Not Quite Home by Topcat
Summary: Kind of a sequel to Apollo Girl's Gemini Vengence. Parker and Lyle met as teens and are now working with Jarod and Kyle to shut down the Centre.
Categories: Season 3 Characters: Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No Word count: 8841 Read: 56838 Published: 02/11/06 Updated: 02/11/06
Chapter 10 by Topcat
Author's Notes:
Disclaimer: Okay, I own nothing in this story, well, except for Emily (the new one), Skylar, Michel, Kalia, Doug, and Ryan. All other characters are owned by whoever owns the show. Doug and Carol belong to whoever owns ER. The idea is actually Apollo Girl. She wrote Gemini Vengeance, which you all should read, and this is just a blatant rip off. If you've read the story than you know this but this is what you need to know: Miss Parker and Lyle met when they were teenagers. If you want the story of how they've met, than read her story. Now they are working together with Jarod and Kyle to bring down the Centre. I've added another plot, the idea of three other children that were Rainse's expierments. And now, on to my version of the story.
By the next Tuesday, Kyle was ready to go home. They caught an early morning flight and landed in Blue Cove around noon. On the drive home though, they encountered a small problem. Feeling a sudden wet spot from between her legs, Emily spoke up. "Um, guys, we have a small problem."

"What's that?" Kyle asked.

"My water just broke."

Jarod, who was driving, almost swerved off the road. "What? Emily we have to get you to the hospital."

"Fine. Go, whatever. Just do it now."

"What about the others?" Kyle asked.

"Call them on the cell phone and have them meet us there." Emily told him.


When they reached the hospital, Jarod dropped them off at the doors to the ER. Quickly going inside, Kyle grabbed the first doctor they encountered.

"Hey, can you help us? My girlfriend is going in to labor."

"Okay, my name is Dr. Ross. Ma'am, how far along are you?"

"About eight months. Call me Emily." Emily replied.

"Okay, someone get a gurney!" Dr. Ross yelled.

After getting a gurney, and putting Emily into Trauma One, the doctor got a nurse and they started the delivery.

"Okay Emily, this is Carol. She's going to be helping. Okay, on the next contraction, I need you to push as hard as you can okay?"

Emily awnsered with a scream, as the next contraction came.

"Okay push, push!" Dr. Ross told her.

"I am!" she yelled

"Oh shit! Carol, I need your help."

"What is it Doug?" the nurse asked.

"The cord's wrapped around the baby's neck. I need to cut it."

"What!?" Emily yelled.

"The cord, Emily. Don't worry." Dr. Ross said.

After cutting the cord, he had her push again.

"Okay, it's out. Congratulations, you have yourself a beautiful baby boy."

"What about the other one? I'm having twins." Emily said, as they handed her the baby.

"Uh, Doug, here it comes." Carol told him.

"Okay Emily, push."

"I can't." she cried.

"Yes you can. Come on Baby." Kyle told her, taking her hand.

Pushing as hard as she could, Emily let out a scream. But that was soon drowned out by a wail.

"Congratulations. You have a beautiful little girl." Dr. Ross announced.


A little while later Emily was resting in her room while Vanessa, Bobby and all the others cooed over the babies. Just then, Dr. Ross walked in.

"So Emily, how are you?"

"I'm pretty good. Are the babies healthy Dr. Ross?" she asked.

"Well, we had a small problem with the boy at first, but now they are both completely healthy, just a little early. And please, it's Doug." He told her.

"Was the boy going to die?"

"He was very close to it. We got it cut just in time."

"Hey Emily, what are you and Kyle going to name these two?" Skylar asked.

After whispering to each other for a minute, Emily and Kyle smiled.

"Well, Kyle and I agreed Kalia Margaret for the girl, and Douglas Andrew for the boy, after the doctor who saved his life." Emily said smiling.

"I'm honored. Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me I'll leave these babies with their new family. Good luck, twins can be a handful." Doug said.

"Do you have twins?" Emily asked.

"As a matter of fact I do. Two girls. Well, congratulations." With that Doug left.

"Well then Kalia Margaret and Douglas Andrew," the Major said, picking up his grandchildren, "welcome to the world."


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