP Dan Fogelberg, I'll always be a fan.
Just a reminder this is an AU piece, I hope to keep you interested.

and of course disclaimer applies... not my toys, not my playground...

6. Chapter 6 by nightowl [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (6447 words)
Once again thank you to all who are reading and especially those kind enough to review. This is longer than I had planned.
I hope I answered the Gem/Jem question, without totally confusing you all.

It wouldn't be here at all had it not been for the very kind beta readers and thoughtful suggestions. It is appreciated more than you know.

7. Chapter 7 by nightowl [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (5239 words)
Thank you to Imagine and Callisto for their hard work, without that help, the typo queen would have lost you after the first sentence. Thank you to Ginger for the encouragement.
I hope not to lose you with this chapter, for those shippers you do get a scene. Those who enjoy the Centre's intrigue, I'm working on it.

Thank you for the very kind reviews.

8. Chapter 8 by nightowl [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star (7065 words)

This chapter is a mish mash with a lot of ups and downs, I can only hope that it isn't too much.

Many thanks to my friends for the encouragement and their help.

I am so honored by your reviews and the fact that you take the time to read my story, I hope it lives up to your expectations.

9. Miracles Happen by nightowl [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (10963 words)

This is a long chapter, and I actually cut it off. Thank you all for reading and those of you that reviewed I'm thrilled to see you cared enough to take the time to do so. I hope I don't let you down.


10. Chapter 10 If Loving was enough by nightowl [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (10179 words)
I'm sorry it has taken a while to get this  chapter posted. It's another long one so that should count?? right?  This story is much longer than I ever intended it to be, it has grown legs and is pretty much running on it's own. Thank you again to those wonderful people that keep the typo queen from running amuck.

11. Learn to Fly by nightowl [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (9857 words)

This chapter is not exactly as I had planned it. There is something about it that I am not totally happy about, however, if you ever want to see the next chapter I guess I need to move on.

Thanks to those strong brave ladies that enjoy a challenge.ME.


WARNING: Buckle your seat belts and prepare for another long chapter. I did try but it just kept going and going and going.

12. Would I Lie To You by nightowl [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (10139 words)

I apologize for the long time between posting. This chapter has changed direction from the path I "thought" we were going in... and then there is the real life stuff that happens.

To those that have stuck with the story my humble thank yous! To those who post reviews thank you again, it's nice to know that the story is being read and what you think of it. There is no other way of knowing!

To my beta readers thank you for your time, energy and very kind and thoughtful assistance. I cannot thank you enough.


Would I Lie to You is a favorite song. I once wanted to send it to my boss when I left a job for another. I thought it fit so well, unfortunatley, I didn't think he'd get the point so I didn't. Years later, I think I should have done it. It would have left him scratching his head, but it would have been worth it.

13. The Hands of Time by nightowl [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarhalf-star (5559 words)
I apologize for the very long delay, sometimes we just can't control the hands of time, or much of anything including the muse that haunts (or doesn't in this case) us. My problem with this part of the chapter and the next is trying to make it as perfect as possible. Even trying to get it as clear as I see it in my head has been a struggle when looking at a blank new page.