It's not easy by Haiza Tyri
Summary: Sydney and Miss Parker talk about Damon's death, during "Betrayal," a drabble.
Categories: Season 3, Character Musing, Dialogue Only, Death Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker, Other Centre Character, Sydney
Genres: Angst, Character Musing, Tragedy
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Episode Drabbles, Father and Son, Sydney and Miss Parker
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 105 Read: 1901 Published: 10/08/09 Updated: 10/08/09
Chapter 1 by Haiza Tyri

            “He killed Damon.”


            “Miss Parker, you don’t understand. He killed a man. He’s spent his entire lire trying to help people, and now he’s killed one. He doesn’t know whether he did it for revenge or to save Broots’ life, or both, and it’s eating him up inside. It’s difficult, but I’m glad he feels this way.”


            “He’s realized, Parker, that revenge is hollow, and that killing, even to save a life, is no light and easy matter. He will still have a reverence for life, and the next time revenge is on his mind, he’ll think twice.”

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