Waiting by Rising Sun
Summary: Jared prepares for a pretend by thinking of Parker
Categories: Post IOTH Characters: Jarod
Genres: General, Vignette
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 1557 Read: 7139 Published: 28/05/05 Updated: 28/05/05
Studying Parker by Rising Sun
Title: Waiting 1/Studying Parker
Authors: Rising Sun (jagrslc@yahoo.com)
FF of Rising Sun is archived at: http://www.geocities.com/jagrslc
The FF of Rising Sun is archived at: http://www.geocities.com/jagrslc

Summary: Jared prepares for a pretend by thinking of Parker.
Classification: Romance: Jared/Parker
Disclaimer: The Pretender characters portrayed belong to NBC and TNT Television. No copyright infringement intended. All other characters depicted are purely fictional and any similarities to actual people are purely coincidental.

Permission to archive: Permission Granted
Author’s Note: This is a response to Mickey's Picture Challenge of April 7, 2002.
Feedback: If you enjoyed it say so!
Story Written April 8, 2002




Jarod had no idea what day it was or even if were night.

He was preparing to take part in a pretend that involved a College Professor who had placed students in solitary confinement under conditions so extreme that two of the eight had died. He needed to understand the processes that a human went through when placed in solitary.

He remembered Phillip’s concerns.

Was he sure? Yes he was.

Was he mad? Well maybe a little.

What ever it was was it worth this? Oh yes!

So now here he was. At first it was disconcerting being alone. After all humans are social creatures but he was not the normal human and had been alone for hours at the center. So that was ok. Then there was the element of peace and quiet. This modern world was noisy and chaotic and solitary was a haven from that.

The contentment soon vanished and the primal urges for company began to assert itself. He set about controlling the urge.

He’d warned Phillip not to open up the place until the appointed time and not before. He’d better do as he was told.

Jarod sat and focused. He’d counted sheep but that had proved boring. He’d reviewed his pretends but he’d soon appraised all. He’d even sang but he heard a dog howl and stopped.

Then he smiled. Actually it was a good imitation of Miss Parker’s vampire smile. He’d found a new topic.

Miss Parker.

Daughter to Mr. Parker powerhouse at the center.
Sister to Mr. Lyle aspiring powerhouse at the center.

Wasn’t it just so interesting that no one used first names?

Miss Parker.

The girl who gave him his first kiss.
The girl who had captured his heart had now been assigned to capture him.


Parker was more lost than the prey she perused.
Anchored at the Center yet so adrift in life.
Cold and hard to all yet so needful of love.
Physically so much like her mother yet on all other fronts so unlike.

Jarod frowned. Parker was a walking contradiction!

Was Parker really on the warpath to catch him? There were a number of times she’d had him and he’d got away. It was almost as if she were more interested in the chase than the catch. He chuckled … that was not logical. Parker was many things but emotional and illogical were not one of them.

The door suddenly swung open and Phillip stood in the threshold. The natural light was dazzling. “Up an at ‘em darling!” He called cheerfully.

“Already?” Jarod was surprised.

“Yep it’s been two months already.”

Jarod stood and walked out to freedom.

This story archived at http://www.pretendercentre.com/missingpieces/viewstory.php?sid=2322