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Heads turned as they felt the presence of power. Backs straightened and hands typed faster. The presence was routine, but its air was always in charge and demanding. Miss Parker tended to come across this way every day. Stilleto heels soon reached the desk she always searched out. She loved the way every head turned her way and the authoritee she held over these people. Standing behind the balding man, her manicured scarlet nails grabbed Broots' shoulders slowly and delibratly. Soon, his coffee was spreading over the keys of his keyboard.

"Mi-Miss. Parker! Oh no. That's the second keyboard this week. You've gotta st-st-stop doing that," he said with only a few stutters. Miss Parker's left eyebrow jutted up in her teasing manner. "Of course, only if y-y-you want to st-stop that, but I re-re-realy th-th-think that it would save The C-c-centre some money and-"

"Shutup Broots. What would save the Centre money, is if we could just find Jarod so that he would stop stealing from us. A keyboard here a coffee there. Big deal, Jarod's losing us a project here, 6.8 million there, and oh look- there goes another car of Lyle's that Frankenboy decided to use for target practice!" She smacked her hand onto the desk for reinforcement. Miss. Parker's replies were always intense and thourough.

"I'm sorry Miss. Parker, was there something you wanted?"

"I want Jarod."

"Uh- anything else?"

"I want you and Sydney to meet me in my office. Jarod has sent me yet another surprise."

"Oh, uh, yea sure. I'll be there as soon as I can. I need to order another keyboard from SL 8. Oh and I'll tell Sydney. Did you want-" he turned in his chair to face her, but realized she had left. A few people were staring at his spilled coffee while the rest were wondering who he was talking to. "I'm switching to decaff," he mumbled under his breath, "Miss. Parker could care to do the same."


Like an eager tiger, Miss Parker eyed the package sitting on her desk. She clicked the pen up and down and then casually dropped it into the pen cup.

"Good morning Miss Parker."

"Where's Broots?"

"He'll be here soon." replied the calm accented voice.

"Well Freud, your pet has sent another goody for us to smash our heads with."

"Excuse me Miss. Parker, but 'pet' is hardly the name for my treatment of Jarod. I didn't treat him like an animal as such." Sydney dared to protest.

"Oh alright, lets look at the treatment that you permited with Jarod. We can start with the fact that you have kept him locked up his entire life, stole him from his family, tested drugs on him, cloned him, ignored his pleas to be told who he was, and refuse to acknowledge the fact that you care about him, or should I say more?" she challenged as she slowly walked toward him until they were face to face.
"I didn't do those things. The Centre did."

Broots entered the room knocking over a stack of documents as he did so. "Oh, s-sorry about that. Am I interrupting something?" he said.

"Pick them up and no you are not interrupting something. Just another of Syd's feeble attempts to discharge all accusation against him."

"Miss Parker, I-" Sydney began.

"Save it, its not worth it."

"Alright, can we open the package Jarod sent us now?"

"Calm down, you look like a kid on Christmas Eve." Miss Parker said as she tore the seal off and opened the flaps. Pulling out a note, she unfolded it and read:

Take a look out your window.


She took three long strides to the window. Staring out, all she saw was the sand and ocean of Blue Cove. Suddenly, the insistent ringing of her desk phone began. Pressing the speaker button, she knew exactly who would have this kind of timing.

"I don't see a thing, Jarod."

"Well, maybe you're not looking hard enough. Its not unnatural for you to miss what is right in front of your eyes, Parker."

Sydney took the discarded note and looked through the glass, "I don't see anything either Jarod."

"Well, hello Sydney. Life is treating you fine?"

"I work at the Centre Jarod. Why bother to ask?"

"So true."

The three heard clattering on the other end of the line and then an abrupt crash.

"What the hell are you doing?" Miss. Parker inquired in her polite way.

"Well, actually I am preparing for my latest pretend. Do you have any idea who Pam is, a chef maybe? It has been bothering me for a while."

"Even if I did know or care I wouldn't tell you, Jarod."

"Hmmm, just as thoughtful as ever. Did you get enough sleep last night, Parker. After all, it was late when we met."

Sydney and Broots' eyebrows rose a notch, but Miss. Parker refused to even achnowledge that they were there.

"Oh yes, isn't four hours of sleep enough for everyone?"

"I wouldn't be the right one to ask," Jarod replied.

"What is the point of this call Jarod? Why am I looking out my window like a lost baboon!?" she growled.

"Think. Think about last night."

"This isn't about those pointless waves again is it?!" Jarod laughed on the other end.

"You tell me, Parker."

"No. I think you should tell me for once! Jarod!" The line was already dead, "He lives to torment me." she muttered as she sank down into her office chair pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Did you and Jarod meet last night, Miss Parker?" Sydney asked.

"That's what Boy Wonder said isn't it!?"

"What happened?"

"What do you think happened? He got away, again!"

"Is that all? Jarod seemed to be in a pretty good mood."

"Of course he was. Have you been listening to anything that I have been telling you? He got away and he just wants to rub my nose in it."

"This is different, Miss Parker. I refuse to believe it was just any meeting."

Miss Parker started to pace back and forth hurridly. "What do you want me to say?" she replied, "Do you want me to say that I let him get away? Do you want me to say that I always let him get away? Do you want me to say that its no coincidence that he has never been captured by me? Is that what you want? Well, Sydney if that's what you want to hear, then there you go. You've heard it" She turned her back to them then and slightly cocked her head to the right.

"I-i-is it true M-m-miss. Parker? Do you really not want J-j-jarod back?" Broots studdered in shock. He had always thought that Miss Parker's loyalty was to The Centre and no one else, including herself. It took her a few minutes to respond, but the words came out slowly, almost cautiously.

"I don't know. I just really don't know, Broots. I'm not sure about anything anymore. As I discover more and more of the lies that this place is built on and all the terrible things that it has done I just sink to its levels. My mother died trying to end all the evil that occurs between these walls, and still, I sacrificed my soul to it. Mama was always so strong, and I try to act like I am. I'm not, I crumbled for this place. I gave in to it."

Sydney's eyes mourned for her, his little girl. He had always had strong feelings for Miss Parker and had always felt her pain, but he never understood the depths of which that pain stabbed her inside.

"Miss. Parker, I don't know what to say. I, I never knew."

"Yeah, well now you do." she whispered.

"You have not commited your soul to The Centre, Miss Parker. Not yet. You still have a chance to get out. A chance for a real life. Its too late for me, but you and Jarod can still have your freedom. It won't be easy, but you can do it."

"No Sydney. I can't. I can't. My father would never permit it."

"This is your life, not his. Forget your father, he has done nothing but caused you pain. He treats you like he treats his sweepers, like a weapon. Leave The Centre, Miss Parker, before its too late."

"Go Miss. Parker. You're just as much a prisoner here as Jarod. Go." Broots added boldly without one studder.

"Excuse me, am I interrupting something?" Lyle had snuck in, in his foxy manner.

"Yes. What do you want, Lyle."

"Now is that any way to treat your own brother?" He flashed one of his fake smiles.

"Well where is a mouse when you need one for that cheesy smile? Give me a break, Lyle, and answer my question."

"Dear old Dad wishes to see you."

"Wonderful." she said as she whisked out of the room leaving a trail of fire in her wake.

"Miss Parker is not in the best of moods today Lyle." Sydney explained.

"Well, notify me if she ever discovers a good mood." He replied before he left as well.

Sydney and Broots exchanged looks before departing as well.


The frosted double glass doors flung open simutaneously and created the path for Miss Parker to enter her father's office. Standing in front of his desk with her hands clasped in front of her, she listened to him finish his conversation. The chair moved up and down with emphasize on every other word.

"I told you that I make the final decision on all projects, Cox. Make sure you next time that you follow my orders not Raines' or else there won't be a next time!" The phone was slammed back into its cradle. Mr. Parker turned his chair and finally noticed his daughter waiting patiently. "Ahh, Angel. I was just finishing up some business."

"The Grim Reaper has been a naughty boy? Imagine such a thing. Remember, I was the one who told you not to trust him, Daddy."

"Mr. Cox will be dealt with."

"What did he do?"

"Its need to know only."

"And I don't. I see. Well Daddy, it seems that I rarely need to know."

"When it pertains to the pursuit of Jarod then you need to know. Otherwise, it will only distract you from the hunt," he explained to her as if she were a four year old, "And speaking of Jarod, how is your latest clue coming along?"

"We're still working on it. I doubt it will lead us anywhere."

Her eye contact wandered as she said this.

"That's what I was afraid of," he paused as though he was unsure that he should continue but slowly let the words come, "Ummm, Angel, do you think that you will ever catch Jarod? He is valuable Centre property and we do need him back urgently."

"Why?" The word slipped out before she could stop it and she bit her bottom lip by habit.

"Why? Why?! What kind of a question is that?! We need our property back now because Jarod is costing The Centre money, corrupting my Angel, and we need projects completed!" he calmed down slightly, "Besides that, he is a security risk. Do you know what could happen if he exposed The Centre? We would all be doomed. In fact, I don't know why he hasn't already."

"He needs his answers first, Daddy. And I only asked why because I want to know what he will be doing when I return him."

"Jarod will no longer be your concern when he is returned. You will return to Coorporate and everything will be the way it was. Both of you will be back where you belong-" Miss Parker's eyes shrank and her mouth dropped as she cut in.
"Daddy! You promised me that I would be free as soon as I returned Jarod! It was our deal. You promised." She was obviously in shock that she had been played so easily once again.

"Now Angel, what do you think I'd do without you with me? I need you here. And you will be so much safer and happier here, where you grew up." Mr. Parker's concerned act obviously wasn't having any effect on Miss Parker. She quickly paced the room back and forth while shaking her head.

"Daddy," she began, "All the lies. All the treachary. I just- I just can't take this anymore. I can't live like this. I'm sorry Daddy." Mr. Parker rose behind his desk. His face hardened as he stared at his daughter. He always knew that she was too much like Catherine for her own good.

"Sorry for what?" He enunciated each word slowly and clearly. Parker just shook her head and left the room. The chairman sat back down at his desk and reached for his phone. "Yes, I would like for you to keep an eye on my daughter. I think she might be up to something."

AN: Please review. I'd love to hear your thoughts and promise to answer them all.
ps. been trying to reply to the reviews from this chapter and can't seem to figure it out. :(

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