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Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod, Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM and NBC Productions and used without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.

part 4
by Amy

Nancy was led through the halls of the Centre, so deep in thought that she didn't notice that they were going about twenty stories down. Why had Jarod helped her? She had betrayed him, given him to Lyle, and yet he saved her life. She jumped as the elevator pulled to stop, and when it opened, instead of a door leading to freedom, she saw a dark hallway leading nowhere.

She looked questioningly at the men who had taken her here, but they looked straight ahead, refusing to look her in the eye. They shoved her into the hallways of SL-22 and pulled out their guns, aiming them straight at her head.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Angelo woke from another fretful nightmare to the sound of a girl’s screams. He looked out of the air vent into the hallways and was startled to see a young girl running by with two Centre operatives hot in pursuit.

"Trouble," he muttered, deep in thought. Finally he started crawling hurriedly through the vents towards the girl. At just the right moment, he lunged out, pulling her inside alongside him. She kicked and screamed, but took one look at his face and quieted as he pressed his fingers against his lips. he pointed down the vent and said, "Jarod."Without a word, she followed.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jarod leaned forward on his cot, cupping his head in his hands. He had to do something. He couldn't let that woman or her child die. He looked up as the door opened and met eyes with Sydney. He stood, but was motioned to sit again by a gesture from Sydney's hand. He noticed suddenly the tension in Sydney's face and frowned.

"What is it Sydney?" he asked.

Sydney shook his head and began to pace.

"The triumvirate has decided that I will no longer have custody of you Jarod. The Pretender project is to be handed over to Mr. Raines."

Jarod stood.


Sydney stopped and finally looked up at him.

"I'm sorry Jarod, but I am not permitted to say anything else."

Without another word, he turned and knocked on the door.

"Sydney? Sydney!" Jarod yelled, but the psychiatrist never even turned around.

Jarod sat again and lay down on his cot. He had to think.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Raines turned to Willie, a sadistic smile spreading over his lips. Finally, Jarod was his. The triumvirate had just informed him that he was to attempt to improve Jarod’s cooperation by any means necessary. As he looked at the file he was holding, Willie prepared a syringe. A paper dropped to the floor, revealing one word: "Control".

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jarod was startled from his thoughts as the door opened and Raines stepped through.

"You will come with us Jarod," he rasped.

"Go to hell," Jarod said calmly, returning his gaze to the ceiling.

Raines smiled, "Get him to SL-30."

Two sweepers walked briskly into the room and pulled Jarod roughly to his feet, dragging him through the door.


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