Rated: PG 13
Categories: Prequel
Characters: Alex, Angelo, Broots, Jarod, Kyle, Miss Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character, Other Centre Character, Sydney
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 45911 Read: 106139
Published: 12/05/05 Updated: 12/05/05
1. Part 1: First Impression by lizz [Reviews - 1] (1232 words)
2. Part 2: The Rescue by lizz [Reviews - 0] (2432 words)
3. Part 3: Heard It Through The Grapevine by lizz [Reviews - 2] (1044 words)
4. Part 4: All At Sea by lizz [Reviews - 0] (1042 words)
5. Part 5 - More Than Meets The Eye by lizz [Reviews - 1] (2438 words)
6. Part 6: Cognac by lizz [Reviews - 1] (1970 words)
7. Part 7: Visiting Hours by lizz [Reviews - 0] (2318 words)
8. Part 8: Dream A Little Dream Of Me by lizz [Reviews - 0] (3704 words)
9. Part 9: Reality Check by lizz [Reviews - 1] (1532 words)
10. Part 10: Something Wicked This Way Comes by lizz [Reviews - 1] (3875 words)
11. Part 11: Bad Boys, Bad Boys… by lizz [Reviews - 0] (4411 words)
12. Part 12: River of Dreams by lizz [Reviews - 2] (2151 words)
13. Part 13: Recovery, Discovery by lizz [Reviews - 1] (2561 words)
14. Part 14:Unexpected Company by lizz [Reviews - 1] (4175 words)
15. Part 15: The Evil Men Do by lizz [Reviews - 1] (3490 words)
16. Part 16: Change Is Gonna Come by lizz [Reviews - 1] (3472 words)
17. Part 17: The Psy Who Came In From The Cold by lizz [Reviews - 3] (4064 words)