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Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod, Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM and NBC Productions and used without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.

part 5
by Amy

That night, Sydney shook Jarod awake and hushed him frantically as he began to speak.

"Jarod," he whispered urgently. "You must leave tonight. I have convinced Parker to keep you here one more night unitl she takes you back, but she is forcing Broots and me to return to the Centre tonight. Leave before dawn."

"Thank you, Sydney," Jarod whispered, his innocent eyes overflowing with gratitude. Sydney smiled briefly and hurried out of the room. Jarod immediately stood and studied the one window in his cramped room. Good. The iron bars were old and rusted with age and should be easy to pry from the wall. After he had pulled and maneuvered enough of them to make his time better when he escaped without showing any trace of tampering, he settled down to wait.


Nancy crawled as quickly as she could after Angelo, her heart pounding with apprehension. She had nearly screamed when she saw Jarod crumple to the floor moments before, but Angelo had clamped his hand gently but firmly over her mouth

just in time. He reassured her with his clumsy speech that Jarod would be fine, then pointed down the vent whispering "out". Understanding that he would help her escape the Centre, she had nodded quietly and followed. Now, she was crawling out of a vent on the outside of the Centre, and turned to smile at Angelo.

"Thank you," she whispered quietly. "Angelo, if you can, tell if they catch Jarod.

I-I can't do much, but I can't let them hurt him. Not because of me."

Angelo chuckled quietly and leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "Ms. Parker keep Jarod safe. I keep Ms. Parker safe."

With that, he disappeared back into the vent, and she turned and walked away...


Jarod waited until two o'clock that morning before he made his move. He knew that Parker was probably sleeping outside his door. She had refused to look at him, much less sleep in the same room as him since that first night. He quickly yanked the bars off of the window and opened the window as quietly as he could, wincing when it squeeked. He jumped the fire escape and had nearly made it to the second step when Parker leapt out of the window, her gun drawn.

"Jarod!" she yelled, bringing her gun to bear. Jarod turned and lunged down the stairs three at a time, not even stopping to look back. Cursing loudly, Parker took off after him, but her heel caught in the mesh flooring of the fire escape and she plunged head-first down the steps, her head slamming into the metal stairs. She rolled painfully to the bottom and lay still blooding seeping down her face.

Jarod panicked. No! No, this couldn't happen. He had to get out of there, he could never return to the Centre. He stood fighting with himself for only a moment until he leapt back up the stairs and knelt at her side. His hands trembled horribly as he gently brushed her hair out of her eyes. She was so beautiful... he pushed the thought away and lifted her limp form in his arms, carrying her into the darkness.


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