Gemini drabbles by Haiza Tyri
Summary: A series of drabbles from the Gemini's point of view, after "Donoterase."
Categories: Character Musing, Love, Hope, Trust, The Boy, Season 3 Characters: Jarod, Jarod's Family, The Clone
Genres: Angst, Character Musing
Warnings: None
Challenges: Drabble #22 The Boy
Challenges: Drabble #22 The Boy
Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 419 Read: 10091 Published: 15/06/09 Updated: 15/06/09

1. Gemini by Haiza Tyri

2. Father by Haiza Tyri

3. Give up your life by Haiza Tyri

4. Give up your life redux by Haiza Tyri

Gemini by Haiza Tyri


            They had always called him the Gemini, but that was no name. You had to call yourself something. He called himself Gem. But he had never told anyone that. He felt guilty hiding it from Mr. Raines. Calling himself Gem served no purpose. Yet he clung to the scrap of identity and hid it inside.

            Suddenly he was telling it to Jarod’s father, and Jarod’s father’s face went tight with pain. “Is that who you are?”

            “I don’t know who I am.”

            His hand on Gem’s heart, he said, “Is that who you are inside?”

            Considering, Gem said, “For now.”

Father by Haiza Tyri
Author's Notes:



            The man called himself Gem’s father. Gem said, “You’re Jarod’s father. I don’t have a father. I was made in a test tube out of a scrap of DNA.”

            The man knelt in front of him and said, “You are Jarod’s twin. Yes, your DNA was taken from his body, not mine and his mother’s, but you share DNA in exactly the same way identical twins do. You may be twenty years younger, but you are his twin. That makes you my son. I don’t care if you were conceived normally or not. You’re my son. And I love you.”

Give up your life by Haiza Tyri

Give up your life

            Gem was the one who gave up his life. Gem was the one who lived to serve. It was what he was for. He had always known that. The other people were the ones who asked for his life, told him what to do with it. They did not give up their lives. That was not what they were for. If anyone had suggested that other people should or would ever give up their lives, he wouldn’t have understood. The world revolved around a boy without a name, just a designation, the Gemini, who existed to give up his life.

Give up your life redux by Haiza Tyri

Give up your life redux

            Gem had watched Jarod and his father. In the beginning, at what he thought of as his kidnapping, he had watched Jarod’s father throw himself in the path of the car to let Jarod escape. To let him escape. In the midst of his own fear and confusion, he understood that. And at the end, at what he thought of as his escape, he watched Jarod throw himself in the path of bullets to protect—his enemies? To allow his father to escape. To allow him to escape. Jarod had given up his freedom, his life, for him. For Gem.

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