Summary: Miss Parker comes to terms with some things from the past.
Categories: Season 3 Characters: Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: No
Word count: 611
Read: 1984
Published: 16/05/05
Updated: 16/05/05
1. Reflections by Trish
Author: Trisha
Rating: G, Adult situations
Category: Drama, Major angst (J/MP)
Archived on: November 1, 2000
Timeline: Post-"Donateresa"
Spoilers: "Donateresa"
Summary: Miss Parker comes to terms with some things from the past.
Author's Notes: copyrighted 6/27/99
Disclaimer: The characters are owed by NBC and MTM.
I watch the cell door slam open and Jarod is pushed roughly to the floor. Back at the Centre, because of me. Not that I captured him. He is bruised and battered but not broken. Even as I watch the video camera, his eyes still hold the same passion and determination, it won't be long before he leaves again.
Does he know that I am held here in renewal wing? I take a bullet for my father and end up here. Lyle thinks that by making me watch them try to break Jarod's spirit that I will revert to the old Parker. Never! Too much has happened. Now, there is something you should understand about Jarod. I love him. Deeply. Madly. Completely. Even when he escaped from the centre and left me behind, I never stopped loving him. He is my soul mate, my better half, my significant other. . . any nickname you choose to give it, that is what he is to me.
However, I could never tell him that. I knew myself, you see, I needed to be in control of situations, and to admit to him how I felt would have been to surrender a part of myself that I was not willing to give up. So in order for me to love, him, as truly as I wished too, I had to bring myself to a state of mind where I could not live without him. In my life, however, I had seen too much death, too much slaughter. I had lost too many loved ones, time and again. I could not remember a time where death was not a reality rather than an abstract concept.
MY first memory, in fact is someone dying. My MOTHER, I remember the blood, and the cry from her lips, and staring into lifeless eyes before strong hands yanked me away. Then Thomas was taken away as well. And all I seek for him is closure, nothing more, nothing less. I survived without him. Yet I have reached a point where I cannot live without Jarod. Can I leave myself that vulerable? Will it hurt? Hurt me, hurt him . . . is it wrong? So I try to keep my silence, wrapping my feelings for him, within a cape of iceness mixed with disdain. Yet when I argued with him, I realized what I truely wanted to do was hold him tight. Everytime I said his name, I imagined myself brushing my lips across his. I think about that first kiss, all the time. I can not forget the sweetness of his lips. Such gentle lips. What would a kiss from him feel like now?
How brief that moment had been, warmth floods through me, now. He doesn't know any of this, or at least I pray he does not. Otherwise, might he think less of me. No, not Jarod . . . neverless. Jarod who looks only for the best part, the lost part. . . the little girl I use to be, the woman I should be. For those dark eyes hold my soul. I brush my fingers across the screen, slowly, longing to touch him. He glances into his camera and a tiny smile plays on those gentle lips. He knows and only to well for I am naked without him.
The End
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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.