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Disclaimer: “The Pretender” and its characters don’t belong to me they belong to TNT and NBC and are being used without permission. Please don’t sue because I have no money.


Author’s Note: This is a response to a challenge.


Only Words


“What is it Mama?”


“I love you my darling daughter.”


“I love you too Mama.”


“You have to get away from The Centre darling.”


“I can’t.”


“Because of the deal you made with your father?”




“You know since your father jumped out of the plane that deal is no longer.”


“I know. There’s a new deal.”


“With Raines?”




“I’m sorry darling. I know you’ve been though a lot.”


“You have no idea.”


“Yes, I do.”


“I’m sorry Mama.”


“Goodnight my darling daughter. I’ll be back. Sleep well.”


“Goodnight Mama.”


The End

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