Summary: There are 8 redfiles, but we only know the subjects of 5:Jarod, Kyle, Angelo, Lyle, and Miss Parker. Who are in the other three? Allow me to present one possibility. It is after the season 3 premiere. Raines calls in a Navy officer to help bring in Jarod, and has to specifically instruct her NOT to kill him. When she starts having haunting memories, she wants to find out the whole story. She just has to get at Jarod to do it, the only way she knows how...
Categories: Season 3 Characters: Broots, Jarod, Miss Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: Yes
Word count: 8922
Read: 16307
Published: 05/07/05
Updated: 05/07/05
1. Part 1 by CrackerJack
2. Part 2 by CrackerJack
3. Part 3 by CrackerJack
4. Part 4 by CrackerJack
5. Part 5 by CrackerJack
6. Part 6 by CrackerJack
7. Part 7 by CrackerJack
***** I am in no way connected to The Pretender, NBC or the like. I am using their characters and plotlines based on their show, of which I am obsessed. The only thing that's mine in here is Nikki.
It Takes A Thief....
Part I
by CrackerJack
The Centre,
Blue Cove, Delaware
Sydney and Miss Parker looked in on Mr. Raines. He was hunched over a DSA player. The player was showing the parents of a teenage girl who was kidapped. They were behind shrowded glass, weeping bitterly. Raines, too, was weeping.
"Come on" Said Sydney, " Even the devil deserves some privacy." They left and shut the door Quietly.
The DSA focused on a picture of the young girl. Raines looked up, and his sobbing grew louder.
There were footsteps in the hall, getting louder as the one making them approached. The one opened the door, stepped in, and took the military 'at ease' position. Raines turned and took a moment to look the person over. It was female. She had emerald green eyes, and hair as red as that of Anne of Green Gables. The hair was long and wavy, and she had it held up in a butterfly clip. She wore a navy uniform, her pins and stripes desegnated her as a lieutenant (or leftenant) Commander. Raines wiped the tears from his eyes and asked her,
"The admiral called for me and gave me a 'temporary leave of absence'. He also said you had another 'assignment' for me. It's Jarod isn't it?" The commander explained.
"Do you know why I called you?"Raines questioned
"Because it takes a theif to catch a theif." Raines handed her a photo of Jarod."Good. Now go. Find Jarod. Spare no expense. Just DON'T kill him. "
"What about the Parkers?"
"I'll deal with them"
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Broots' "hole"
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware.
"Who are you?" Broots asked, startled. He'd been working on his computer, when a woman barged in. He noticed the uniform. "The NAVY??"
"That's right" she smiled coldly "Don't mess with me." With that she sat down and logged on the Net. "If he's been doing anything lately, it's bound to be in the news Somewhere." Broots had no choice but to help. They searched for a while, and as if this latest scene for poor Broots, Miss Parker opened the door and stepped in. She didn't even need to say a word. Broots got up and stepped outside with Miss P. Once they were outside, Miss P exploded to the two. (Sydney was waiting outside.)
"Who is SHE!?!"
As Broots nervously attmpted to answer this badgering, Sydney peered in the window to get a good look at "she"
"I-i don't know. S-she just came in and commandeered my computer. The on-line newspapers for signs of Jarod. She's from the navy."Broots stammered.
"A lieutenant commander by the uniform." Sydney put in, never taking his eyes from the window. Miss P's eyes narrowed. She pulled out her gun and and entered the room.
"Who are you? Tell me or I'll blow your brains out." The commander barely lifted her eyes from the monitor for a second.
"Nice to meet you, too, Parker" came the sarcastic reply.
"Funny" Parker snapped back. "Who do you work for? Tell me I INsist."
"Very well. My name is Lieutenant-Commander Nikki. I've been working for Raines for ages." The commander sighed. That was all Miss P needed to hear. She took off, looking for answers. Broots followed. Sydney, however, had more questions for Nikki.
"You work for Raines?" He asked incredulously, "For how long?"Nikki leaned in towards him, and whispered in his ear.
"As long as I can remember"
***** I am in no way connected to The Pretender, NBC or the like. I am using their characters and plotlines based on their show, of which I am obsessed. The only thing that's mine in here is Nikki.
It Takes A Thief....
Part 2
by CrackerJack
Outside Raines' Office
The Centre,
Blue Cove, Delaware.
Miss Parker and Broots walked downthe hall towards Raines' office, and when they spotted Bobby [I'm calling ML Bobby, because that's his real name] they stopped.
"I don't suppose YOU have anything to do with Lt. Cmmdr. Nikki, do you?" She asked. "she said she worked for Raines, but I wouldn't be surprised if you were involved too."
"Who's that? I've never even HEARD of her before." He answered. It seemed genuine. To Broots, anyway. Miss P must have thought so, too, because she continued on.
Miss Parker and Broots Charged down the hall untll they got to Raines' Office. It was perfect timing, because just as Miss P was arriving, Raines was leaving.
To Broots, he seemed to be annoyed as he said to them
"Who is SHE?"Miss P asked. "She said she worked for you."
"She?" Was Raines' only answer.
"Lt. Cmmdr. Nikki" Broots cut in.
"Ahhh."Broots thought he had definitely heard that name before. The question was Where? "She is here to bring in Jarod. We feel she will be more effective than you."
"Jarod's a Pretender," Broots started, confused. "How do you know SHE will bring Jarod in when we haven't been able to in three years?" Raines shot him an Icy stare.
"Because" He he hissed "I know what Nikki is capable of."Miss P and Broots thought about that for a minute, and raines took the oppertunity to leave.
In the air duct in the other wall, Angelo focused on Broots as he pondered Raines' answer. He looked confused for a second, thinking. Then his eyes shot up . He said
"Could it Be?" and dashed away.
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Broots' "Hole"
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Sydney and Cmdr. Nikki sat talking as they searched the web. Sydney didn't recognise her, so He asked
"You don't know who I am, do you?"
"I probably do." Nikki answered "I just never say you untill now."
Sydney raised his eyebrows. He was a little confused as to how this might be, but he introduced himself anyway.
"My name is Sydney" As if with sudden realization, Nikki's eyes shot up, then she massaged her temples. She remembered seeing Sydney when she was a Child. . .
. . . She remembered Raines leading her her down the hall past a sim-lab.
They spotted Sydney and Jarod ahead of them, coming towards them. Jarod noticed her, too. He asked Sydney about her. "Sydney, who's that? Is she special, Too?" Sydney answered simply
"Yes, Jarod. She is." Jarod must have decided that he liked her, because he smiled at her. Nikki's eyes, however were not as trusting, and she smiled only slightly as they passed. . .
. . . The door to the room opened again, and this time it was Bobby.
"So this is Lt. Cmmdr. Nikki." He commented. "You work for Raines?"
"As long as I can remember." She comfirmed. It took bobby only a minute to realize the implications of this.
"Are you a-" He started. He never got to finish though, because Nikki didn't need to hear the rest.
"How should I know? Jarod's got the Red Files." Again Angelo was there, observing the scene.
"What did Raines do to you?" Sydney asked
This, too Reminded Nikki of her past. One of the more unpleasent parts of her Past.Angelo Concentrated on Nikki. In a moment, he dashed off again.
***** I am in no way connected to The Pretender, NBC or the like. I am using their characters and plotlines based on their show, of which I am obsessed. The only thing that's mine in here is Nikki.
It Takes A Thief....
Part 3
by CrackerJack
Raines' Office
The Centre,
Blue Cove, Delaware.
Angelo Opened the gate to the air vent and stepped inside the room. He approached the desk, and opened drawers, shoving papers aside, Frantically searching for something. His eyebrows wrinkled with frustration and confusion. Finally he found what he was searching for. Two DSA's, with only a year stamped on them. One was in 1965, the other, 1971. He grinned with pride, then dashed off into the vent again.
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The Halls of The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Miss Parker and Broots were headed for the Tower. Miss P was deep in thought, contemplating several things that were bothering her about Commander Nikki, like what she had to do with Raines, the navy, and Jarod. She contemplated what she was going to say when they reached her father. Whatever came out, it wouldn't be pretty. She definitely had a bone to pick. Shw was still deep in thought when Broots spotted a figure in the air vent. he called Miss P's attention to it.
"Hey, Miss Parker, look here!" Miss P turned towards him and gave him a stare, displaying her anger towards Broots for interrupting her train of thought. It had the desired effect. Broots winced and started stuttering as he pointed out what he was referring to.
"I-I-It's Angelo." He said. Miss P lookd and sure enough, there he was. Seeing that she had noticed him, Angelo got out, and handed her a DSA. It had the year 1971 on it.
"Nikki in here." he said as he handed it over. Miss P took it and pulled an about-face. She headed back to Nikki, Broots and Angelo in tow.
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Back at Broots' Hole.
Again the door opened, and Miss Parker, Broots, and Angelo stepped in. MIss P grinned at Nikki and Bobby, and said smugly, showing the DSA
"let's see what's on this thing, shall we?" She popped it into the Computer's disk drive and, thanks to the miracle of plug-and-play, it started immediately...
. . . In the Sim-Lab of SL-27, Young Nikki stood before a cardboard cutout of Catherine Parker. The cutout was smiling warmly, But Nikki was staring hatefully at it.
"She's just standing there, Dr. Trying to pretend she's all good and well and happy. She's hiding something though." She announced to Raines, who was standing off to the side of the room. Then she turned her attention back to the Cutout.
"STOP SMILING!!" She screamed with anguish, and with a beautiful kick, broke the cutout in two. Then, all her anger and frustration gone, she looked back on what she'd done.
"Oh, my..." She turned away, shaking her head, tying to Banish the thoughts from her head. . .
"Whoa" Said Broots, astonished. "What did he do to YOU? " He said it with an amazed, questioning tone of voice, and that reminded her of that unpleasent memory again. This time it resurfaced, However, it evoked more of a reaction. This time, If they had looked back before they left, they would notice a tear streaming dwn Nikki's left cheek.
***** I am in no way connected to The Pretender, NBC or the like. I am using their characters and plotlines based on their show, of which I am obsessed. The only thing that's mine in here is Nikki.
It Takes A Thief....
Part 4
by CrackerJack
A Week Later:
Miss Parkers Office,
The Centre, Blue Cove, Delaware
Miss Parker, Sydney, Broots and Bobby Exited the room shortly after the DSA stopped playing. They probably planned to split up, as Sydney and Broots did, but Miss P and Bobby ended up walking beside each other. Two thoughts ran through Miss P's head: either they were headed for the same place, or Bobby was nonchalantly spying on her. She was going to say something, but Bobby called it in first
"You headed for Raines?" He asked. Miss P shot him her stare and said simply,
"What do you think?"
"They say birds of a feather flock together. "Bobby replied hopefully.He had a suggesting look on his face.
" You're not suggesting we work together?" She commented.
"Why not? It was my mother, too. Besides, Great minds think alike. "He had an inviting smile, and for a minute, they just stood there, staring at each other. Finally, in an agreement that needed no words, the twins continued down the hall, Searching for answers.
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A few days Later
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware.
Miss Parker sighed as she stepped into her office. The conversation with rains revealed nothing about Lt. Commander Nikki. Raines denied all knowledge of her. A few days later, they confronted her, no THEIR father, and his explanation was that next to the twins, Nikki was the best person for the job. Her navy training best enabled her to bring him in, once he was found. He didn't seem too convincing. Plus, so far, Broots hadn't been able to find any records of Nikki. They were well hidden. And as If that wasn't enough, neither the Twins, nor Nikki had been able to find Jarod.
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Sydney's Office,
The Centre,
Blue Cove, Delaware
The door to Sydney's office opened, and Broots burst in. He was out of Breath, as if he had been jogging. He was carrying a DSA and a player.
" I found this" He said between gasps "But I couldn't find Miss Parker, so I came to see you." With that he placed the player and the DSA on the desk.'Sure, don't tell me what it is.' Sydney thought as he opened the player and inserted the DSA. IT started immediately. . .
. . . There was a little girl, and Raines was leading her her down the hall past a sim-lab. They spotted Sydney and Jarod ahead of them, coming towards them. Jarod noticed her, too. He asked Sydney about her. "Sydney, who's that? Is she special, Too?" Sydney answered simply "Yes, Jarod. She is." Jarod must have decided that he liked her, because he smiled at her. Nikki's eyes, however were not as trusting, and she smiled only slightly as they passed. After the two groups had passed, the camera stayed on Jarod and Sydney. Jarod had put his mind to work, and come up with another Question.
"If she's special, " Jarod theorized. "Then how come I've never seen her before?" Sydney considered this for a moment and then replied
"She has been busy with other things.''
"What's her name?" Jarod asked.
"I don't know" . . .
. . .Sydney sat, as if remembering something. Broots, who had no idea what this was about, Tried to understand.
"That little girl was Nikki?" He asked.
Sydney just nodded. "Where did you get that from?" Sydney asked.
"From Angelo. Nikki looks like Anne of Green Gables. I'll bet she had the temper to boot." He said, in a feeble attempt to cheer Sydney up. He cracked a little smile and got up.
"W-w-wait, where are you going?" Broots shouted after them. He struggled to keep up.
"To find Miss Parker." They shut the door, and there was a rattling in the vent once more. Again, Angelo came out and he went up to the DSA player that had been so carelessly left behind. He removed the DSA. ON it was the date 1965. He retreated from the room, and replaced the Grate.
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The Centre,
Blue Cove, Delaware
Nikki sat by a computer. She was not in uniform. She was searching the Online newspapers for signs of Jarod, until she heard a sound. It was a rattling noise, and she swiveled in her chair untill she had located the source of the noise. It was the air duct, and Nikki got up and cautiously approached it. She peered in, wary of what she might find. Her muscled tensed. There was a figure in the duct, and the figure moved closer towards her untill she could see that It was Anglelo.
"Hello." She said. "Would you care to assist me in finding Jarod?" Angelo thought over this for a minute, "got to find Jarod" He decided.
"Make the pictures go away." He got out and went to the Computer, and Nikki joined him. After a Few minutes, Nikki had paused over a sispicious article. The headline read:
The Seattle Times, November 6, 1998 Police have suspect in Seattle burning
Angelo was concentrating on the headline. He heaved a sigh fo relief. Nikki was confused. It must have shown on her face, because he explained himself.
"That was close." he said. Nikki smiled slightly. 'Gotcha.' she thought.She picked up the intercom and pushed Raines' button.
"Yes?" Raines hissed
"I think I've got him. "Nikki answered undaunted. "All I need is
Transportation, and a set of Cuffs, and I can get him." Raines was silent for a moment when he heard this.
"I'm on my way." he replied.
Nikki replaced the receiver, and looked at Angelo. He was digging around for something in his pocket. He found it, and handed it to Nikki. It was a DSA, with the date 1965.
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The Centre,
Blue Cove, Delaware
Nikki stuck the DSA into the PC, and It started. . .
. . . . . . There was a little girl, and Raines was leading her her down the hall past a sim-lab. They spotted Sydney and Jarod ahead of them, coming towards them. . .
Nikki turned it of and removed it. The memory came flooding back yet again, and in detail. She didn't need to see this again. Nikki attempted to banish the memory from her head, as footsteps came. He had come. Nikki had just enough time to stand and put the DSA into her pocket before Raines entered the room. He had with him 4 sweepers, all armed. Nikki noticed that Gar wasn't among them. Theysurrounded her at all sides and closed her in.
"Tomorrow you will tell us where he is."Raines said flatly. Then to his sweepers he said take her away.
"NO!" Nikki screamed as the sweepers grabbed her forcefully. She thrashed about, attampting to break free, trying to use her training to the best of her ability. But she was against 4 sweepers. They were armed and she wasn't. She was clearly outmatched. And she had been betrayed. The sweepers dragged her down, down down, and finaly Flung her into a cell. One of the sweepers said to her "Don't go anywhere." Nikki just glared at him. It was Willy.
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The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware.
Inside her cell, Nikki fumed. This wasn't the first time Raines had betrayed her. The memory came flooding back again, in vivid detail. She had expected it then. She hadn't stood for it then, either. Why didn't she expected this time? Why was she just sitting here, in this dark "pit"?
She looked around. It wasn't as bleak as her cell in SL-27 had been. This offered her a ray of hope because she WASN'T in her cell in SL-27. She was sure that if it hadn't been bombed, she probably would be. Yet despite all she had been through, she knew she still stood a chance against Raines. All she needed was an oppertunity to escape.
The door opened, and a familiar person entered. It was Willy the Sweeper again. He carried a tray of food. Nikki stared at it ravenously as he brought it to her. Not that she was hungry, but she saw on the tray a napkin and a straw. Willy noticed this and he took it as hunger. He teased her.
"Eat Hearty." he grinned. Nikki fingered the DSA in her pocket nervously. She hoped her plan would be successful. 'What's that expression' she searched 'So crazy it just might work?'Willy handed her the tray and left, giving her her window of escape. But first she would eat. . .
. . . When she finished eating she turned her back on the surveillance cameras, and tore off a small piece. She moistened it in her mouth, raised the straw to her lips, and turned back to the camera again. Taking carefull aim, she judged her shot and blew. The spitball landed on the Camera's lens, blocking it completely. She exited the room via the vents, stalling only long enough to write a note on the rest of the napkin:
Two down, how many more to go?
***** I am in no way connected to The Pretender, NBC or the like. I am using their characters and plotlines based on their show, of which I am obsessed. The only thing that's mine in here is Nikki.
It Takes A Thief....
Part 5
by CrackerJack
A Café Patio
Clear Bay
Jarod sat on the patio of a restaurant. It had a nice view of the lake, and off to Jarood's right there was a dock packed with boats. Jarod himself sat at a table in the middle of the patio with a balding, chubby man. The man took a sip of his drink.
"Your resumé's impressive." he said. "Flawed, but impressive." Jarod was confusd.
"Flawed?" he asked.
"The job you did in Seattle almost landed you in Jail."The man pointed out. Jarod was confident, however, and he put on a smug face to convince the man that HE was in control.
"Well I'm here, aren't I?" The men was still unconvinced. He looked nervous and wary as he spoke. "Mr Kincaid needs...a consommate professional. If he in even slightly associated with...incendiarye events, other arrangements will have to be made." 'Okay so isn't going to convey my message' Jarod thought as he took a bite of his meal.
"Try English."He said. The man was still not convinced.
"But how do we know you're any good?"He asked, not without good reason. If Jarod was almost caught once, what was to stop it from happening again. The logic was spotless. Jarod glanced at his watch. It was just about time for his 'visual aid.'
"See that 18 footer at the end of the dock?"he asked and pointed as he spoke.
"Yes." the man answered warily.
"It belongs to the local sherrif, I believe." Jarod was cool and confident.
"Yes. Randall Carver. That's him over there. He lives for that boat."The man confirmed. Jarod smiled. Things were going exactly as he had planned so far. Plus, the man had given him the 'perfect setup'.
"Not anymore." he answered and as he spoke the boat in reference exploded in a ball of flame. The coustomers on the patio froze at this site, and Sherrif Randall Carver could clearly be seen scrambling towards the flames, yelling
"That's my Boat! That's my Boat!" Then all of a sudden, the onliikers regained their mobility and scramble back inside the Café. Jarod and his companion stayed where they were, however, and Jarod asked the man
"So...we in business?"
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The Next morning:
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
When Miss Parker came in to work the next morning, she found The Centre in an uproar. There were Sweepers, Cleaners, and Operatives running around all over the place, scrambling around, attempting to please their superiors.It reminded Miss P about the chaos there had been when Jarod had escaped. No one bothered to stop for Miss P, and this annoyed her. So she decidid to take matters into her own hands and stopped the first person to came her way. It was Bobby.
"What is going on here?" She snapped. Bobby frowned and looked glum as he gave his reply.
"Oh good you're here. I've been looking for you." Miss p got even more annoyed. It struck her as strangely typical that he wouldn't tell her what was up.
"That isn't what I asked."She reminded him. He ignored her comment again.
"I've been meaning to tell you. That's why I've been looking for you."' Avoiding a straight answer', Miss P thought. 'As usual.'
"Get to the point." She snapped. He seemed to get the hint, and he swalllowed hard before he answered.
"There's been another escape." He admitted. "From a cell in SL-26. I have the DSA from last night. I spoke to our Father, and he said that catching this person was practically on the top if The Centre's agenda." This caught Miss P off guard. She wasn't expecting this.
"Above the search for Jarod?" She asked warily. She wasn't about to let Bobby catch her with her guard down.
"Not quite. But it's neck-and-neck." Even now, Miss P was genuinely confused. What was this to compromise their search for Jarod. But Miss P wasn't down yet. She still had a few cards to play.
"Let me see that DSA. " She couldn't believe that bobby would get such pressing Info before she. "And one more thing: Why wasn't I told about this?"
"I wanted you to get your beauty sleep." he teased.
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Miss Parker's Office
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Miss Parker and Bobby stepped into Miss P's office, and she got out her DSA player. She was still annoyed that Bobby wouldn't tell her right away who it was that was said to have escaped. 'But he is my brother, as unlikely as it seems.' she reminded herself. 'I probably should've expected as much.'
"Give me the DSA" she seethed. Bobby grinned and placed the DSA into her waiting hand. She inserted it into the player. . .
. . . A woman with lonng, wavy hair sat on a bed in a cell, with her back to the screen. After a few minutes, she turned around to reveal her face and hands. Her hands held a napkin and a straw. Her face was Lt Cmmdr Nikki's She torre off a piece of the napkin and placed it in her mouth. Then she raised the straw to her lips and blew. A white blob flew through the air and the screen went white. . .
. . . Again Bobby grinned, clearly amused by Nikki's escapade. He also looked half-shocked that she would even have to escape.
"When the sweepers arrived, she was gone." He reached into his pocket, pulling out what Miss P recognised as the rest of Nikki's napkin.
"They found this." he said, as if adding it as a footnote. Miss P took it and read the note she found on the inside. . .
Two down,
How many more to go?
"What does she mean by this?" she asked, imagining the possibilities.
Footsetps, two sets, neared the office, and the door opened. Sydney and Broots came in. Sydney noticed the DSA player and the napkin and was confused.
"What's this?" He asked. It was Bobby who answered first, right away and completely. Miss P felt it was just to annoy her.
"Nikki escaped from a room in SL-26 with spitballs last night. She left this." He said. Broots and Sydney looked at the note both confused and amazed.
"A spitball? A NAVY officer uses a SPITBALL to escape the Centre?" Broots bourted ou, unable to caontain himself. His tone changed quickly as a sudden realization came to him. "Wait a minute? Why was she in Sub Level 26?"
"Because SubLevel 27 was destroyed?" Miss P suggested. Strangely enough, nobody said anything to the contrary. It was as if she had struck a chord that rang true. It was a possibility.
"But what does that note mean?" Sydney asked, breaking the silence. "Is she referring to herself and Jarod?" It was a good theory. One that warranted more research.
"Broots- I want you to get me everything and I mean EVERYTHING there is anywhere about Cmmdr. Nikki." She ordered him. He left.
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The "Job in Seattle"
The next day.
Nikki got out of the car she had gotten at the Centre in what used to be the parking lot of a grand building. Now the building was marked by ash and debris, and more noticeably, a police line which surrounded the perimeter. There was a police officer sureying the site. Nikki slowly approached him, eyeing him as a potential source of information. Seallowing her anger and distrust, she called to him sweetly.
"Hi, officer." The officer turned around and saw Nikki, and he smiled at her. Nikki had made the right impression.
"What happened here?"she asked innocently. The officer looked confused.
"You don't know?" he asked. Nikki thought he needed a little more persuasion before he gave up any details.
"All I know is what i've read, and the article in the paper was a little sketchy in the details." she smiled at him again, hoping to get him to divulge more crucial information.
"Well not too long ago, this building here went up in flames. It was so unexpected. We managed to put it out, but not before a lot of tenants died. The place was almost full when the fire broke out. We had a suspect, and we almost caught him, but we haven't yet. Funny thing is, when they examined the detonator, they said that the same device,if a few modifications were made, would've made the fire look completely accidental. " Nikki looked shocked, but inside she was grinning. NOw that she knew what to look for, It shouldn't take very long to find Jarod.
"The funny thing is the arsonist seems to be very intelligent. Why he wouldn't have known this already? I just guess he's just not a very experienced arsonist." The Officer continued. Nikki knew she was expected to comment but she also needed to get away, and take the next step in step in her search.
"Wow" she said simply. Looking around, she excused herself, saying "I've got to go. I'm supposed to meet someone. " She got into the car and drove off.
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A Newstand in Seattle
Again Nikki was out of her car, having parked it in a garage. She looked at the front pages of the newspapers, untill one caught her eye. It was not a main headline that attracted her, however. It was a smaller onw about a boat fire in Clear Bay. The boat belonged to the local sherrif. It was ruled as 'completely accidental'. Nikki smiled as she headed back for her car. With luck she could be in Clear Bay within a day.
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Back at the Centre, the next day.
Broot's "Hole"
Broots sat at his computer, hacking away at Raines' private files. He thought since Nikki worked for Raines, he would most likely have information on her background. IF it was anywhere to be found, that is. This theory kept him at his task, hoping that he wouldn't be caught. After a few minutes he succeeded in breaching the next bunch of security barriers.
"Yess!" Broots said aloud. Sydney was waiting at the other end of the room, by the door, and at this he came over to Broots. With a few clicks, he pulled up a search form. He typed in 'Nikki' and held his breath out of anxiety, and ckicked OK. The computer displayed a while it searched. Miss Parker, checking in on Broots also entered at this moment. The computer displayed the search results: 1item found in accessible files. Broots let out his air in a relieved sigh.
"This isn't going to take long." He said. He was relieved he didn't have to wade through hundreds of files, but knowing the classified nature of his search, he probably should have known better. His words must've attracted Miss P, because she came and stared at the screen.
"This is all we've found so far, but we haven't seen it yet." Sydney explained as Broots opened the File. As they looked they realized it was a recruitment form for the US navy. It was for Nikki, dated about 20 years ago. It contained other information: Height, weight, Physical description, Characterizing marks, Placement and other information you would find on this type of document. What drew the most reaction out of the group were the signatures on the bottom.
The Commanding Officer's SIgnature was for an Admiral Douglas Sargon, presumeably one of Raines' cohorts since the document was found in his archives. In the space where the recruitee was supposed to sign, the name enscribed was not Nikki's. It was Raines'.
"What did Raines sign for?"Broots asked his companions."Isn't Nikki supposed to sign here?" Broots was genuinely confused, and not having any military background, he could only begin to consider the repercussions.
"If Nikki didn't sign her recruitment papers, then her enlistment is not Official."
Sydney answered. Miss P must've noticed a loophole that confused her, for she wore that look for a moment, then spoke.
"Which brings up the question as to whether she joined willingly, or whether whe was forced."She leaned over and printed it out, snatching the copy as it finished. "Broots, keep looking, double-time. If you spot so much as a hair, tell me. In the meantime No one is to know about this. No-one."
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***** I am in no way connected to The Pretender, NBC or the like. I am using their characters and plotlines based on their show, of which I am obsessed. The only thing that's mine in here is Nikki.
It Takes A Thief....
Part 6
by CrackerJack
Kincaid Residence
Clear Bay
Jarodsighed as he left the backyard. Why would anyone murder their spouse?This is the person you love; so much you want to spend your whole life with. Why would a person just throw that away? Jarod made a mental note to ask Sydney. He, of all people, should know. He was, after all, a shrink. A REAL shrink, which was more than Jarod would be. He pondered this as he left the backyard. Why would you give love away for money? He was so immersed in thought that he never heard anyone, never suspected he was being followed until two arms grabbed him. One arm was around his head, the other his throat. Jarod realized that in this position his captor could break his neck instantly. His mind raced. It was too risky to be a Centre trick, but he couldn't be sure. Jarod stood perfectly still, not wanting to prompt his captor to kill him.
"What do you want?" He asked
"Well it's not your wallet. " A female voice answered him. "I want your attention, Pretender. Now I've got it. " It was true enough. When she identified her immediately as a pretender, he knew she was affiliated, to some degree, with the Centre. Just how much was impossible to tell at the moment. Did she mean something more?
"You've got my attention. What do you want?" Jarod repeated. He was surprised, in spite of himself, when the woman's answer came back desperate, almost worried.
"I need your help. You see, Raines sent me to find you."became even more suspicious at the mention of Raines. The Captor must've expected as much, because she continued.
"Hey, I said I was going to FIND you, not bring you in. Now listen, and listen good. I'm going to tell you a secret. They took me, too. "Jarod was right. She meant more by calling him a pretender. The question that remained was why did she need his help?
"You see, "She continued "For the past few weeks I have been haunted witha memory like a reoccurring nightmare. Too vague to remember completely, always in bits & Pieces"
"I know the feeling." Jarod answered. He once had a nightmare where Rainestested his Heart Drug on him. He had called Sydney about it.
....Every time I close my eyes I go somewhere...
was a terrible feeling, not remembering your own life.
"Yes, but will you help me?" The woman was growing irritated. Good question.
On one hand, she needed his help. On the other, she worked for Raines. Tough choice.
"Why Should I " Jarod asked. After a moment's hesitation, the arm aroundhis head lifted, then presented him with a shiny, metallic disc. A DSA. "Because I was the little girl in the hall. Sydney said I was special, too." behind him.
"You."Jarod remembered. He made his decision. "I'll help you." It was rash, but She was another Centre Captive and she, whoever she was, needed help. But just WHO was she, anyway?
When he asked this, she grabbed Jarod's shoulders and spun him around so that he saw her, for the first time in years
"Lt. Commander Nikki. But If I had MY way, you could drop the rank. " Her eyes darkened in much the same way Kyle's did when the Centre was involved. Jarod smiled reassuringly. "Maybe in a few days, you'll be able to."
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Room 16
motel outside Clear Bay
An Hour Later refreshed his memory of his first encounter with Nikki and watched the DSA she had given him. When he had finished, Jarod was full of questions.
"Why didn't you like me back then? " he asked
" I didn't know whether or not you were the Enemy." Nikki surveyed the room and turned back to Jarod.
"Do you usually stay in places like this?" She sounded surprised.
"Usually. It's not much, I Know, but I can't risk anything more." He didn't want Nikki to think he couldn't GET anything more. As it was, the thought was unwarranted.
'Well it beats the Brig. " again, Nikki caught Jarod by surprise.
"They kept you in the Brig?" He asked, astonished, but consoling.
"I guess I should've expected as much. Are you a pretender?"
Nikki shrugged the question off, saying simply
"How should I know? You've got the Red Files. You tell me. " Nikki caught
Jarod off guard again. It was becoming something of a habit.
"You don't act like someone who was raised at The Centre" Jarod change the subject. Nikki didn't seem to mind. In fact, she lightened up and even smiled a little.
"Well it definitely didn't come from Raines. He actually had the Security around The Centre tightened. You can't disable the cameras without destroying them. "
"Yeah. I noticed. " Jarod replied. It was one of the only things Nikki had said that hadn't surprised him. It was because of the cameras he couldn't escape the last time. It was a mixed blessing, because it had allowed Sydney to warn him about the bomb.
"How did you manage to escape?"
"I just blocked the lens, and left. " Nikki answered.
"With what?"
"A Spitball." Jarod looked confused, so Nikki continued "Look. "
Jarod's dismay, she tore the corner off one of the pages of his little Red Notebook, and put it in her mouth. Then she raised a straw to her lips, took aim, and blew. Jarod barely had time to duck. When it struck the wall, Jarod walked over to examine it.
"Oh!" he exclaimed in surprise and amusement. Then he composed himself, and retrieved his Cell Phone. "I'm Calling Sydney. Maybe he can find something before we arrive. "nodded. From what she'd seen of Sydney, she thought he might be able to be trusted.
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Sydney's office
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Sydney's phone rang and he answered it with the customary
"This is Sydney."
Jarod was on the other end, wherever it was. Sydney was relieved to hear him, with Nikki loose, and that reminded him.
"Jarod, watch out. There's been another escape at the Centre. A navy Officer. She's after you. Her name's-"
"Nikki. " Jarod finished. "I've met her already. "We need your help."
"We?" Asked Sydney, sort of confused. Nikki was after Jarod, so why did Jarod AND Nikki need help?
" I need to know what's happened to me." Now Nikki's voice came through the phone. "Will you help me, too?" TOO, She said. This meant that Jarod was helping her, Sydney realized.
"Miss Parker is searching for information about you. I'll get what I can." It was very important to Sydney that he make it up to Jarod for what he'd done in the past. This time he could try to help. Besides, If Jarod was willing to help Nikki, why shouldn't he be?
"Thank you Sydney." Came Jarod's voice again. Then Jarod hung up on him.
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***** I am in no way connected to The Pretender, NBC or the like. I am using their characters and plotlines based on their show, of which I am obsessed. The only thing that's mine in here is Nikki.
It Takes A Thief....
Part 7
by CrackerJack
Broot's Hole
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Again, Broots was at his Computer, hacking his wy into raine's classified files, searching for anything NIkki. After the DSA and the recruitment form, Broots had to admit he was anxious as to what he might find. That was the big question. Just what kind of person was CMMDR. Nikki? Miss Parker seemed anxious to find out and to go and stop her. Whether to keep her from Bringing in Jarod, or to do it herself, she wouldn't reveal, but Broots was voting for the first option. After all, If Jarod was locked up, he couldn't help Miss P find her past. Even Sydney wanted to know where Nikki'd been, as if he'd known her long ago and wanted to check up on her. Broots, himself was curious as to what Nikki's track record was like, so he kept on it. Digging deeper and deeper untill again, he found somehthing. It was a video File, a DSA, and it was Undated. He was about to look at it, when the dor opened, and Bobby steppd in. Broots barely had time to scroll down to another part of the list he was looking at.
"Broots," Bobby began. "Have eny of you found any leads on Nikki yet?" He seemed imptient.
Broots Knew Miss P hadn't told him much, and took his cue nt to change that.
"Uh, n-no. Not since NIkki escaped. "he stammred. He knew he never was much of a liar, and he wouldn't have been surprised if Bobby had seen right through him. HE was surprised however, to find that Bobby seemed to believe him.
"Tell me the second you do find something." He ordered
"You'll be th first to know." He said, secretly urging Bobby to leave. After a warning glance that said, If you even think of Lying to me, it'll be the last thing you think, he left.
Broots gave him 5 minutes to assure he was out of sight, downloaded the DSA, and left to find Syd and Miss P.
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Miss Parker's Office
THe Centre,
Blue COve,Delaware
The Three stooges had assembled in Miss P's office, where they were assured that extra degree of Privacy. Broots had explained to them his encounter with Bobby. Miss Parker was pleased to hear that Broots had successfully hidden the DSA from him. But now their attention was drawn to the disc Broots brought in. . .
. . . A young woman, Nikki in her early twenties, was sitting was sitting warily at a desk. She was leafing through a newspaper. She must've read something she didn't like because she slammed the paper down, and her expression darkened. She swiveled the chair around so the back was facing the screen. Raines entered and Nikki snapped at him from behind the Chair.
"What's this?"
"What. "Raines remained indifferent.
"The newspaper. You used my work to Kill."
"You new what the sim was for. They had to be disposed of."
Nikki turned to face him, clearly enraged. She threw the paper at him, Cutting him and causing his face to bleed. She screamed at him.
"A few police officers, and scattered civilians? How could they have done anything to deserve death? My work was not for them!" Now her rage consumed her, as it did with the cutout. She threw the desk, and everything flew to the ground. Some things cut into Raines' flesh, increasing his injurys. Raines left, most likely to call security. The sweepers came, lead by Gar, came and dragged Nikki out of the room, Nikki literally kicking and screaming, causing an injury or two along the way.
"No! It wasn't meant for them! You betrayed me!" She kept it up until they were out the door and well down the hall. Raines righted his desk, picked up the phone and pressed the intercom button.
"Get me the admiral." he said. Afer a few minutes of waiting, he said
"Sargon, Nikki will be joining you tomorrow, whether she likes it or not." . . .
The DSA which was supposed to give them answers only seemed to bring up more questions. At least that's the way Miss P saw it. Sydney, too looked unnerved. Broots was squirming, as usual.
"Oh my god!" he blurted. "Nikki made sims that were MEANT to kill?And she knew it? Now she's after JArod."
Sydney seemed really spooked, almost concerned for Jarod's safety.
"And she WAS forced into the navy." he said. He turned to Miss P, who was already halfway out the door.
"Keep digging." She said to Broots "NOW." She left and took the DSA with her.
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A Hall Somewhere
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Sydney still had his doubts about Nikki, In spit of what JArod said. The newly disovered DSA only seemed to verify his suspicions. What if Nikki got mad at Jarod? Sydney could see that everytime she got angry, Nikki would lose control and erupt in a violent outburst. What if she hurt Jarod? He was still worrying when two figures stepped out of the shadows. It was Nikki, of course, and Jarod, looking unhurt and still in one piece. He heaved a sigh of relief.
"Did you find anything?" They asked. They spoke in unison, but judging by their reaction, they were not expecting it.
"Quite a bit, but miss PArker has it all. You'll have to get it from her."
He said, not feeling very Hopeful of their chances. When Miss P found something she wanted, she kept it. Jarod seemed confident.
"We can convince her to give it to us." He said. Nikki stayed silent, her eyes slimming.
"Where is she?" Nikki asked.
"I suspect she's checking on Broots, to see if he's uncovered more." Nikki didn't waste any time. AS soon as the words left Sydney's lips, she turned on her heels and took off down the hall, jarod hot on her heels. Sydney decided he wanted to see the confrontation, so he too, followed them.
When Nikki arrived at Broots' "hole" however, Miss PArker wasn't there. Broots was though. He was diligently hacking away until Nikki and Jarod entered. When he saw them enter, Jarod was sure he jumped. One more person to add to the list of people Boots was intimidated by.
"W-what are you back HERE for?" he stuttered. Nikki put on her "tough" persona and badgered him in response.
"I understand you've been digging up some dirt on me. I want to know what you've found." By now Broots was too scared to speak. It annoyed Nikki, and Jarod didn't have to be a pretender to see. It was obvious.
"Show me!" She almost shouted as she grabbed his collar. Broots was almost ready to wet himself by this point. Jarod couldn't help but feel sorry for him, so he interveined.
"Please Broots, it's very important we find out what Raines did to her." Nikki released Broots and just looked at him, waiting for a response. Broots, still obviously nervous, but now able to speak gulped, then pulled up something on his computer.
"uh, we found your enlistment papers. Or at least they're supposed to be your papers." he said. Jarod took over the mouse and inspected the document.
"You didn't sign." He observed. Nikki turned away, her head down.
. . . No! It wasn't meant for them! You Betrayed me!" . . .
"If it was up to me, the papers wouldn't exist at all." She sighed. Now Broots felt sorry for Nikki.
"Miss Parker has the DSA we found." he said hopefully. Instead of a frown, Nikki's face wore the straight mouth Jarod had taken to interpret as a smile.
"Thank you Broots." she said.
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Another Hall
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Sydney found Miss Parker in a hall and ran to stop her.
"Miss Parker! Parker, Nikki's lookng for you. I think she wants the DSA."
"Correction. Nikki's found Miss PArker. And the DSA contains a piece of my life I can't fully remember." Nikki's voice cut in before MissP had a chance to react. She turned around to see Nikki, and JArod behind. Jarod looked like he was trying to conceal something. She focused on Nikki for the moment, and let jarod be temporarily.
"Why should I give it to you?" Miss P asked. She expected NIkki to blow up like she had seen, but instead NIkki seemed more desperate than anything else.
"Because I need to know. Please, Parker. You'd do it for Jarod."
"YOU are not Jarod."
"It's the same dance. Please Parker, what is it?"Miss P wasn't sure whether the desperation was genuine or faked, but it worked.
"Come on," she said. "I've got a player in my office."
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Miss Parker's Office
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
. . . "Sargon, Nikki will be joining you tomorrow, whether she likes it or not" . . .. . .
Now NIkki had seen the whole scene, Nikki commented on it.
"I missed. Two feet closer, and he would've been trapped under the desk, and I would've been gone." Jarod was still fidgeting with whatever he had concealed under his jacket, only now he brought it out.
"I've been digging too,and, well, you did say I had the red Files. Here's yours." he said as he plopped the file on the desk. Nikki picked it up and examined it. Jarod would have said more, but they heard a squeaking in the hall. Raines. Jarod and Nikki hid. Raines opened the door and addressed Miss P.
"Have you located Nikki or Jarod yet?" He asked. Nikki was under the desk, but at this she stood up.
"No, Nikki and JArod have located her. And now I remember. With some help I remember. I remember how you USED ME!!" Nikki was getting angry again. Miss P was just hoping she wouldn't overturn her desk. But Nikki just kept yelling at Raines.
"I should Kill you where you stand. You know I could do it. But I won't. There can be things worse than death. Believe me, I know. I'm just going to leave you with the haunting fear that someday, somewhere, I'll be waiting for you." And with that thought, she stopped threateningly and slipped into the darkness of the hall, Jarod right behind her. There was nothing Raines could do to stop them.
The Interstate
Half an hour later
Jarod was behind the wheel of his rental Intrigue, with Nikki at Shotgun. They had planned to escape together, then go their separate ways outside of Delaware. They didn't plan to threaten Raines, or even run in to him. Jarod was left wondering whether or not she would carry It out, but at the same time he regretted having to separate.
"Are you going to do it?"he asked.
"Probably." NIkki replied. "But not for a while. I'd hate to see him die before we worm all his secrets out of him." Jarod took note of her use of the word We.
"but he doesn't need to know that."Nikki finished. Jarod smiled.
"You and I would work well together. Are you sure you want to split up?" he asked.
"Yes. I need to figure myself out, I guess." By this time they had reached a town. Jarod pulled into a Restaurant parking lot. Before Nikki got out of the car he wrote something on a slip of paper and handed it to her.
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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.