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Disclaimer: It all belongs to Craig, Steven and NBC.

Author’s note: Conversations in ** ** are Jarod’s conscience and thoughts.

part II

By Apollo’s Girl

Jarod walked into the room. He saw her standing there.

** So beautiful. **

He saw her pull out a gun. ** She heard me. **

„Goodbye, Jarod. Be safe." She whispered and she pulled.

„Parker!" He cried out and rushed to her. The blood pooled out of her skull.

** So much blood. **

He placed his hand on her head trying to stop the bleeding, all the time looking around helplessly for a way to bring her back. He pulled out his cell phone.

** 911 **

„Help!" He said as he heard the operator’s voice. What else he said was lost to him they were just words. All he could think of was how he was losing her, losing her for good.

** But it’s an end to it all. No longer being chased, no longer causing pain for her. **

** No, no, NO! She’s my life! Everything I did was for her! **

** Was it? Was it all for her? **

** More than I ever thought it was. **

** What about your search for your family, for who you are? **

** That was so that I could bring her home to one. Give her the family she deserved! **

The paramedics arrived. Everything was a blur to him the only thing that was clear was her cold form, losing so much blood.

** Not her, why her? **

** It was her choice! **

** I could’ve stopped her. I should of known that’s what she wanted to do. **

** How could you? Every time she pulled out her gun it was to point at you. How could you know this time it was for herself. **

** I should have known. I should have known. **

„Sir?" A paramedic looked at him worriedly. He looked at her, all his despair in his eyes.

„Is she?" Was all that he could he say, barely heard.

„She’s hanging on, but barely. Would you like to come with us?"


The hospital was quiet. He held onto to her, but he knew it was a lost cause. She will be dead by morning. ** Parker why? **

He shook his head. „We could have found another way!" He whispered. „It didn’t have to end like this. We could have found another way!"

Jarod looked at her, feeling her life slowly seep out of her. ** Why love her, when she hurt you so much? **

** Because she didn’t know what love was, because it scared her, because I wanted to be the one to show her. **

** To late now. **

** No, it’s not. **

** What do you mean? **

** Because I will live, I will be safe as she asked me to be. I will live the life that she deserved so that when I see her, she will know. **

** Then you better leave. Her father will come soon. **

„I love you Parker." He whispered as he kissed her on her cold lips.

And he left her to the silence of death.

Her silence.

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