Imperfect Reflection by Pretender_Mel
Summary: Miss Parker, inspired by a reflection, does a little soul searching
Categories: Photos Characters: Miss Parker
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: Drabble #41 Photos
Challenges: Drabble #41 Photos
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 221 Read: 1876 Published: 21/05/05 Updated: 21/05/05

1. Imperfect Reflection by Pretender_Mel

Imperfect Reflection by Pretender_Mel
Imperfect Reflection
by Pretender_Mel

You look just like her, they kept telling her. And they were right too. Miss Parker glanced down at the framed photo of her mother, smiling radiantly, then back up at the mirror. The image reflecting back at her could be the twin of the woman in the photo. Looking inside, however, the two could not be more different.

Miss Parker knew that her mother had been a kind person, a loving person, ready to take the world in her hands and love it, love the people in it, no matter how corrupt. Much like Jarod was trying to do. While she, herself, on the other hand, was seeking to crush that idealistic vision of life by catching him. Destroying her mother’s work, in a sense.

But she was not her mother, would never be her mother. She was a cold, hard, thoughtless, calculating bitch, barely on this side of the flames of Hell. Imperfect, but not as horrid as some of the people she worked with. And that was just the way it was going to be. That was who she was. As much as Jarod insisted she could change, it was her legacy. The Parker legacy. And the screaming image of her mother inside her be damned.

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